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A PhantomJS adapter to generate screengrabs of webpages in PHP.


It is recommended that you install this library using Composer. Before installing Grabby, add the following to the scripts namespace in your composer.json file:

    "scripts": {
        "post-install-cmd": [
        "post-update-cmd": [

That takes care of installing the correct PhantomJS binary into your project directory. Next you need to run the following command to add Grabby to your project:

$ composer require edcs/grabby


Grabby requires PHP version >=5.4.0 and symfony/process ^3.1. PhantomJS is also required; Grabby will download the correct binary for your system.

Getting Started

The following snippet will run grabby it's most basic form, this will generate a screengrab of Google's home page in a PNG called grabby.png at a resolution of 1920x1080px. The file will be stored in the same directory which the Grabby Factory class is located.


use Edcs\Grabby\Factory;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$grabby = new Factory('');


Extra Parameters

You would probably like your screengrab to be stored in a different location and probably generated in a different size. You can pass Grabby some extra parameters to do this. The following example will generate a screengrab of Google's home page in a PNG called screenshot.jpg at a resolution of 150x200px. The file will be stored in /my/storage/dir/, an exception is thrown if this directory doesn't exist.


use Edcs\Grabby\Factory;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$grabby = new Factory('', 'screenshot.png', '/my/storage/dir/', [
    'viewportSize' => [
        'width' => 150,
        'height' => 200


Grabby also supports creating PDF versions of web pages in different paper sizes. You can use the same config as above to create PDF renderings using a viewport size, or, you can use the following paper size config:


use Edcs\Grabby\Factory;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$grabby = new Factory('', 'screenshot.pdf', '/my/storage/dir/', [
    'paperSize' => [
        'format' => 'A4',
        'orientation' => 'portrait',
        'margin' => '1cm'


Since Grabby is built on top of PhantomJS, you have all of the Web Page Module configuration options at your disposal. If you required a complex configuration, you can build up an array using the module option as the array key and it's properties as the value. The following example would create a portrait A4 PDF with a 3cm margin containing an image of Google's homepage viewied through a 150px by 200px viewport using a header called X-Test with the value foo:


use Edcs\Grabby\Factory;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$grabby = new Factory('', 'screenshot.pdf', '/my/storage/dir/', [
    'customHeaders' => [
        'X-Test' => 'foo'
    'viewportSize' => [
        'width' => 150,
        'height' => 200
    'paperSize' => [
        'format' => 'A4',
        'orientation' => 'portrait',
        'margin' => '3cm'


You can check out the Web Page Module documentation here:

Other File Formats

You can generate screengrabs in png, jpg or pdf formats. Simply suffix the filename property with one of those extensions.

Accessing the Generated File

Once you have run grab() to generate your screengrab file, you can either access the generated filenames path like so:


use Edcs\Grabby\Factory;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$grabby = new Factory('', 'screenshot.png', '/my/storage/dir/', 150, 200);

$file = $grabby->grab()->getScreengrabLocation(); // Returns /my/storage/dir/screenshot.png

Or you access the contents of the file like so:


use Edcs\Grabby\Factory;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$grabby = new Factory('', 'screenshot.png', '/my/storage/dir/', 150, 200);

$fileContents = $grabby->grab()->getScreengrab(); // Returns the contents of /my/storage/dir/screenshot.png


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an e-mail to All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.