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New: Adds prefer-object-spread rule (refs: #7230) (#9955)
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* New: Adds prefer-object-spread rule (refs: #7230)

* Adds exception for `Object.assign` with one object literal argument

This was an exception to this rule that we use internally, in the case that an
`Object.assign` call is made with an object literal as the only argument. The
`Object.assign` call is not needed and we can just use the object literal

* Refactors and adds multiline object fixes

* Many fixes and improvements:
- handles nested object literals
- handles various comment types
- places comma after arguments in a smarter way

* Fixes typo and improves wording in docs

* include string.prototype.matchall in package.json

* Several improvements:

- adds line and column numbers to tests
- warn on cases where argument is a spread element,
- use getCommentsInside instead of regex
- fix example in doc

* use spread instead of apply

* Check if the native `Object` is being overwritten, if it is, do not warn.

Bug fix to ensure that an we're warning on an `Object.assign` for the literal case.

* make messages consistent
  • Loading branch information
sharmilajesupaul authored and ilyavolodin committed May 11, 2018
1 parent c4109b2 commit 1a6b399
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Showing 5 changed files with 915 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions conf/eslint-recommended.js
Expand Up @@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ module.exports = {
"prefer-const": "off",
"prefer-destructuring": "off",
"prefer-numeric-literals": "off",
"prefer-object-spread": "off",
"prefer-promise-reject-errors": "off",
"prefer-reflect": "off",
"prefer-rest-params": "off",
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47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions docs/rules/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# Prefer use of an object spread over `Object.assign` (prefer-object-spread)

When Object.assign is called using an object literal as the first argument, this rule requires using the object spread syntax instead. This rule also warns on cases where an `Object.assign` call is made using a single argument that is an object literal, in this case, the `Object.assign` call is not needed.

## Rule Details

Examples of **incorrect** code for this rule:


Object.assign({}, foo)

Object.assign({}, {foo: 'bar'})

Object.assign({ foo: 'bar'}, baz)

Object.assign({ foo: 'bar' }, Object.assign({ bar: 'foo' }))

Object.assign({}, { foo, bar, baz })

Object.assign({}, { ...baz })

// Object.assign with a single argument that is an object literal

Object.assign({ foo: bar });

Examples of **correct** code for this rule:



// Any Object.assign call without an object literal as the first argument
Object.assign(foo, { bar: baz });

Object.assign(foo, Object.assign(bar));

Object.assign(foo, { bar, baz })

Object.assign(foo, { ...baz });

## When Not To Use It

When you don't care about syntactic sugar added by the object spread property.
278 changes: 278 additions & 0 deletions lib/rules/prefer-object-spread.js
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
* @fileoverview Prefers object spread property over Object.assign
* @author Sharmila Jesupaul
* See LICENSE file in root directory for full license.

"use strict";

const matchAll = require("string.prototype.matchall");

* Helper that checks if the node is an Object.assign call
* @param {ASTNode} node - The node that the rule warns on
* @returns {boolean} - Returns true if the node is an Object.assign call
function isObjectAssign(node) {
return (
node.callee &&
node.callee.type === "MemberExpression" && === "Object" && === "assign"

* Helper that checks if the node needs parentheses to be valid JS.
* The default is to wrap the node in parentheses to avoid parsing errors.
* @param {ASTNode} node - The node that the rule warns on
* @returns {boolean} - Returns true if the node needs parentheses
function needsParens(node) {
const parent = node.parent;

if (!parent || !node.type) {
return true;

switch (parent.type) {
case "VariableDeclarator":
case "ArrayExpression":
case "ReturnStatement":
case "CallExpression":
case "Property":
return false;
return true;

* Determines if an argument needs parentheses. The default is to not add parens.
* @param {ASTNode} node - The node to be checked.
* @returns {boolean} True if the node needs parentheses
function argNeedsParens(node) {
if (!node.type) {
return false;

switch (node.type) {
case "AssignmentExpression":
case "ArrowFunctionExpression":
case "ConditionalExpression":
return true;
return false;

* Helper that adds a comma after the last non-whitespace character that is not a part of a comment.
* @param {string} formattedArg - String of argument text
* @param {array} comments - comments inside the argument
* @returns {string} - argument with comma at the end of it
function addComma(formattedArg, comments) {
const nonWhitespaceCharacterRegex = /[^\s\\]/g;
const nonWhitespaceCharacters = Array.from(matchAll(formattedArg, nonWhitespaceCharacterRegex));
const commentRanges = => comment.range);
const validWhitespaceMatches = [];

// Create a list of indexes where non-whitespace characters exist.
nonWhitespaceCharacters.forEach(match => {
const insertIndex = match.index + match[0].length;

if (!commentRanges.length) {

// If comment ranges are found make sure that the non whitespace characters are not part of the comment.
commentRanges.forEach(arr => {
const commentStart = arr[0];
const commentEnd = arr[1];

if (insertIndex < commentStart || insertIndex > commentEnd) {
const insertPos = Math.max(...validWhitespaceMatches);
const regex = new RegExp(`^((?:.|[^/s/S]){${insertPos}}) *`);

return formattedArg.replace(regex, "$1, ");

* Helper formats an argument by either removing curlies or adding a spread operator
* @param {ASTNode|null} arg - ast node representing argument to format
* @param {boolean} isLast - true if on the last element of the array
* @param {Object} sourceCode - in context sourcecode object
* @param {array} comments - comments inside checked node
* @returns {string} - formatted argument
function formatArg(arg, isLast, sourceCode, comments) {
const text = sourceCode.getText(arg);
const parens = argNeedsParens(arg);
const spread = arg.type === "SpreadElement" ? "" : "...";

if (arg.type === "ObjectExpression" && === 0) {
return "";

if (arg.type === "ObjectExpression") {

* This regex finds the opening curly brace and any following spaces and replaces it with whatever
* exists before the curly brace. It also does the same for the closing curly brace. This is to avoid
* having multiple spaces around the object expression depending on how the object properties are spaced.
const formattedObjectLiteral = text.replace(/^(.*){ */, "$1").replace(/ *}([^}]*)$/, "$1");

return isLast ? formattedObjectLiteral : addComma(formattedObjectLiteral, comments);

if (isLast) {
return parens ? `${spread}(${text})` : `${spread}${text}`;

return parens ? addComma(`${spread}(${text})`, comments) : `${spread}${addComma(text, comments)}`;

* Autofixes the Object.assign call to use an object spread instead.
* @param {ASTNode|null} node - The node that the rule warns on, i.e. the Object.assign call
* @param {string} sourceCode - sourceCode of the Object.assign call
* @returns {Function} autofixer - replaces the Object.assign with a spread object.
function autofixSpread(node, sourceCode) {
return fixer => {
const args = node.arguments;
const firstArg = args[0];
const lastArg = args[args.length - 1];
const parens = needsParens(node);
const comments = sourceCode.getCommentsInside(node);
const replaceObjectAssignStart = fixer.replaceTextRange(
[node.range[0], firstArg.range[0]],
`${parens ? "({" : "{"}`

const handleArgs = args
.map((arg, i, arr) => formatArg(arg, i + 1 >= arr.length, sourceCode, comments))
.filter(arg => arg !== "," && arg !== "");

const insertBody = fixer.replaceTextRange([firstArg.range[0], lastArg.range[1]], handleArgs.join(""));
const replaceObjectAssignEnd = fixer.replaceTextRange([lastArg.range[1], node.range[1]], `${parens ? "})" : "}"}`);

return [

* Autofixes the Object.assign call with a single object literal as an argument
* @param {ASTNode|null} node - The node that the rule warns on, i.e. the Object.assign call
* @param {string} sourceCode - sourceCode of the Object.assign call
* @returns {Function} autofixer - replaces the Object.assign with a object literal.
function autofixObjectLiteral(node, sourceCode) {
return fixer => {
const argument = node.arguments[0];
const parens = needsParens(node);

return fixer.replaceText(node, `${parens ? "(" : ""}${sourceCode.text.slice(argument.range[0], argument.range[1])}${parens ? ")" : ""}`);

module.exports = {
meta: {
docs: {
"disallow using Object.assign with an object literal as the first argument and prefer the use of object spread instead.",
category: "Stylistic Issues",
recommended: false,
url: ""
schema: [],
fixable: "code",
messages: {
useSpreadMessage: "Use an object spread instead of `Object.assign` eg: `{ }`",
useLiteralMessage: "Use an object literal instead of `Object.assign`. eg: `{ foo: bar }`"

create: function rule(context) {
const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode();
let overWritingNativeObject = false;

return {
VariableDeclaration(node) {

* If a declared variable is overwriting the native `Object`, eg. `const Object = 'something'`
* we want to skip warning on them since the behavior might be different.
if (node.declarations.length) {
const declarationNames = =>;
const nativeObjectOverride = declarationNames.filter(identifier => === "Object");

if (nativeObjectOverride.length) {
overWritingNativeObject = true;
AssignmentExpression(node) {

* If an assignment is reassigning the native `Object`, eg. `Object = 'something'`
* we want to skip warning on them since the behavior might be different.
if ( === "Object") {
overWritingNativeObject = true;
CallExpression(node) {

* The condition below is cases where Object.assign has a single argument and
* that argument is an object literal. e.g. `Object.assign({ foo: bar })`.
* For now, we will warn on this case and autofix it.
if (
!overWritingNativeObject &&
node.arguments.length === 1 &&
node.arguments[0].type === "ObjectExpression" &&
) {{
messageId: "useLiteralMessage",
fix: autofixObjectLiteral(node, sourceCode)

* The condition below warns on `Object.assign` calls that that have
* an object literal as the first argument and have a second argument
* that can be spread. e.g `Object.assign({ foo: bar }, baz)`
if (
!overWritingNativeObject &&
node.arguments.length > 1 &&
node.arguments[0].type === "ObjectExpression" &&
) {{
messageId: "useSpreadMessage",
fix: autofixSpread(node, sourceCode)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions package.json
Expand Up @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
"regexpp": "^1.1.0",
"require-uncached": "^1.0.3",
"semver": "^5.5.0",
"string.prototype.matchall": "^2.0.0",
"strip-ansi": "^4.0.0",
"strip-json-comments": "^2.0.1",
"table": "^4.0.3",
Expand Down

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