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A place for dotfile snippets (here: yolks) which are not worth creating a new repository but are still non-trivial. Or with other words: Snippets which needed a good amount of time to create and tune. Each yolk is simply sourced using the fry command, which exists for every environment (here: pan). With this approach, users (here: chefs) can share and improve their yolks together and keep their dotfiles (here: kitchen) clean. Tasty.

ZSH - The Teflon Pan


Clone this repo and source the pan.zsh once in your ~/.zshrc to get the command fry:

source [path to where you cloned dottr]/pan.zsh

If you are using zgen, load dottr with this line in your ~/.zshrc:

zgen load dottr/dottr


Then simply declare every snippet you want to use with fry in your ~/.zshrc or activate it on demand with:

fry ncserve
fry alias-usage-analysis

The yolks have long names in order to avoid name clashes and encourage you to define your own aliases. Here are some examples:

alias imv='interactive-mv'
alias gsc='git-select-commit'

To get an overview, you can list all available yolks along with their description:

fry list-yolks

Tab completion

You can activate tab completion for all zsh-yolks with:

fry completion

git brunch


You need to put git-fry in your path (for example in ~/.profile):

export PATH="$PATH:[path to where you cloned dottr]/pan.git"


Now you can execute predifined aliases with:

git fry word-based-diff HEAD~1

Create custom aliases in your ~/.gitconfig:

    dw = fry word-based-diff
    dws = fry word-based-diff --staged



Source pan.vim in your vimrc:

source [path to where you cloned dottr]/pan.vim


Now you can use the command :Fry to load different plugins, for example:

:Fry edit-multiple-files


Please send in pull requests for your yolks and spread the word. If you find a useful snippet, just add it to dottr - so others can benefit from it, too. It's also nice to include some words in the files about the usage and possibly the authors/sources. If you have any problem or idea, please open an issue.


Write the names of the yolks in kebap-case.

Anybody out there?

When we started this project we didn't know an alternative doing exactly this. If you know one, please tell us in the issues. We are interested to merge.


Nontrivial Dotfile Snippets. And Eggs.






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