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Repo to Typescript and Deps Remove

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@elycruz elycruz released this 22 Aug 16:52
· 120 commits to master since this release

In this release:

  • babel*, pify, fs-extra, and @rollup/pluginutils dependencies removed - Less requirements to use the plugin, less surface area for hassle - mostly in terms of dependency tree version conflicts etc..
  • Updated sources and tests to use typescript - Makes code easier to understand and update.
  • Separated code units into their own units, functions etc., within plugin source - Makes code easier to follow/work with.
  • Fixed bug where default sass importer was partially async and sync all at once - Since file loading is dependent on the OS file contents don't always complete their loading process in the same order - Indices are now associated with importer calls and are used when storing file id/content objects, internally - Ensures file output concatenations, always, happen in the correct order.

Happy coding!