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Automate spaces on Mac OS X.

mac-space Demonstration


  • Max OS X >= 10.11

  • Node >= 4.2


npm install -g mac-space;


  • Help: mac-space --help

  • Start: mac-space --config /path/to/config.json


See ./config/example.json for a sample configuration.

JSON Schema

The application expects the following configuration in a valid JSON format.

Key Type Default Required Description
delay Number 0.25 No The delay between launching windows.
space Array/Object [] No The configuration for the space.
column Object {} No The grid columns configuration.
max Number 0 No The maximum number of columns to allow.
spacing Number 0 No The number of pixels to space the columns with.
enabled Boolean true No Whether the space is enabled or not.
row Object {} No The grid rows configuration.
max Number 0 No The maximum number of rows to allow.
spacing Number 0 No The number of pixels to space the rows with.
space Number 1 No The Mac OS X space to assign the windows to.
window Array/Object [] No The configuration for each of the windows for the space.
application String No The name of the application recognizable by AppleScript.
description String No A description for the window.
osascript Array/String No Invoke OSA commands to assist with launching the window.
osascriptPost Array/String No Invoke OSA commands after the window has launched.
osascriptPre Array/String No Invoke OSA commands before the window has launched.
shell Array/String No Invoke shell commands to assist with launching the window.
shellPost Array/String No Invoke shell commands after the window has launched.
shellPre Array/String No Invoke shell commands before the window has launched.
title String No The title for the window.


  • Application: The space.window.application field usually expects the name of the Application that lives in your /Application/ folder. For example if you wanted to launch Mac OS X's native text application, then the value would be TextEdit.

  • Delay: You may need to adjust the delay depending on the speed of your system.

  • Disabling Grid/Resizing/Moving: Set the maximum number of columns and rows to 0 to disable resizing and moving of windows. Doing this will simply assign the window to a specific space.

  • Empty Grid Spaces: Leave the space.window.application field empty and the grid space will be left empty.


  • Help: npm run help

  • Start: npm run start -- --config /path/to/config.json

  • Test: npm run test

Known Issues

  • Resizing Problems: Some OS X applications simply don't support resizing of their windows, and there's not much that can be done about this. If you have an idea or working example, please feel free to create a new issue or make a pull request.

  • Spaces Must Already Exist: The application will not automatically create spaces for you. When running the application your spaces must already exist, otherwise the application will just use the current space where it's being run from.

  • Moving Windows Across Spaces: It's possible, but currently unsupported due the amount of work required. Feel free to make a pull request.

  • Multi-Monitor Support: It's possible, but currently unsupported due the amount of work required. Feel free to make a pull request.

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