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Releases: dorfire/heavenly


19 Jun 00:12
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New command: heavenly matrix-deps

An investigation tool. Somewhat similar to bazel query, this command shows a list of build targets that depend on a set of files.

With it, one can try measure the effects of changing COPY commands in Earthfiles around a repo.

heavenly matrix-deps ./+build-images genproto/api/v1/api.pb.go
Analyzing BUILD commands 100% |████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| (52/52, 42 it/s)        
Analyzing 52 targets took 1.251641042s
8 targets depend on inputs [genproto/api/v1/api.pb.go]:


New command: heavenly gocopies

A development tool. Inspired by Gazelle, this is a rudimentary attempt at dependency resolution specific to the Go language.

It builds the COPY commands necessary for a given Go directory. It mostly gets things right, but not always; but sure to review its output.

$ heavenly gocopies --transitive backend/some/pkg

# Go imports (generated with `heavenly gocopies --include-transitive backend/service/user`)
COPY --dir $TOP/backend/db/+src/sqlclient/* $TOP/backend/db/sqlclient/
COPY --dir $TOP/backend/genproto/+src/service/user/v1/* $TOP/backend/genproto/service/user/v1/
COPY --dir $TOP/backend/pkg/+src/context/userctx/* $TOP/backend/pkg/context/userctx/ # indirect
COPY --dir $TOP/backend/pkg/+src/deferutil/* $TOP/backend/pkg/deferutil/
COPY --dir $TOP/backend/pkg/+src/logger/* $TOP/backend/pkg/logger/ # indirect

# Go test imports (generated with `heavenly gocopies --include-transitive backend/test/pkg`)
COPY --dir $TOP/backend/genmock/+src/genproto/service/user/v1/* $TOP/backend/genmock/genproto/service/user/v1/
COPY --dir $TOP/backend/test/pkg/+src/testdb/* $TOP/backend/test/pkg/testdb/


17 Jun 14:29
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Fixes an issue where COPY commands with Glob patterns in the source arg were incorrectly handled.


22 Jan 17:16
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Fixes an issue where some COPY commands were detected in incorrect Earthfile contexts.


30 Nov 12:18
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Support globbing dirs