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Ionic V.3.20.0 Application

This is the Ionic shopping app, created by the request of my friend Tharindu de Soysa from Sri Lanka.


App primarily been developed for Android
Due to lack of time I decided to build app on top of Firebase backend.

ionic-angular npm module has 2 following bugs. In order to fix them, please amend this files
Module "PLATFORM" -> File "platform.js" line 607 -> Body of function onTransitionEnd must to be wrapped in try-catch block to avoid exeption, see exaple below:

function onTransitionEnd(ev) {

  try {

    if (el === {



  }catch(e) {}


Module "COMPONENTS/INFINITE-SCROLL" -> File "infinite-scroll.js" line 224 -> Body of function InfiniteScroll.prototype._onScroll must to be wrapped in try-catch block to avoid exeption, see exaple below:

InfiniteScroll.prototype._onScroll = function (ev) {

  try {

    var _this = this;
    if (this.state === STATE_LOADING || this.state === STATE_DISABLED) {
      return 1;
    if (this._lastCheck + 32 > ev.timeStamp) {
      // no need to check less than every XXms
      return 2;
    this._lastCheck = ev.timeStamp;
    // ******** DOM READ ****************
    var infiniteHeight = this._elementRef.nativeElement.scrollHeight;
    if (!infiniteHeight) {
      // if there is no height of this element then do nothing
      return 3;
    // ******** DOM READ ****************
    var d = this._content.getContentDimensions();
    var height = d.contentHeight;
    var threshold = this._thrPc ? (height * this._thrPc) : this._thrPx;
    // ******** DOM READS ABOVE / DOM WRITES BELOW ****************
    var distanceFromInfinite;
    if (this._position === POSITION_BOTTOM) {
      distanceFromInfinite = d.scrollHeight - infiniteHeight - d.scrollTop - height - threshold;
    else {
      (void 0) /* assert */;
      distanceFromInfinite = d.scrollTop - infiniteHeight - threshold;
    if (distanceFromInfinite < 0) {
    // ******** DOM WRITE ****************
    this._dom.write(function () { () {
          if (_this.state !== STATE_LOADING && _this.state !== STATE_DISABLED) {
            _this.state = STATE_LOADING;
      return 5;
      return 6;
  }catch(e) {}

plugins/cordova-universal-links-plugin in order to work properly with android ~7.0.0 require to make following changes
File "hooks/lib/android/manifestWriter.js" line 21 -> Need substitute

  var pathToManifest = path.join(cordovaContext.opts.projectRoot, 'platforms', 'android', 'AndroidManifest.xml');


  var pathToManifest = path.join(cordovaContext.opts.projectRoot, 'platforms', 'android', 'app', 'src', 'main', 'AndroidManifest.xml');


  • Java 8
  • Android Studio 3.0 >=
  • Android Tools (installed together with Android Studio)
  • Gragle 3.0 >=
  • NodeJS 6.0 >=
  • Ionic framework 3.20.0

Install instructions:

  • npm i
  • fix issues in 3 places as mentioned above
  • connect your Android device
  • ionic cordova run android --device

I attached already compiled APK file in folder buildAPK in case if you want just test my app

TODO: transfer all inline string messages from any modules into dedicated "messaging-registry.service"

About - ionic hybrid app for Tharindu







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