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Exchange Rate API

actions workflow


This project provides a RESTful API to access and convert exchange rates. You can do the following using this API

  • Retrieve the current rate for a specific date.
  • Convert an amount from one currency to another for a specific date
  • Get historical data statistics such as the highest and average rate over a certain period.


This project requires Java 17.

Building the Application

A gradle wrapper is already included in this project. You perform the build by running the following command in the project's root directory.

./gradlew build

If you already have gradle installed then you can use that as well.

gradle build

Running the Application

Run the application using the following command:

./gradlew bootRun

This will start the application and it will be accessible at http://localhost:8080.

OpenAPI Specification

This project uses springdoc-openapi to automatically generate API documentation according to the OpenAPI specification. You can access this documentation by running the project and visiting the following URL:


For the UI version, visit:


Data Source

The data source used by this API is the CSV formatted historical Euro foreign exchange reference rates data published by the European Central Bank at

See also


In the development of this API, several architectural decisions have been made to create a robust, maintainable, and easily extensible system. The following are some key considerations and approaches that have been employed:


The system follows a layered architecture, with clear separation of concerns among different components of the system. This separation makes the system more manageable, maintainable, and testable. The layers include:

  • Controller Layer: Handles HTTP requests and responses. It uses services to perform the business logic and returns the results to the client.
  • Service Layer: Contains the business logic of the application. It is responsible for coordinating tasks and delegating work to data providers.
  • Provider Layer: Responsible for providing data to the service layer. It communicates with external data sources and parses the data into a format that the service layer can use.

Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection (DI) is used to manage dependencies between components. DI contributes to the flexibility and testability of the system as dependencies can be easily substituted or mocked during testing.

Interface-driven Design

The system is designed with an interface-driven approach, which allows for higher flexibility and interchangeability of components. For example, the DataDownloader and DataParser interfaces can have different implementations depending on the data source or format.

Separation of Data Downloading and Parsing

The responsibilities of downloading data and parsing data are separated into distinct classes (DataDownloader and DataParser). This separation follows the Single Responsibility Principle, making each class easier to understand, maintain, and test.

Logging and Error Handling

Appropriate logging and error handling mechanisms have been implemented. In case of any unexpected situation (e.g., a change in the data source format), the system logs a warning message and continues functioning. This ensures the robustness of the system.

Unit Testing

Unit tests have been written for the components of the system to ensure their correctness. Mocking is used to isolate the component under test and create controlled test scenarios. Logging is also tested to ensure appropriate warning messages are logged under specific conditions.

Behavior Driven Development

A gherkin file is included and is located at test/resources/features/currency_exchange_rates.feature to help facilitate behavior driven development.

Project Structure

The project is structured in a logical and intuitive manner. It includes the following packages:

  • com.europeanexchangerates.exchangeapi.controller: Contains the controllers that handle HTTP requests.
  • com.europeanexchangerates.exchangeapi.service: Contains the services that perform business logic.
  • com.europeanexchangerates.exchangeapi.provider: Contains the providers that fetch and parse data from external sources.
  • com.europeanexchangerates.exchangeapi.util: Contains utility classes and interfaces, like data downloaders and parsers.
  • com.europeanexchangerates.exchangeapi.dto: Contains data transfer objects (DTOs) that define the data structure.
  • com.europeanexchangerates.exchangeapi.exception: Contains custom exception classes for specific error scenarios.
  • com.europeanexchangerates.exchangeapi.test: Contains unit tests for the components.

This structure ensures that related classes are grouped together, making it easy to navigate and understand the codebase. Future additions and modifications can be made following this structure.

Future Considerations

Some of the potential future considerations might include integration with a database for persistent storage, implementation of caching for performance improvement, and expansion to additional data sources. The current architecture has been designed with such scalability in mind, ensuring that the system can grow and adapt to changing needs.


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