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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 30, 2020. It is now read-only.
Lynn edited this page Oct 22, 2018 · 11 revisions

Download & Installation

The latest version can be downloaded form the releases page. No installation is required, it's a standalone executable.


Available Tools

Available Data Collecting

Launcher debug information

This option will start the Dreadnought launcher in debug mode. If the support tool is not running as administrator, you will have to allow the Dreadnought launcher to run with administrative permissions in order to collect the data. After a few seconds, the launcher will be closed again and the tool can continue.

DxDiag & MSInfo32

While separate options, they merely gather the DxDiag and MSInfo32 reports. MSInfo32 might give you some popups while it's creating the report.

Connection info to game servers

To analyze the connection to the dreadnought servers, this option will scan the game logs for IP addresses and ping them. This option requires you to have at least started the client and played a match, for more accurate results.

The tool pings the main server of Dreadnought every second. Every ping is stored internally and will be added to the collected files if this option is selected. To manually extract this information, please check Export Ping Data.

Game logs

Collects the game logs and adds them. In order to get the most recent logs, the client has to be shut down as this is the moment the logs are created.

Game settings

This will include game settings such as keybindings, screen resolution, volume settings and graphic settings. While not always necessary, they can help CS and QA identify possible causes.

Crash reports

Sometimes the client leaves behind some crash reports. Those reports will allow the developer to hook up the crash to their debugger and try to find out what the cause of the crash was.

Create zip archive

This option wraps up all collected data in a zip file on your desktop called

The collected files will also be available via the menu item 'Open'.

Open Collected Files