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Registry Release Process

Richard Scothern edited this page Aug 13, 2015 · 10 revisions
  1. Compile release notes detailing features and gotchas since the last release.

  2. Create a branch in docker/distribution for the release of the format release/x.y

  3. Create a signed tag. Distribution uses semantic versioning. Tags are of the format vx.y.z[-rc0] You will need PGP installed and a PGP key. The key should be registered at The comment for the tag should include the release notes

  4. Push the signed tag

  5. Create a pull request against docker/distribution.

  6. Create a new release. In the case of a release candidate, tick the pre-release checkbox.

  7. Update the registry binary in docker/distribution-library-image by running the update script and opening a pull request.

  8. Update the official image. Add the new version in the official images repo by appending a new version to the registry/registry file with the git hash pointed to by the signed tag. Update the major version to point to the latest version and the minor version to point to new patch release if necessary. e.g. to release 2.3.1

    2.3.1 (new)

    2.3.0 -> 2.3.0 (unchanged)

    2 -> 2.3.1

    2.3 -> 2.3.1

  9. Build a new distribution/registry image on Docker hub by adding a new automated build with the new tag and re-building the images.

  10. 🍰 🚒