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Barcode Invoice Renderer

Test using docker:

Enter container:

docker exec -it pretix-docker_pretix_1 /bin/bash

in container:

cp -R /usr/src/pretix-barcode-invoice-renderer/ ~/; export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE= ; pip3 install ~/pretix-barcode-invoice-renderer/

Restart container:

docker-compose restart pretix

Variant without restarting: Install package in development mode: python develop --prefix /pretix/.local

Overwrite modified file

cp /usr/src/pretix-barcode-invoice-renderer/pretix_barcode_invoice_renderer/ /pretix/pretix-barcode-invoice-renderer/pretix_barcode_invoice_renderer/

Sometimes old file is cached in some runners:

Kill the gunicorn process in docker (e.g., via htop on host system) -> should restart automatically

This is a plugin for pretix.

Invoices with created barcode

Development setup

  1. Make sure that you have a working pretix development setup.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Activate the virtual environment you use for pretix development.
  4. Execute python develop within this directory to register this application with pretix's plugin registry.
  5. Execute make within this directory to compile translations.
  6. Restart your local pretix server. You can now use the plugin from this repository for your events by enabling it in the 'plugins' tab in the settings.

This plugin has CI set up to enforce a few code style rules. To check locally, you need these packages installed:

pip install flake8 isort black

To check your plugin for rule violations, run:

black --check .
isort -c .
flake8 .

You can auto-fix some of these issues by running:

isort .
black .

To automatically check for these issues before you commit, you can run .install-hooks.


Copyright 2024 DPSG Würzburg

Released under the terms of the Apache License 2.0


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