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Vue API tools - reduce boilerplate

This package helps to reduce boilerplate in small to medium-sized projects. Write less, do more. This is your first taste of this library:

  <api-view url="" v-slot="{data: repos}">
      <li v-for="repo in repos" :key="">
        <a :href="repo.html_url">{{ }}</a>

import {ApiView} from 'vue-api-tools'

export default {
  componenst: {

It renders

  • 'Loading.' when the request is pending
  • 'Something went wrong' when the request failed with 4xx or 5xx HTTP codes
  • 'Failed to load' if network error occured
  • and finally the default slot if request was successfull.

See demo here


npm install vue-api-tools
#-- or --#
yarn add vue-api-tools

Note: I encourage others to just copy the files into your app. That way one less npm package will be added to your app. Users are encouraged to make changes and mix with other libraries. Be sure to leave star so that I know how many people are using this library 😊.


Let's be honest, this library is not really flexible, nor it is tries to be swiss army knife for working with APIs. It is simple and small library, easy to get started and contribute.

If this library doesn't fit you 100%, you can always just copy and paste src/lib-components/* files. It is that simple ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


ApiView component offers 4 slots:

  • networkError with {error: Error}
  • error with {response: Response, data: any}
  • pending with {}
  • default with {response: Response, data: any}

They all must be scoped slots.

There is also fifth slot: universal. If provided, it will be used instead of other 4 slots. It will be called with ApiState object:

interface ApiState<T> {
  pending: boolean,
  response: Response | null,
  error: Error | null,
  data: T | null,

You must provide at least default or universal slots.


<api-view url="">
  <template #network-error="{error}">
    <p>Failed to repositories. Make sure you have internet connection.</p>
  <template #error="{response, data}">
    <p v-if="response.status == 404">Error 404: No such user.</p>
    <p v-else-if="response.status == 403">You don't have access to repos.</p>
    <p v-else>Error {{ response.status }}: {{ response.statusText }}</p>
  <template v-slot="{data: repos}">
      <li v-for="repo in repos" :key="">
        <a :href="repo.html_url">{{ }}</a>

Overriding default components for slots

Most often you use the same loading animation or error text everywhere. To change the default error or loading component, just edit api-view.ts and change the appropriate variables (most likely you would want to import them from .vue files).
