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Let the template be plain HTML code, and use javascript to merge data into it.

Why ?

The view is totally separated from the model. The glue code that merges data into the view is easy to maintain, and can be run by the server or the clients. There is no artificial syntax, no unnecessary abstraction. Just familiar DOM and javascript.

In particular, this allows one to merge new data on the clients using a messenging system using the exact same code as what is needed on the server to output html.

The only extra is a jQuery $ object provided by default on server. (if the javascript code is not used on clients, jQuery is not needed on clients).

Express 3 Setup

var notemplate = require('express-notemplate');
app.set('statics', process.cwd() + '/public');
app.set('views', process.cwd() + '/views');
app.engine('html', notemplate.__express);
app.set('view engine', 'html');
app.use(notemplate.middleware); // initialize document.location


It is meant to be used as any other express view rendering :

res.locals.mydata = mydata;

Then express-notemplate will load the html file into a DOM, add window.$ to it, and process script tags :

<script type="text/javascript">
	// some client code here, won't be run on server
<script type="text/javascript" notemplate="both" src="javascripts/moment.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" notemplate="server">
	$(document).on('data', function(e, data) {
		$('head > title').text(data.mydata.title + moment());
<script type="text/javascript" notemplate="both">
	$(document).on('data', function(e, data) {
	$(document).ready(function() {
		if (window.navigator.server) return; // is true when run on server inside notemplate. Will change when jsdom supports it.
		// do client ui stuff here that won't be useful on server

In this example :

  • moment.js is loaded and the script tag is kept in the html output,
  • the first handler is run on server but won't be available on client
  • the second handler is run and it will be possible to trigger it on client too.

script tags can have attribute notemplate = server | client | both :

  • (default) client : script are not run
  • server : scripts are run and tag is removed
  • both : scripts are run

The "notemplate" attribute is removed from html output.

IE-style conditional comments are replaced by the tag they contain (provided there is only one tag in it), before document.ready event and are restored before output event. It allows all notemplate middleware to process the nodes hidden within those comments the same way as other nodes.


Only page-bound scripts can listen to these events:

  • $(document).ready(function() {}) the usual document.ready event.
  • $(document).on('data', function(e, obj) {}) obj can be the options object given by express to template engines render method. It can also be a simple object received through other channels (say a message from a websocket connection). It is advised to check for existence of obj.mydatakey before trying to use it. Listener arguments : e, locals
  • $(window).on('load', function() {}) after all data event listeners has been called. It more or less matches the browser event.

New in version 0.2.0: page-bound scripts are allowed to use XMLHttpRequest and can setup setTimeout calls - the render event is guaranteed to be called upon completion of the handlers of those calls. New in version 0.2.5: XMLHttpRequest use nodejs http.globalAgent.

Only nodejs-bound scripts can listen to these events (emitted by notemplate):

  • notemplate.on('ready', function(view, opts) {}) DOM is ready in view.window, but only jquery is available; other scripts are not yet evaluated. It's a way to listen to the 'ready' event before any other script does.
  • notemplate.on('data', function(view, opts) {}) called just before handlers.
  • notemplate.on('request', function(method, url, status, data) {}) The document made an XHR request with method, url and received status (http code), data. Called between 'ready' and 'render' events.
  • notemplate.on('render', function(view, opts) {}) called just after handlers. view.instance.toString() will serialize dom, respecting fragment options. Setting view.instance.output will prevent next step from calling toString.
  • notemplate.on('output', function(instance, opts) {}) called just after instance.output has been set. instance.output can be anything, since it can be customized in a render event listener before. See usage below.

Usage :



var notemplate = require('express-notemplate');
notemplate.on('output', function(ref) {
	ref.output = ref.output.replace('é', '&eacute;');

A typical use of middleware is in notemplate-minify.

A typical use of render event middleware is in notemplate-archive.

Error handling

Starting with version 0.2.2 each page runs into its own domain, so all errors are caught and passed on to express error handling mecanism. The domain the page is run in is disposed afterwise.

Quick jsdom window with jquery

If you need quick access to an empty DOM with jquery,

require('notemplate').window(htmlstr, href)

is what you need.


  • console.log works in the jsdom context.