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ericjohannsen edited this page Aug 3, 2017 · 4 revisions

Neverwinter Guild Tool

This Windows program reads the guild information file generated by the command /ExportGuildMemberList and identifies accounts that have been inactive for a period of time that you specify. It looks at all characters on the account, not individual characters, so you don't risk booting an alt that has been neglected.

Downloading the program

  • Browse to the Releases Tab to download NeverwinterGuildTool.exe (you can also download the source code from there and compile it yourself). You can right-click the link and pick Open Link in New Tab to keep this page open while you download the software.
  • Right-click NeverwinterGuildTool.exe in your Downloads folder and pick Properties, check Unblock, and click OK. If you skip this step, Windows will see that you downloaded the file from the internet and not allow it to run by default.
  • Optionally move the program to a convenient location.
  • Double-click the program to run it.

Using the program

  • Log into Neverwinter with an account that has leadership privileges in your guild.
  • Type this command into chat: /ExportGuildMemberList C:\Temp\MyGuild.csv In this example, I have a folder called C:\Temp on my computer. You can specify any location on your computer that works for you.
  • Run NeverwinterGuildTool
  • Pick the file you exported from Neverwinter, e.g. C:\Temp\MyGuild.csv, using the ... button under Guild Export File, or type the file name in directly.
  • Pick a date in the calendar indicating how recently your players need to have logged in or press one of the preset buttons for 30, 60, or 90 days.
  • Press the Generate Kick Commands button.
  • This will generate /guild_kick commands. The account with the oldest-most-recent login will be listed first, and all characters from a given account are listed together.
  • Copy and paste the kick commands into the game client's chat box to start kicking.

Suggestion: Before kicking users, send a guild mail letting anyone know that, if they were kicked, they are welcome to return to the guild. Users you're about to kick will still get that mail. I've had half a dozen players return to the game after a prolonged absence and come right back into the guild.

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