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feat(cst): Add resolveAsScalar(), createScalarToken() & setScalarValue()
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eemeli committed Apr 3, 2021
1 parent 9deb055 commit 3f29b99
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85 changes: 82 additions & 3 deletions docs/
Expand Up @@ -276,16 +276,68 @@ For most use cases, the Document or pure JS interfaces provided by the library a
Sometimes, though, it's important to keep the original YAML source in as pristine a condition as possible.
For those cases, the concrete syntax tree (CST) representation is provided, as it retains every character of the input, including whitespace.

#### `CST.createScalarToken(value: string, context): BlockScalar | FlowScalar`

Create a new scalar token with the value `value`.
Values that represent an actual string but may be parsed as a different type should use a `type` other than `'PLAIN'`,
as this function does not support any schema operations and won't check for such conflicts.

| Argument | Type | Default | Description |
| ------------------- | --------------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| value | `string` | | The string representation of the value, which will have its content properly indented. **Required.** |
| context.end | `SourceToken[]` | | Comments and whitespace after the end of the value, or after the block scalar header. If undefined, a newline will be added. |
| context.implicitKey | `boolean` | `false` | Being within an implicit key may affect the resolved type of the token's value. |
| context.indent | `number` | | The indent level of the token. **Required.** |
| context.inFlow | `boolean` | `false` | Is this scalar within a flow collection? This may affect the resolved type of the token's value. |
| context.offset | `number` | `-1` | The offset position of the token. |
| context.type | `Scalar.Type` | | The preferred type of the scalar token. If undefined, the previous type of the `token` will be used, defaulting to `'PLAIN'`. |

<!-- prettier-ignore -->
const [doc] = new Parser().parse('foo: "bar" #comment')
const item = doc.value.items[0].value
> {
type: 'double-quoted-scalar',
offset: 5,
indent: 0,
source: '"bar"',
end: [
{ type: 'space', offset: 10, indent: 0, source: ' ' },
{ type: 'comment', offset: 11, indent: 0, source: '#comment' }

> { value: 'bar', type: 'QUOTE_DOUBLE', comment: 'comment', length: 14 }

#### `CST.isCollection(token?: Token): boolean`

#### `CST.isScalar(token?: Token): boolean`

Custom type guards for detecting CST collections and scalars, in both their block and flow forms.

#### `CST.stringify(cst: Token | CollectionItem): string`
#### `CST.resolveAsScalar(token?: Token, strict = true, onError?: ComposeErrorHandler)`

Stringify a CST document, token, or collection item.
Fair warning: This applies no validation whatsoever, and simply concatenates the sources in their logical order.
If `token` is a CST flow or block scalar, determine its string value and a few other attributes.
Otherwise, return `null`.

#### `CST.setScalarValue(token: Token, value: string, context?)`

Set the value of `token` to the given string `value`, overwriting any previous contents and type that it may have.

Best efforts are made to retain any comments previously associated with the `token`, though all contents within a collection's `items` will be overwritten.

Values that represent an actual string but may be parsed as a different type should use a `type` other than `'PLAIN'`, as this function does not support any schema operations and won't check for such conflicts.

| Argument | Type | Default | Description |
| ------------------- | ------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| token | `Token` | | Any token. If it does not include an `indent` value, the value will be stringified as if it were an implicit key. **Required.** |
| value | `string` | | The string representation of the value, which will have its content properly indented. **Required.** |
| context.afterKey | `boolean` | `false` | In most cases, values after a key should have an additional level of indentation. |
| context.implicitKey | `boolean` | `false` | Being within an implicit key may affect the resolved type of the token's value. |
| context.inFlow | `boolean` | `false` | Being within a flow collection may affect the resolved type of the token's value. |
| context.type | `Scalar.Type` | | The preferred type of the scalar token. If undefined, the previous type of the `token` will be used, defaulting to `'PLAIN'`. |

function findScalarAtOffset(
Expand All @@ -310,6 +362,11 @@ function findScalarAtOffset(

#### `CST.stringify(cst: Token | CollectionItem): string`

Stringify a CST document, token, or collection item.
Fair warning: This applies no validation whatsoever, and simply concatenates the sources in their logical order.

#### `CST.visit(cst: CST.Document | CST.CollectionItem, visitor: CSTVisitor)`

Apply a visitor to a CST document or item.
Expand All @@ -333,6 +390,28 @@ The return value of the visitor may be used to control the traversal:
- `number`: Set the index of the next step. This is useful especially if the index of the current token has changed.
- `function`: Define the next visitor for this item. After the original visitor is called on item entry, next visitors are called after handling a non-empty `key` and when exiting the item.

<!-- prettier-ignore -->
const [doc] = new Parser().parse('[ foo, bar, baz ]')
CST.visit(doc, (item, path) => {
if (!CST.isScalar(item.value)) return
const scalar = CST.resolveAsScalar(item.value)
if (scalar?.value === 'bar') {
const parent = CST.visit.parentCollection(doc, path)
const idx = path[path.length - 1][1]
const { indent } = item.value
parent.items.splice(idx, 0, {
start: item.start.slice(),
value: CST.createScalarToken('bing', { end: [], indent })
return idx + 2

> '[ foo, bing, bar, baz ]'
A couple of utility functions are provided for working with the `path`:
- `CST.visit.itemAtPath(cst, path): CST.CollectionItem | undefined` – Find the item at `path` from `cst` as the root.
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264 changes: 264 additions & 0 deletions src/parse/cst-scalar.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
import type { ComposeErrorHandler } from '../compose/composer.js'
import { resolveBlockScalar } from '../compose/resolve-block-scalar.js'
import { resolveFlowScalar } from '../compose/resolve-flow-scalar.js'
import { YAMLParseError } from '../errors.js'
import type { Scalar } from '../nodes/Scalar.js'
import type { StringifyContext } from '../stringify/stringify.js'
import { stringifyString } from '../stringify/stringifyString.js'
import type { BlockScalar, FlowScalar, SourceToken, Token } from './cst.js'

* If `token` is a CST flow or block scalar, determine its string value and a few other attributes.
* Otherwise, return `null`.
export function resolveAsScalar(
token: Token | null | undefined,
strict = true,
onError?: ComposeErrorHandler
): {
value: string
type: Scalar.Type | null
comment: string
length: number
} | null {
if (token) {
if (!onError)
onError = (offset, code, message) => {
throw new YAMLParseError(offset, code, message)
switch (token.type) {
case 'scalar':
case 'single-quoted-scalar':
case 'double-quoted-scalar':
return resolveFlowScalar(token, strict, onError)
case 'block-scalar':
return resolveBlockScalar(token, strict, onError)
return null

* Create a new scalar token with `value`
* Values that represent an actual string but may be parsed as a different type should use a `type` other than `'PLAIN'`,
* as this function does not support any schema operations and won't check for such conflicts.
* @param value The string representation of the value, which will have its content properly indented.
* @param context.end Comments and whitespace after the end of the value, or after the block scalar header. If undefined, a newline will be added.
* @param context.implicitKey Being within an implicit key may affect the resolved type of the token's value.
* @param context.indent The indent level of the token.
* @param context.inFlow Is this scalar within a flow collection? This may affect the resolved type of the token's value.
* @param context.offset The offset position of the token.
* @param context.type The preferred type of the scalar token. If undefined, the previous type of the `token` will be used, defaulting to `'PLAIN'`.
export function createScalarToken(
value: string,
context: {
end?: SourceToken[]
implicitKey?: boolean
indent: number
inFlow?: boolean
offset?: number
type?: Scalar.Type
): BlockScalar | FlowScalar {
const {
implicitKey = false,
inFlow = false,
offset = -1,
type = 'PLAIN'
} = context
const source = stringifyString(
{ type, value } as Scalar,
indent: indent > 0 ? ' '.repeat(indent) : '',
options: { lineWidth: -1 }
} as StringifyContext
const end = context.end ?? [{ type: 'newline', offset: -1, indent, source: '\n' }]
switch (source[0]) {
case '|':
case '>': {
const he = source.indexOf('\n')
const head = source.substring(0, he)
const body = source.substring(he + 1) + '\n'
const props: Token[] = [
{ type: 'block-scalar-header', offset, indent, source: head }
if (!addEndtoBlockProps(props, end))
props.push({ type: 'newline', offset: -1, indent, source: '\n' })
return { type: 'block-scalar', offset, indent, props, source: body }
case '"':
return { type: 'double-quoted-scalar', offset, indent, source, end }
case "'":
return { type: 'single-quoted-scalar', offset, indent, source, end }
return { type: 'scalar', offset, indent, source, end }

* Set the value of `token` to the given string `value`, overwriting any previous contents and type that it may have.
* Best efforts are made to retain any comments previously associated with the `token`,
* though all contents within a collection's `items` will be overwritten.
* Values that represent an actual string but may be parsed as a different type should use a `type` other than `'PLAIN'`,
* as this function does not support any schema operations and won't check for such conflicts.
* @param token Any token. If it does not include an `indent` value, the value will be stringified as if it were an implicit key.
* @param value The string representation of the value, which will have its content properly indented.
* @param context.afterKey In most cases, values after a key should have an additional level of indentation.
* @param context.implicitKey Being within an implicit key may affect the resolved type of the token's value.
* @param context.inFlow Being within a flow collection may affect the resolved type of the token's value.
* @param context.type The preferred type of the scalar token. If undefined, the previous type of the `token` will be used, defaulting to `'PLAIN'`.
export function setScalarValue(
token: Token,
value: string,
context: {
afterKey?: boolean
implicitKey?: boolean
inFlow?: boolean
type?: Scalar.Type
} = {}
) {
let { afterKey = false, implicitKey = false, inFlow = false, type } = context
let indent = 'indent' in token ? token.indent : null
if (afterKey && typeof indent === 'number') indent += 2
if (!type)
switch (token.type) {
case 'single-quoted-scalar':
case 'double-quoted-scalar':
case 'block-scalar': {
const header = token.props[0]
if (header.type !== 'block-scalar-header')
throw new Error('Invalid block scalar header')
type = header.source[0] === '>' ? 'BLOCK_FOLDED' : 'BLOCK_LITERAL'
type = 'PLAIN'
const source = stringifyString(
{ type, value } as Scalar,
implicitKey: implicitKey || indent === null,
indent: indent !== null && indent > 0 ? ' '.repeat(indent) : '',
options: { lineWidth: -1 }
} as StringifyContext
switch (source[0]) {
case '|':
case '>':
setBlockScalarValue(token, source)
case '"':
setFlowScalarValue(token, source, 'double-quoted-scalar')
case "'":
setFlowScalarValue(token, source, 'single-quoted-scalar')
setFlowScalarValue(token, source, 'scalar')

function setBlockScalarValue(token: Token, source: string) {
const he = source.indexOf('\n')
const head = source.substring(0, he)
const body = source.substring(he + 1) + '\n'
if (token.type === 'block-scalar') {
const header = token.props[0]
if (header.type !== 'block-scalar-header')
throw new Error('Invalid block scalar header')
header.source = head
token.source = body
} else {
let offset = token.offset
const indent = 'indent' in token ? token.indent : -1
const props: Token[] = [
{ type: 'block-scalar-header', offset, indent, source: head }
if (!addEndtoBlockProps(props, 'end' in token ? token.end : undefined))
props.push({ type: 'newline', offset: -1, indent, source: '\n' })

for (const key of Object.keys(token))
if (key !== 'type' && key !== 'offset') delete (token as any)[key]
Object.assign(token, { type: 'block-scalar', indent, props, source: body })

/** @returns `true` if last token is a newline */
function addEndtoBlockProps(props: Token[], end?: SourceToken[]) {
if (end)
for (const st of end)
switch (st.type) {
case 'space':
case 'comment':
case 'newline':
return true
return false

function setFlowScalarValue(
token: Token,
source: string,
type: 'scalar' | 'double-quoted-scalar' | 'single-quoted-scalar'
) {
switch (token.type) {
case 'scalar':
case 'double-quoted-scalar':
case 'single-quoted-scalar':
token.type = type
token.source = source
case 'block-scalar': {
const end = token.props.slice(1)
let oa = source.length
if (token.props[0].type === 'block-scalar-header')
oa -= token.props[0].source.length
for (const tok of end) tok.offset += oa
delete (token as any).props
Object.assign(token, { type, source, end })
case 'block-map':
case 'block-seq': {
const offset = token.offset + source.length
const nl = { type: 'newline', offset, indent: token.indent, source: '\n' }
delete (token as any).items
Object.assign(token, { type, source, end: [nl] })
default: {
const indent = 'indent' in token ? token.indent : -1
const end =
'end' in token && Array.isArray(token.end)
? token.end.filter(
st =>
st.type === 'space' ||
st.type === 'comment' ||
st.type === 'newline'
: []
for (const key of Object.keys(token))
if (key !== 'type' && key !== 'offset') delete (token as any)[key]
Object.assign(token, { type, indent, source, end })
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/parse/cst.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
export {
} from './cst-scalar.js'
export { stringify } from './cst-stringify.js'
export { visit, Visitor, VisitPath } from './cst-visit.js'

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