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Drone battle game. Each drone brain is encased in a web worker.


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drone wars

A drone battleground with drone brains encased in web workers. The front end code should work in all browsers that implement the web worker protocol.

Quick start

The only prerequisite is that Node.js is installed. Once that's done, clone this repo, and from the directory of the repo run:

npm install

When that is done, enter

node .

to start the server. Finally, click here.

For a quick demonstration you can initialise the battlefield with any number of example robots via query parameters:

  • num-wanderers - The number of wanderer robots you want.
  • num-aggressors - The number of aggressor robots you want.
  • num-avoiders - The number of avoider robots you want.

About web workers

Web workers are processes spawned by the JavaScript engine. They can communicate with the parent process. Web workers are handy for running background tasks without tying up the parent process. For the purposes of a drone battle, they're useful for giving each drone a dedicated process to allow them as much room as they need to think.

The Battlefield

The battlefield contains nearly everything in the game. It sits in the main JS thread, and controls where robots are, where shells (projectiles) are, and where explosions are. It recalculates and paints a representation of these to the canvas in a requestAnimationFrame cycle.


Each robot is made up of two parts. The body lives in the battlefield. This is the physical location, velocity and damage that it has taken. The brain lives in a web worker. It receives updates from the body about itself and the rest of the battlefield, and then makes decisions on what it wants the body to do in response to the updates. The brain can direct the body to accelerate (a vector) and to fire at a location, and nothing else!

This separation is an effort to enforce realism in the battle. For example, think of what you do when driving a car. You don't really control the velocity, you control the accelerator and the breaks. It also prevents cheating because I know you were thinking of trying to adjust your own hit points (HP).

The brain-body update cycle is not coupled to the animation frame cycle. If, for whatever reason, your robot brain is really slow, then it won't slow down the battlefield. It'll only make your robot body less responsive to what's going on around it.

Designing your brain


A worker brain should be a single JavaScript file. As it will be executed in a web worker, it will have access to only a subset of what you may be used to. As such, there is no window object, and the global scope should be referenced as self. Messages from the body are emitted into the brain. You can use either of the usual event listener patterns to listen for these messages:


// The old-school way:
self.onmessage = function (evt) {
  if ( === 'status') {
    // Use `` to make decisions.

// The more modern way:
self.addEventListener('message', function (evt) {
  if ( === 'status') {
    // Use `` to make decisions.
}, false);

To send a decision back to the robot body, you need to use the postMessage method:

// Message is the decision itself.
  type: 'decision',
  data: message

The battlefield will start this cycle by sending you a message first.


There is a fair amount of fuss involved with writing these functions and passing messages around. A helper library called cortex has been provided, which includes a method for handling this for you so you can concentrate on the logic:


cortex.init(function decider(data, callback) {
  // The data here is the same as `` in the examples above.

  // The message below is the same as the message in the example above. Use the optional
  // error parameter if you want to log an error to your console, otherwise pass it `null`.
  callback(error, message);


cortex.Queue offers a rudimentary queue system, which can be handy if you want your robot brain to work in modes. The aggressor brain is an example that uses a queue to operate in a targeting mode and a hunting mode, dynamically adding the next action to a queue.

Queues are a good way to get started, since they help you to partition your actions. For example, you can write an action that moves a robot from position A to position B. You might also consider writing an action that takes cover if you begin to take damage.

Queues are exposed as a constructor on cortex. The constructor takes no arguments:

// Import cortex for helpers.

// Create the queue.
var queue = new cortex.Queue();

// Add an action to the queue.
queue.add(/* ... */);

// Feed the queue to `cortex.init` to listen for updates from the body.

The queue instance exposes three methods:

queue.add(/* action */); // Add an action to the queue.
queue.remove(/* action */); // Remove an action from the queue.
queue.decider(/* data, callback */); // Pass this function to cortex.init.

Actions are almost identical to a function you would pass to cortex.init, except they take a third argument to the callback. If the action is complete, then this third argument should be set to true. This tells the queue to remove this action and proceed to the next in the queue. If the third argument to callback is falsy, then the current action is kept to be executed on the next message from the robot body.


You'll quickly find that debugging inside a web worker is problematic. To help out a little, cortex provides a console.log analogue called cortex.log, which can be used in exactly the same way, and will proxy arguments to a console.log the main thread.

Data from the body.

The data field on the event, or alternatively the data argument of the function you pass to cortex.init contains everything your brain should need to make decisions:

  type: 'status',

  // This is data for your robot body.
  robot: {
    id: 1,
    hp: 100,
    position: { x: 100, y: 100 },
    velocity: { x: 0.1, y: 0.1 },
    acceleration: { x: 0, y: 0 },
    maxAcceleration: 0.00002,
    width: 38,
    height: 36,
    rearmDuration: 500, // in ms
    timeSinceLastShot: 321 // in ms

  // This contains the general status of the battlefield.
  status: {

    // The boundaries of the battlefield.
    field: {
        width: 1024,
        height: 768

    // A hash of the position and velocity of all robots on the battlefield (including you!)
    robots: {
      // The ID of each robot as a key and the position, velocity, and HP (hit points) in the
      // value.
      123: {
        position: { x: 100, y: 200 },
        velocity: { x: 0.1, y: 0 },
        hp: 100

    // A hash of the projectiles in play.
    shells: {
      // The ID of each shell as a key and the position and velocity in the value.
      456: {
        position: { x: 200, y: 300 },
        velocity: { x: 0, y: 0.1 }

    // A hash of the explosions active.
    explosions: {
      // The ID of each explosion as a key and the position, radius, and strength in the value.
      789: {
        position: { x: 300, y: 400 },
        radius: 20,
        strength: 0.01

  // You must include this token in your next decision to your robot body.
  token: '12765'

All coordinates are in px.

The token is important. It needs to be added to the message you build or your body will ignore the message. Also note that the robots hash includes your robot. Be careful not to shoot yourself!

This data includes information on shells and explosions too. You can use these to avoid explosions (which linger and will cause damage if you travel through them).

Messages to the body

Messages sent to the body are referred to here as decisions. They look like:

var message = {
  acceleration: { x: 0, y: 0 }, // Acceleration vector.
  fire: { x: 100, y: 100 },     // Target position.
  token: '87683',               // Token.

The token is required. acceleration is optional. If you omit this field, then the robot will continue with whatever acceleration it had before (which you can see in the data object). The fire field is also optional. If you have fired, and try to fire again before the rearmDuration has elapsed then it will be ignored.

acceleration is bounded by maxAcceleration which can be found in data from the robot body. If you use an acceleration above this value, then it will be normalized down to the maximum acceleration in the same direction.

Example brains

Three example brains are provided. Feel free to base your efforts upon these.

The wanderer uses the highest level API available to robots, a neocortex. This allows it to use a declarative manner of commanding the robot, which might be useful for navigating a maze, but turns out to be limited in a battle scenario since you lose the ability to continuously adapt to your surroundings.

Aggressor uses a queue system provided by cortex to operate in two different modes. It will first acquire a target, and then queue up a mode that hunts the target until the target is gone, at which point it will acquire a new target. The cortex.Queue system is really handy if you want a balance between reactive and declarative. Each mode can be programmed to queue up a new mode and exit itself under specific conditions, so it can be very adaptable.

Avoider is almost completely reactive. It will maintain a target until the target is gone, and then acquire a new target. Whilst that is happening it tries to avoid other robots and barriers. Avoider encodes all this functionality in one big function, which is good for addressing multiple concerns simultaneously but makes for a confusing code base.

Uploading a robot

Go to the /uploads.html page.


In the first session the entire battlefield will be passable, so you only need to worry about avoiding the borders. In the second session terrain may come into play, depending on how advanced things get. After calling cortex.init, you will have available a Uint8ClampedArray instance on cortex.passable. It will be filled with zeros and ones in the place of false and true. This is a copy of the TypedArray that the battlefield itself uses to detect collisions.


Drone battle game. Each drone brain is encased in a web worker.







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