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Calculate feature scores in native XGBoost.
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* Support categorical data.
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trivialfis committed Jun 15, 2021
1 parent 2567404 commit d6ac445
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Showing 9 changed files with 266 additions and 84 deletions.
26 changes: 25 additions & 1 deletion include/xgboost/c_api.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2015~2020 by Contributors
* Copyright (c) 2015~2021 by Contributors
* \file c_api.h
* \author Tianqi Chen
* \brief C API of XGBoost, used for interfacing to other languages.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1193,4 +1193,28 @@ XGB_DLL int XGBoosterSetStrFeatureInfo(BoosterHandle handle, const char *field,
XGB_DLL int XGBoosterGetStrFeatureInfo(BoosterHandle handle, const char *field,
bst_ulong *len,
const char ***out_features);

* \brief Calculate feature scores for tree models.
* \param handle An instance of Booster
* \param json_config Parameters for computing scores. Accepted JSON keys are:
* - importance_type: A JSON string with following possible values:
* * 'weight': the number of times a feature is used to split the data across all trees.
* * 'gain': the average gain across all splits the feature is used in.
* * 'cover': the average coverage across all splits the feature is used in.
* * 'total_gain': the total gain across all splits the feature is used in.
* * 'total_cover': the total coverage across all splits the feature is used in.
* - feature_map: An optional JSON string with URI or path to the feature map file.
* \param out_length Length of output arrays.
* \param out_features An array of string as feature names, ordered the same as output scores.
* \param out_scores An array of floating point as feature scores.
* \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens
XGB_DLL int XGBoosterFeatureScore(BoosterHandle handle, const char *json_config,
bst_ulong *out_length,
const char ***out_features,
float **out_scores);
#endif // XGBOOST_C_API_H_
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions include/xgboost/gbm.h
Expand Up @@ -181,6 +181,12 @@ class GradientBooster : public Model, public Configurable {
virtual std::vector<std::string> DumpModel(const FeatureMap& fmap,
bool with_stats,
std::string format) const = 0;

virtual void FeatureScore(std::string const &importance_type,
std::vector<bst_feature_t> *features,
std::vector<float> *scores) const {
LOG(FATAL) << "`feature_score` is not implemented for current booster.";
* \brief Whether the current booster uses GPU.
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions include/xgboost/learner.h
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ struct XGBAPIThreadLocalEntry {
std::string ret_str;
/*! \brief result holder for returning strings */
std::vector<std::string> ret_vec_str;
/*! \brief result holder for returning unsigned integers */
std::vector<uint32_t> ret_vec_uint32;
/*! \brief result holder for returning string pointers */
std::vector<const char *> ret_vec_charp;
/*! \brief returning float vector. */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,6 +154,13 @@ class Learner : public Model, public Configurable, public dmlc::Serializable {
HostDeviceVector<bst_float> **out_preds,
uint32_t layer_begin, uint32_t layer_end) = 0;

* \brief Calculate feature score. See doc in C API for outputs.
virtual void CalcFeatureScore(std::string const &importance_type,
std::vector<bst_feature_t> *features,
std::vector<float> *scores) = 0;

* \brief Get number of boosted rounds from gradient booster.
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113 changes: 31 additions & 82 deletions python-package/xgboost/
Expand Up @@ -2194,7 +2194,9 @@ def get_fscore(self, fmap=''):

return self.get_score(fmap, importance_type='weight')

def get_score(self, fmap='', importance_type='weight'):
def get_score(
self, fmap: os.PathLike = '', importance_type: str = 'weight'
) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Get feature importance of each feature.
Importance type can be defined as:
Expand All @@ -2206,96 +2208,43 @@ def get_score(self, fmap='', importance_type='weight'):
.. note:: Feature importance is defined only for tree boosters
Feature importance is only defined when the decision tree model is chosen as base
learner (`booster=gbtree`). It is not defined for other base learner types, such
as linear learners (`booster=gblinear`).
Feature importance is only defined when the decision tree model is chosen as
base learner (`booster=gbtree` or `booster=dart`). It is not defined for other
base learner types, such as linear learners (`booster=gblinear`).
fmap: str or os.PathLike (optional)
The name of feature map file.
importance_type: str, default 'weight'
One of the importance types defined above.
A map between feature names and their scores.
fmap = os.fspath(os.path.expanduser(fmap))
if getattr(self, 'booster', None) is not None and self.booster not in {'gbtree', 'dart'}:
raise ValueError('Feature importance is not defined for Booster type {}'

allowed_importance_types = ['weight', 'gain', 'cover', 'total_gain', 'total_cover']
if importance_type not in allowed_importance_types:
msg = ("importance_type mismatch, got '{}', expected one of " +
raise ValueError(msg.format(importance_type))

# if it's weight, then omap stores the number of missing values
if importance_type == 'weight':
# do a simpler tree dump to save time
trees = self.get_dump(fmap, with_stats=False)
fmap = {}
for tree in trees:
for line in tree.split('\n'):
# look for the opening square bracket
arr = line.split('[')
# if no opening bracket (leaf node), ignore this line
if len(arr) == 1:

# extract feature name from string between []
fid = arr[1].split(']')[0].split('<')[0]

if fid not in fmap:
# if the feature hasn't been seen yet
fmap[fid] = 1
fmap[fid] += 1

return fmap

average_over_splits = True
if importance_type == 'total_gain':
importance_type = 'gain'
average_over_splits = False
elif importance_type == 'total_cover':
importance_type = 'cover'
average_over_splits = False

trees = self.get_dump(fmap, with_stats=True)

importance_type += '='
fmap = {}
gmap = {}
for tree in trees:
for line in tree.split('\n'):
# look for the opening square bracket
arr = line.split('[')
# if no opening bracket (leaf node), ignore this line
if len(arr) == 1:

# look for the closing bracket, extract only info within that bracket
fid = arr[1].split(']')

# extract gain or cover from string after closing bracket
g = float(fid[1].split(importance_type)[1].split(',')[0])

# extract feature name from string before closing bracket
fid = fid[0].split('<')[0]

if fid not in fmap:
# if the feature hasn't been seen yet
fmap[fid] = 1
gmap[fid] = g
fmap[fid] += 1
gmap[fid] += g

# calculate average value (gain/cover) for each feature
if average_over_splits:
for fid in gmap:
gmap[fid] = gmap[fid] / fmap[fid]

return gmap
args = from_pystr_to_cstr(
json.dumps({"importance_type": importance_type, "feature_map": fmap})
features = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)()
scores = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float)()
length = c_bst_ulong()
features_arr = from_cstr_to_pystr(features, length)
scores_arr = ctypes2numpy(scores, length.value, np.float32)
results = {}
for feat, score in zip(features_arr, scores_arr):
results[feat] = score
return results

def trees_to_dataframe(self, fmap=''):
"""Parse a boosted tree model text dump into a pandas DataFrame structure.
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42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions src/c_api/
Expand Up @@ -1098,5 +1098,47 @@ XGB_DLL int XGBoosterGetStrFeatureInfo(BoosterHandle handle, const char *field,

XGB_DLL int XGBoosterFeatureScore(BoosterHandle handle,
const char *json_config,
xgboost::bst_ulong* out_length,
const char ***out_features,
float **out_scores) {
auto *learner = static_cast<Learner *>(handle);
auto config = Json::Load(StringView{json_config});
auto importance = get<String const>(config["importance_type"]);
std::string feature_map_uri;
if (!IsA<Null>(config["feature_map"])) {
feature_map_uri = get<String const>(config["feature_map"]);
FeatureMap feature_map = LoadFeatureMap(feature_map_uri);

auto& scores = learner->GetThreadLocal().ret_vec_float;
auto& features = learner->GetThreadLocal().ret_vec_uint32;
learner->CalcFeatureScore(importance, &features, &scores);

auto n_features = learner->GetNumFeature();
GenerateFeatureMap(learner, n_features, &feature_map);
CHECK_LE(features.size(), n_features);

auto& feature_names = learner->GetThreadLocal().ret_vec_str;
auto& feature_names_c = learner->GetThreadLocal().ret_vec_charp;

for (bst_feature_t i = 0; i < features.size(); ++i) {
feature_names[i] = feature_map.Name(features[i]);
feature_names_c[i] = feature_names[i].data();

CHECK_EQ(scores.size(), features.size());
CHECK_EQ(scores.size(), feature_names.size());
*out_length = scores.size();
*out_scores =;
*out_features = dmlc::BeginPtr(feature_names_c);

// force link rabit
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions src/c_api/c_api_utils.h
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "xgboost/logging.h"
#include "xgboost/json.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,5 +183,39 @@ class XGBoostAPIGuard {

inline FeatureMap LoadFeatureMap(std::string const& uri) {
FeatureMap feat;
if (uri.size() != 0) {
std::unique_ptr<dmlc::Stream> fs(dmlc::Stream::Create(uri.c_str(), "r"));
dmlc::istream is(fs.get());
return feat;

// FIXME(jiamingy): Use this for model dump.
inline void GenerateFeatureMap(Learner const *learner,
size_t n_features, FeatureMap *out_feature_map) {
auto &feature_map = *out_feature_map;
auto maybe = [&](std::vector<std::string> const &values, size_t i,
std::string const &dft) {
return values.empty() ? dft : values[i];
if (feature_map.Size() == 0) {
// Use the feature names and types from booster.
std::vector<std::string> feature_names;
std::vector<std::string> feature_types;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_features; ++i) {
maybe(feature_names, i, "f" + std::to_string(i)).data(),
maybe(feature_types, i, "q").data());
CHECK_EQ(feature_map.Size(), n_features);
} // namespace xgboost
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions src/gbm/gbtree.h
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@

#include <dmlc/omp.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,6 +300,58 @@ class GBTree : public GradientBooster {

void FeatureScore(std::string const &importance_type,
std::vector<bst_feature_t> *features,
std::vector<float> *scores) const override {
// Because feature with no importance doesn't appear in the return value so
// we need to set up another pair of vectors to store the values during
// computation.
std::vector<size_t> split_counts(this->model_.learner_model_param->num_feature, 0);
std::vector<float> gain_map(this->model_.learner_model_param->num_feature, 0);
auto add_score = [&](auto fn) {
for (auto const &p_tree : model_.trees) {
p_tree->WalkTree([&](bst_node_t nidx) {
auto const &node = (*p_tree)[nidx];
if (!node.IsLeaf()) {
fn(p_tree, nidx, node.SplitIndex());
return true;

if (importance_type == "weight") {
add_score([&](auto const &p_tree, bst_node_t, bst_feature_t split) {
gain_map[split] = split_counts[split];
if (importance_type == "gain" || importance_type == "total_gain") {
add_score([&](auto const &p_tree, bst_node_t nidx, bst_feature_t split) {
gain_map[split] += p_tree->Stat(nidx).loss_chg;
if (importance_type == "cover" || importance_type == "total_cover") {
add_score([&](auto const &p_tree, bst_node_t nidx, bst_feature_t split) {
gain_map[split] += p_tree->Stat(nidx).sum_hess;
if (importance_type == "gain" || importance_type == "cover") {
for (size_t i = 0; i < gain_map.size(); ++i) {
gain_map[i] /= std::max(1.0f, static_cast<float>(split_counts[i]));

for (size_t i = 0; i < split_counts.size(); ++i) {
if (split_counts[i] != 0) {

void PredictInstance(const SparsePage::Inst& inst,
std::vector<bst_float>* out_preds,
uint32_t layer_begin, uint32_t layer_end) override {
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