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Add 2021-07-01 meeting notes (closes #269) (#271)
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* Add 2021-07-01 meeting notes (closes #269)

* Fix typo in Ajv name

Co-authored-by: 薛定谔的猫 <>

* Remove duplicate line

Co-authored-by: Milos Djermanovic <>

* Remove another duplicate line

Co-authored-by: Milos Djermanovic <>

Co-authored-by: 薛定谔的猫 <>
Co-authored-by: Milos Djermanovic <>
  • Loading branch information
3 people committed Jul 6, 2021
1 parent 66dbe4b commit 1dad4a5
Showing 1 changed file with 126 additions and 0 deletions.
126 changes: 126 additions & 0 deletions notes/2021/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
# 2021-07-01 ESLint TSC Meeting Notes

## Transcript


## Attending

* Nicholas C. Zakas (@nzakas) - TSC
* Milos Djermanovic (@mdjermanovic) - TSC
* Brandon Mills (@btmills) - TSC

@nzakas moderated, and @btmills took notes.

## Topics

### [v8.0.0 status](

* @nzakas released Espree v8.0.0, which unblocks other items.

#### [Add Support for Top-level await](

* This is just waiting for Espree to be updated.

#### [support Class Fields](

* This one depends on Espree and `eslint-scope`.
* The [`eslint-scope` PR]( will be part of a major release together with the switch to ESM.
* @mdjermanovic has already approved the `eslint-scope` PR, and @btmills will finish reviewing after the meeting.
* `eslint-scope`'s [ESM PR]( will need to rebase on the class fields PR, likely pushing the release back at least a week.
* @mdjermanovic and @btmills ask if we'll do a prerelease for `eslint-scope`. @nzakas prefers going straight to the major release because we usually only do those for ESLint, and we already demonstrated the ESM change with Espree. :+1: from @btmills and @mdjermanovic.

#### [Remove `` from core rules](

* The [implementation PR]( is ready to be merged.
* The [website PR]( just needs to undo a temporary preview-only change.

#### [--report-unused-disable-directives should be autofixable](

* The [PR]( was recently updated, and @mdjermanovic will take a look.

#### [Allow all directives in line comments](

* The [PR]( just needs a small documentation update.
* @nzakas will take a look soon.

#### [Upgrade to Ajv version 8](

* The [PR]( still needs some changes, and there is [an issue with peer dependencies](
* @nzakas asks if it's worth all this work to replace something that's mostly working already.
* @mdjermanovic cites new validations secondarily and maintenance of the old version primarily.
* @nzakas feels lack of maintenance isn't an issue since the package is working and stable.
* Everyone agrees upgrading introduces greater risk of ecosystem breakage than our known-working baseline.
* @nzakas prefers aborting the upgrade unless there's some clear value from continuing. @mdjermanovic and @btmills agree.
* @nzakas asks if we reschedule the upgrade for ESLint v9.0.0. @btmills suggests reconsidering only if we run into an issue with the current version. :+1: from @mdjermanovic and @nzakas.
* The Ajv maintainer has put significant effort into supporting ESLint, so @mdjermanovic, as the person who has been most involved, will update the issue.

**Resolution**: We will not upgrade Ajv in ESLint v8.0.0 but will revisit if we encounter an issue with Ajv v6.

#### [Add Support for RegExp match indices](

* The [PR]( is ready to merge.
* The branch has failing tests, but those are unrelated and will be fixed on `master`.

### [Budget items](

* This continues the discussion that was cut short in the last meeting due to time.

#### Website redesign

* @nzakas has wanted to do this for a long time. Previous efforts with open source designers haven't materialized.
* @btmills is in favor of pursuing it.
* @nzakas envisions doing an information architecture audit to get a recommendation for how to better organize the docs, then moving on to visual design.
* @nzakas can ask around for designer recommendations.
* @nzakas expects around this to cost around $20,000. @btmills was thinking similarly.
* @nzakas can run point but would wait until after v8.0.0 to avoid splitting time. The redesign would start primarily offline so could work concurrently with flat config.
* @mdjermanovic is also in favor.

**Resolution**: We've allocated $20,000 for a website redesign. @nzakas will create the budget item and start when able.

#### Pay people to write blog posts

* @nzakas wants to get more activity on the blog and suggests paying people to write ESLint-focused blog posts.
* @nzakas sees sites offering $250-$350 per contributor post so proposes $300.
* Example topic ideas include "What is an AST?", "How we built our ESLint plugin", best practices, and TC39 meeting notes.
* Team members could also write posts if we have time.
* :+1: from @mdjermanovic and @btmills.

**Resolution**: We will offer to pay people to write posts for the ESLint blog. @nzakas will write up how that will work and set up the budget item.

#### Have a t-shirt design contest

* @nzakas proposes a t-shirt design contest. We would award $500 to the winner and make the design into a real t-shirt and award $150 for two runners-up.
* We already have a [shop]( that ties into our Open Collective account.
* :+1: from @mdjermanovic and @btmills.

**Resolution**: We will do a t-shirt design contest. @nzakas will follow up with the budget item and rules recommendations.

### [Continuing to support `generator-eslint`](

> @nzakas: do we want to continue to support generator-eslint? It hasn’t been updated in a while and there are a bunch of open PRs.
* @bmish recently opened [a bunch of PRs]( to `generator-eslint`.
* @btmills asks if @bmish wants to maintain it. @nzakas is willing to give him a shot but wanted to get agreement from the team before reviewing and merging PRs.
* @nzakas could see creating a new generator in the more distant future since Yoeman is mostly a dead platform, but not immediately.
* @btmills suggests giving @bmish commit access.
* @nzakas suggests merging these PRs, doing a release, and re-evaluating. :+1: from @mdjermanovic and @btmills.

**Resolution**: We will continue supporting `generator-eslint` as long as @bmish commits time to it.

### Contributor pool

* @nzakas nominates @snitin315. Committer pay will kick in next month in July. :+1: from @btmills and @mdjermanovic.
* @nzakas nominates @bmish. :+1: from @btmills and @mdjermanovic.
* @nzakas nominates @jacknapis for Discord help. :+1: from @btmills and @mdjermanovic.
* @mdjermanovic nominates @brettz9 for 3 ESM PRs. :+1: from @btmills and @nzakas.
* @mdjermanovic nominates @ota-meshi for work to support the [regex d flag]( :+1: from @btmills and @nzakas.
* @mdjermanovic nominates @JoshuaKGoldberg for [fixable disable directives]( :+1: from @btmills and @nzakas.
* @mdjermanovic nominates @A-Katopodis for [exit on fatal error]( :+1: from @btmills and @nzakas.
* @nzakas proposes $400 for @brettz9, $200 each for @snitin315 and @ota-meshi, and $100 each for $bmish, @jacknapis, @JoshuaKGoldberg, and @A-Katopodis. :+1: from @btmills and @mdjermanovic.

### [Scheduled release for July 2nd, 2021](

* @mdjermanovic volunteers for the release but will not be available for the next three.

**Resolution**: @mdjermanovic will do the release.

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