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Eran can code

This project contains mini-projects to demonstrate that I am familiar with various technologies. I will be adding more to this so the following is temporary.


This project is divided into two main directories:

  • database: This contains the SQL migrations and Rust models for the customer, order, and product entities in our database.
  • http_server: This is our HTTP server implemented with the Axum framework.


Inside database/src/schema, there are modules for each of our entities. Each module provides a builder using the typestate pattern, ensuring that the entities are constructed in a valid state.

HTTP Server

The HTTP server in http_server/src implements the following endpoints:


  • GET /customers: Retrieve a list of all customers.
  • GET /customers/{id}: Retrieve a specific customer by their ID.
  • POST /customers: Create a new customer.
  • PUT /customers/{id}: Update a specific customer by their ID.
  • DELETE /customers/{id}: Delete a specific customer by their ID.


  • GET /orders: Retrieve a list of all orders.
  • GET /orders/{id}: Retrieve a specific order by its ID.
  • POST /orders: Create a new order.
  • PUT /orders/{id}: Update a specific order by its ID.
  • DELETE /orders/{id}: Delete a specific order by its ID.
  • GET /customers/{id}/orders: Retrieve a list of all orders for a specific customer.
  • POST /customers/{id}/orders: Create a new order for a specific customer.


  • GET /products: Retrieve a list of all products.
  • GET /products/{id}: Retrieve a specific product by its ID.
  • POST /products: Create a new product.
  • PUT /products/{id}: Update a specific product by its ID.
  • DELETE /products/{id}: Delete a specific product by its ID.
  • GET /orders/{id}/products: Retrieve a list of all products in a specific order.
  • POST /orders/{id}/products: Add a product to a specific order.
  • DELETE /orders/{id}/products/{id}: Remove a product from a specific order.
  • Running the Project
  • To run the project, you need to have Rust and Docker installed. You can start the project using Docker Compose:
docker-compose up

This will start the database and the HTTP server.


To run tests, use:

cargo test

Please note that the tests assume that a PostgreSQL server is running and that the DATABASE_URL environment variable is set to point to it.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to open an issue or pull request.


Portfolio containing various demos







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