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zc0nf edited this page Mar 20, 2023 · 5 revisions

Basic Run Down on installing a remote slave. (Parts Borrowed from the install guide)


Now that you have the latest drftpd, you will need a way to compile it. Drftpd 2.0 slaves can run under the older Java 1.4, however the master, and the machine on which you will be compiling must be using Java 5.0 (aka: 1.5). To compile drftpd you must use the Java SDK (aka: JDK). JRE is fine for slaves. JAVA


  • Right-click on My Computer and select 'Properties'
  • Select the 'Advanced' tab
  • Click 'Environment Variables'
  • Locate the 'PATH' variable under System Variables and press 'Edit'
  • Paths are separated by semi-colons, so add ;X:\Path\To\Java\bin and press 'OK'
  • Create a new system variable with the name JAVA_HOME and the value X:\Path\To\Java and press 'OK'

Be sure to change all directory paths to the locations they are stored on your pc.


If ant and java/javac aren't in your path, edit /etc/profile and add lines like the following to the bottom of the file replacing the paths with the actual paths on your system:

PATH="/usr/java/jre1.5.0/bin:$PATH"; export PATH
JAVA_HOME="/usr/java/jre1.5.0"; export JAVA_HOME 

Copy from the master(in the same folder as drftpd.conf). copy conf/wrapper-slave.conf as well.

Extract to a safe place on slave. Rename slave.conf.dist to slave.conf and edit to suit.

  1. Change Slavename
  2. Change master.bindport to correspond to bindport set in drftpd.conf
  3. Change master IP.

Execute slave. ./ console

check that it works then

./ start

for windows. use the .bat file.