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Implement a general array view.
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* Replace existing matrix and vector view.


Remove const too.



Use it in AUC.

Win build.

Use int32_t.

Use integral.

force the same type.

Use constexpr for old nvcc.

Test for empty tensor.

Rename to view.


Better document and perf.

Address reviewer's comment.
  • Loading branch information
trivialfis committed Nov 2, 2021
1 parent 0f7a9b4 commit e46a59d
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Showing 11 changed files with 402 additions and 130 deletions.
348 changes: 268 additions & 80 deletions include/xgboost/linalg.h
@@ -1,113 +1,301 @@
* Copyright 2021 by Contributors
* Copyright 2021 by XGBoost Contributors
* \file linalg.h
* \brief Linear algebra related utilities.
* \brief Linear algebra related utilities.

#include <xgboost/span.h>
#include <xgboost/host_device_vector.h>
#include <xgboost/base.h>
#include <xgboost/generic_parameters.h>
#include <xgboost/span.h>

#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

namespace xgboost {
* \brief A view over a matrix on contiguous storage.
* \tparam T data type of matrix
namespace linalg {
namespace detail {
template <typename S, typename Head, size_t D>
constexpr size_t Offset(S (&strides)[D], size_t n, size_t dim, Head head) {
assert(dim < D);
return n + head * strides[dim];

template <typename S, size_t D, typename Head, typename... Tail>
constexpr size_t Offset(S (&strides)[D], size_t n, size_t dim, Head head, Tail && {
assert(dim < D);
return Offset(strides, n + (head * strides[dim]), dim + 1, rest...);

struct AllTag {};
struct IntTag {};

* \brief Calculate the dimension of sliced tensor.
template <typename T> class MatrixView {
int32_t device_;
common::Span<T> values_;
size_t strides_[2];
size_t shape_[2];

template <typename Vec> static auto InferValues(Vec *vec, int32_t device) {
return device == GenericParameter::kCpuId ? vec->HostSpan()
: vec->DeviceSpan();
template <typename T>
constexpr int32_t CalcSliceDim() {
return std::is_same<T, IntTag>::value ? 0 : 1;

* \param vec storage.
* \param strides Strides for matrix.
* \param shape Rows and columns.
* \param device Where the data is stored in.
MatrixView(HostDeviceVector<T> *vec, std::array<size_t, 2> strides,
std::array<size_t, 2> shape, int32_t device)
: device_{device}, values_{InferValues(vec, device)} {
std::copy(strides.cbegin(), strides.cend(), strides_);
std::copy(shape.cbegin(), shape.cend(), shape_);
MatrixView(HostDeviceVector<std::remove_const_t<T>> const *vec,
std::array<size_t, 2> strides, std::array<size_t, 2> shape,
int32_t device)
: device_{device}, values_{InferValues(vec, device)} {
std::copy(strides.cbegin(), strides.cend(), strides_);
std::copy(shape.cbegin(), shape.cend(), shape_);
template <typename T, typename... S>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<sizeof...(S) != 0, int32_t> CalcSliceDim() {
return CalcSliceDim<T>() + CalcSliceDim<S...>();

template <int32_t D>
constexpr size_t CalcSize(size_t (&shape)[D]) {
size_t size = 1;
for (auto d : shape) {
size *= d;
/*! \brief Row major constructor. */
MatrixView(HostDeviceVector<T> *vec, std::array<size_t, 2> shape,
int32_t device)
: device_{device}, values_{InferValues(vec, device)} {
std::copy(shape.cbegin(), shape.cend(), shape_);
strides_[0] = shape[1];
strides_[1] = 1;
return size;

template <typename S>
using RemoveCRType = std::remove_const_t<std::remove_reference_t<S>>;

template <typename S>
using IndexToTag = std::conditional_t<std::is_integral<RemoveCRType<S>>::value, IntTag, AllTag>;

template <int32_t n, typename Fn>
XGBOOST_DEVICE constexpr auto UnrollLoop(Fn fn) {
#if defined __CUDA_ARCH__
#pragma unroll(n)
#endif // defined __CUDA_ARCH__
for (int32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
MatrixView(std::vector<T> *vec, std::array<size_t, 2> shape)
: device_{GenericParameter::kCpuId}, values_{*vec} {
CHECK_EQ(vec->size(), shape[0] * shape[1]);
std::copy(shape.cbegin(), shape.cend(), shape_);
strides_[0] = shape[1];
strides_[1] = 1;
} // namespace detail

* \brief Specify all elements in the axis is used for slice.
constexpr detail::AllTag All() { return {}; }

* \brief A tensor view with static type and shape. It implements indexing and slicing.
* Most of the algorithms in XGBoost are implemented for both CPU and GPU without using
* much linear algebra routines, this class is a helper intended to ease some high level
* operations like indexing into prediction tensor or gradient matrix. It can be passed
* into CUDA kernel as normal argument for GPU algorithms.
template <typename T, int32_t kDim = 5>
class TensorView {
using ShapeT = size_t[kDim];
using StrideT = ShapeT;

StrideT stride_{1};
ShapeT shape_{0};
common::Span<T> data_;
T* ptr_{nullptr}; // pointer of data_ to avoid bound check.

size_t size_{0};
int32_t device_{-1};

// Unlike `Tensor`, the data_ can have arbitrary size since this is just a view.
XGBOOST_DEVICE void CalcSize() {
if (data_.empty()) {
size_ = 0;
} else {
size_ = detail::CalcSize(shape_);
MatrixView(HostDeviceVector<std::remove_const_t<T>> const *vec,
std::array<size_t, 2> shape, int32_t device)
: device_{device}, values_{InferValues(vec, device)} {
std::copy(shape.cbegin(), shape.cend(), shape_);
strides_[0] = shape[1];
strides_[1] = 1;

struct SliceHelper {
size_t old_dim;
size_t new_dim;
size_t offset;

template <int32_t D, typename... S>
XGBOOST_DEVICE SliceHelper MakeSliceDim(size_t old_dim, size_t new_dim, size_t new_shape[D],
size_t new_stride[D], detail::AllTag) const {
new_stride[new_dim] = stride_[old_dim];
new_shape[new_dim] = shape_[old_dim];
return {old_dim + 1, new_dim + 1, 0};

XGBOOST_DEVICE T const &operator()(size_t r, size_t c) const {
return values_[strides_[0] * r + strides_[1] * c];
template <int32_t D, typename... S>
XGBOOST_DEVICE SliceHelper MakeSliceDim(size_t old_dim, size_t new_dim, size_t new_shape[D],
size_t new_stride[D], detail::AllTag,
S &&...slices) const {
new_stride[new_dim] = stride_[old_dim];
new_shape[new_dim] = shape_[old_dim];
return MakeSliceDim<D>(old_dim + 1, new_dim + 1, new_shape, new_stride, slices...);
XGBOOST_DEVICE T &operator()(size_t r, size_t c) {
return values_[strides_[0] * r + strides_[1] * c];

template <int32_t D, typename Index>
XGBOOST_DEVICE SliceHelper MakeSliceDim(size_t old_dim, size_t new_dim, size_t new_shape[D],
size_t new_stride[D], Index i) const {
return {old_dim + 1, new_dim, stride_[old_dim] * i};

auto Strides() const { return strides_; }
auto Shape() const { return shape_; }
auto Values() const { return values_; }
auto Size() const { return shape_[0] * shape_[1]; }
auto DeviceIdx() const { return device_; }
template <int32_t D, typename Index, typename... S>
XGBOOST_DEVICE std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<Index>::value, SliceHelper> MakeSliceDim(
size_t old_dim, size_t new_dim, size_t new_shape[D], size_t new_stride[D], Index i,
S &&...slices) const {
auto offset = stride_[old_dim] * i;
auto res = MakeSliceDim<D>(old_dim + 1, new_dim, new_shape, new_stride, slices...);
return {res.old_dim, res.new_dim, res.offset + offset};

/*! \brief A slice for 1 column of MatrixView. Can be extended to row if needed. */
template <typename T> class VectorView {
MatrixView<T> matrix_;
size_t column_;
size_t constexpr static kValueSize = sizeof(T);
size_t constexpr static kDimension = kDim;

explicit VectorView(MatrixView<T> matrix, size_t column)
: matrix_{std::move(matrix)}, column_{column} {}
* \brief Create a tensor with data and shape.
* \tparam I Type of the shape array element.
* \tparam D Size of the shape array, can be lesser than or equal to tensor dimension.
* \param data Raw data input, can be const if this tensor has const type in its
* template parameter.
* \param shape shape of the tensor
* \param device Device ordinal
template <typename I, int32_t D>
XGBOOST_DEVICE TensorView(common::Span<T> data, I const (&shape)[D], int32_t device)
: data_{data}, ptr_{}, device_{device} {
static_assert(D > 0 && D <= kDim, "Invalid shape.");
// shape
detail::UnrollLoop<D>([&](auto i) { shape_[i] = shape[i]; });
for (auto i = D; i < kDim; ++i) {
shape_[i] = 1;
// stride
stride_[kDim - 1] = 1;
for (int32_t s = kDim - 2; s >= 0; --s) {
stride_[s] = shape_[s + 1] * stride_[s + 1];

XGBOOST_DEVICE T &operator[](size_t i) {
return matrix_(i, column_);
* \brief Create a tensor with data, shape and strides. Don't use this constructor if
* stride can be calculated from shape.
template <typename I, int32_t D>
XGBOOST_DEVICE TensorView(common::Span<T> data, I const (&shape)[D], I const (&stride)[D],
int32_t device)
: data_{data}, ptr_{}, device_{device} {
static_assert(D == kDim, "Invalid shape & stride.");
detail::UnrollLoop<D>([&](auto i) {
shape_[i] = shape[i];
stride_[i] = stride[i];

XGBOOST_DEVICE TensorView(TensorView const &that)
: data_{that.data_}, ptr_{}, size_{that.size_}, device_{that.device_} {
detail::UnrollLoop<kDim>([&](auto i) {
stride_[i] = that.stride_[i];
shape_[i] = that.shape_[i];

XGBOOST_DEVICE T const &operator[](size_t i) const {
return matrix_(i, column_);
* \brief Index the tensor to obtain a scalar value.
* \code
* // Create a 3-dim tensor.
* Tensor<float, 3> t {data, shape, 0};
* float pi = 3.14159;
* t(1, 2, 3) = pi;
* ASSERT_EQ(t(1, 2, 3), pi);
* \endcode
template <typename... Index>
XGBOOST_DEVICE T &operator()(Index &&...index) {
static_assert(sizeof...(index) <= kDim, "Invalid index.");
size_t offset = detail::Offset(stride_, 0ul, 0ul, index...);
return ptr_[offset];
* \brief Index the tensor to obtain a scalar value.
template <typename... Index>
XGBOOST_DEVICE T const &operator()(Index &&...index) const {
static_assert(sizeof...(index) <= kDim, "Invalid index.");
size_t offset = detail::Offset(stride_, 0ul, 0ul, index...);
return ptr_[offset];

size_t Size() { return matrix_.Shape()[0]; }
int32_t DeviceIdx() const { return matrix_.DeviceIdx(); }
* \brief Slice the tensor. The returned tensor has inferred dim and shape.
* \code
* // Create a 3-dim tensor.
* Tensor<float, 3> t {data, shape, 0};
* // s has 2 dimensions (matrix)
* auto s = t.Slice(1, All(), All());
* \endcode
template <typename... S>
XGBOOST_DEVICE auto Slice(S &&...slices) const {
static_assert(sizeof...(slices) <= kDim, "Invalid slice.");
int32_t constexpr kNewDim{detail::CalcSliceDim<detail::IndexToTag<S>...>()};
size_t new_shape[kNewDim];
size_t new_stride[kNewDim];
auto res = MakeSliceDim<kNewDim>(size_t(0), size_t(0), new_shape, new_stride, slices...);
// ret is a different type due to changed dimension, so we can not access its private
// fields.
TensorView<T, kNewDim> ret{data_.subspan(data_.empty() ? 0 : res.offset), new_shape, new_stride,
return ret;

XGBOOST_DEVICE auto Shape() const { return common::Span<size_t const, kDim>{shape_}; }
* Get the shape for i^th dimension
XGBOOST_DEVICE auto Shape(size_t i) const { return shape_[i]; }
XGBOOST_DEVICE auto Stride() const { return common::Span<size_t const, kDim>{stride_}; }
* Get the stride for i^th dimension, stride is specified as number of items instead of bytes.
XGBOOST_DEVICE auto Stride(size_t i) const { return stride_[i]; }

XGBOOST_DEVICE auto cbegin() const { return data_.cbegin(); } // NOLINT
XGBOOST_DEVICE auto cend() const { return data_.cend(); } // NOLINT
XGBOOST_DEVICE auto begin() { return data_.begin(); } // NOLINT
XGBOOST_DEVICE auto end() { return data_.end(); } // NOLINT

XGBOOST_DEVICE size_t Size() const { return size_; }
XGBOOST_DEVICE auto Values() const { return data_; }
XGBOOST_DEVICE auto DeviceIdx() const { return device_; }
} // namespace xgboost

* \brief A view over a vector, specialization of Tensor
* \tparam T data type of vector
template <typename T>
using VectorView = TensorView<T, 1>;

* \brief A view over a matrix, specialization of Tensor.
* \tparam T data type of matrix
template <typename T>
using MatrixView = TensorView<T, 2>;
} // namespace linalg
} // namespace xgboost
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion include/xgboost/tree_updater.h
Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class TreeUpdater : public Configurable {
* updated by the time this function returns.
virtual bool UpdatePredictionCache(const DMatrix * /*data*/,
VectorView<float> /*out_preds*/) {
linalg::VectorView<float> /*out_preds*/) {
return false;

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