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UL Timetable API

GraphQL API for the University of Limerick's timetable.


  • Written in TypeScript
  • Uses DataLoader for per-request caching
  • Caches scraped data in MongoDB
  • GraphiQL IDE for development and debugging

API endpoints

  • / - GraphiQL IDE
  • /graphql - GraphQL API endpoint


Getting started

  • Clone the repository
$ git clone
  • Install dependencies
$ cd <project_name>
$ npm install
  • Start your MongoDB server (you'll probably want another command prompt)
$ mongod
  • Build and run the project
npm start

Navigate to http://localhost:3000

Environment variables

Environment variables can be set at system level, or can be configured using a dotenv (.env) environment variables file.

Npm Script Description
NODE_ENV Can be set to development or production
PORT Defaults to 3000 in development and 8080 in production
MONGODB_URI URI of the MongoDB database to use


Npm Script Description
start Runs full build before starting all watch tasks. Can be invoked with npm start
build Full build. Runs ALL build tasks (build-ts, tslint)
serve Runs node on dist/server.js which is the apps entry point
watch Runs all watch tasks (TypeScript, Node). Use this if you're not touching static assets.
build-ts Compiles all source .ts files to .js files in the dist folder
watch-ts Same as build-ts but continuously watches .ts files and re-compiles when needed
tslint Runs TSLint on project files

GraphQL schema

schema {
  query: RootQuery

# A type describing the root query.
type RootQuery {
  # Request a student's timetable.
    # The student's ID number.
    _id: ID!,
    # Week numer as displayed on the timetable (optional).
    week: String
  ): Timetable
  # Request module details.
    # The module code.
    _id: ID!
  ): Module
  # Request room details.
    # The room number.
    _id: ID!
  ): Room
  # Request week details.
    # Week number as displayed on the timetable.
    _id: ID!
  ): Week
  # Request all weeks.
  weeks: [Week!]!

# A type that describes a module.
type Module {
  # The module's code.
  _id: ID!
  # The module's name.
  name: String!

# A type that describes a room.
type Room {
  # The room number.
  _id: ID!
  # The name of the building in which the room is located.
  building: String!
  # The code of the building in which the room is located.
  buildingCode: String!
  # The floor on which the room is located.
  floor: String!
  # The numeric part of the room number.
  number: String!

# An enum describing a lesson's type.
enum Type {
  LEC # Lecture
  TUT # Tutorial
  LAB # Lab
# A type describing a single lesson on a timetable.
type Lesson {
  # The lesson's start time on the 24-hour clock.
  startTime: String!
  # The lesson's end time on the 24-hour clock.
  endTime: String!
  # The lesson's module.
  module: Module!
  # The lesson's group, if applicable.
  group: String
  # The lesson's type (lab, lecture or tutorial).
  type: Type!
  # The room(s) in which the lesson is held.
  rooms: [Room!]!
  # The week(s) in which the lesson is held.
  weeks: [Week!]!

# A type describing a student's timetable.
type Timetable {
  # The student's ID number.
  _id: ID!
  # The timetable's lessons held on a Monday.
  monday: [Lesson!]!
  # The timetable's lessons held on a Tuesday.
  tuesday: [Lesson!]!
  # The timetable's lessons held on a Wednesday.
  wednesday: [Lesson!]!
  # The timetable's lessons held on a Thursday.
  thursday: [Lesson!]!
  # The timetable's lessons held on a Friday.
  friday: [Lesson!]!
  # The timetable's lessons held on a Saturday.
  saturday: [Lesson!]!
# A type describing a week of the current semester.
type Week {
  # The week number displayed on the timetable.
  _id: ID!
  # The teaching week name.
  name: String!
  # The ISO8601 datetime on which the week commences.
  date: Date!