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DEV's event feed web app for OSU students to check daily events.


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Event Feed Project

Node.js 18 NextJS web app to inform OSU students of the various club activities happing across campus.

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DO NOT commit/upload ANY credentials/secrets such as: firebase credentials, gcloud service account keys, and anything that's in your local env or .env file.

You can now find and use the firebase init module at firebase/firebase.js along with firebase.test.js. The .env.exmaple file is NOT a placeholder and is essential to loading the env vars correctly. Copy the .env.example to a .env file in your own firebase dir and keep your credentials offline.

Read more on dotenv-safe:

View the "Sunburst" CodeCov report below. (The inner-most circle is the entire project, moving away from the center are folders then, finally, a single file. The size and color of each slice is representing the number of statements and the coverage, respectively.)

CodeCov report for this repo, visualized in Sunburst format.

User Stories

Feature: View same-day/week/month... club events

  Scenario: Trevor wants to find a recycling-themed club event after class at 3pm today 
    Given Trevor has access to the Internet and some mobile device (Android/iOS)
    When Trevor opens URL on his phone and applies the reclycing tag filter
    Then The website will respond with either a list of recycling events (plus details) or related events if not found


❤️ This project is made with passion and love by students of DEV at OSU:

Name Email Role
Trevor Gerald Sr SWE
Ekumjyot Kaur Sr SWE
Ziqi Ou Jr SWE
Yakob Getu Jr SWE
William An Designer
Keming He Cloud DevOps

⭐ Documented on 04/02/24 by Keming He as the DevOps consultant for this project. Connect with me at

LinkedIn Profile:

This table is generated using Tables Generator

Official Site:

Quickstart Guide

0. Set up Node.js and Git

Using the links below. First download and install the Node.js 18 LTS (long-term-support) version compatible with your operating system. Then do the same with Git version control.

Node.js offcial release:

# Open either VSCode, Windows Powershell, or macOS terminal,
# and confirm Node.js 18 LTS is successfully installed by typing:
node --version

# you should then be getting outputs like this:
# v18.20.0

Git official release:

# Again, once installed, type in terminal:
git --version

# you should then be getting output like this:
# git version 2.44.0

1. Clone the repo and create your own branch

# Open either VSCode, Windows Powershell, or macOS terminal,
# and navigate to dir of your choice. The clone the repo.

# Change this command:
cd /path/to/your/dir

# Then run:
git clone
cd event-feed-project


Make sure you create your own branch both remote and locally by:

# Create your own branch locally, then immediately push to remote.
# Change the featurename and yourname accordingly.

git checkout -b dev-featurename-yourname
git push -u origin dev-featurename-yourname

2. Install dev dependencies

npm install

3. Run the project as dev

# The dev server should be accessible at: 
# http://localhost:3000
npm run dev

4. Perform auto-code review and testing

# This will re-format your code to the team standard.
npm run review

5. Conrtibute to main

After making sure your code is formatted, lint, and tested push to your own remote branch dev-featurename-yourname and open a pull request to the main branch. Tag one of the sr devs for review.

Open pull-request:


DEV's event feed web app for OSU students to check daily events.






Contributors 4
