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A GitHub Action for RBAC of geographic information systems using Mapbox


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A GitHub Action that manages user permissions and Mapbox accounts for geographic information systems


- name: Run Fabriko
  uses: devgioele/action-fabriko@v2.4
    config: ./fabriko-config.yml
    azure-tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
    azure-client-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
    azure-client-secret: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET }}
    secrets-context: ${{ toJson(secrets) }}

Don't forget to set the required secrets in your GitHub repo. To write the Fabriko config file, see the mock config.


Install Node.js

Install version 16.10 or higher of Node.js. Use node -v to check your current version.

Enable corepack

corepack enable

Install dependencies

pnpm install

Test and build package

pnpm test && pnpm build


Convert GeoJSON to GeoJSONL

Using jq:

jq --compact-output '.features[]' < input_file > output_file

Replace input_file and output_file with your file paths.


core.debug() does only output if the debugging mode is enabled.

On GitHub you can enable it by setting the secret ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG to true. _Note: You should hesitate to enable this on GitHub, because secrets may be printed while in debug mode.

If using act, you can enable it by passing the flag --verbose. Note: This does not currently work. Follow the related GitHub issue.

  1. Install act to run GitHub Actions locally, which includes having Docker.
  2. Test, package and run the GitHub Action:
pnpm dev

Using secrets locally

The .secrets file is a .env file placed in the root directory that is used to pass secrets to the GitHub Action while running it locally with act.

Publish to a distribution branch

Actions are run from GitHub repos so we will checkin the packed dist folder.

Build the source code, create a new tag and push it.

pnpm build
git add dist
git commit -m "<MESSAGE>"
git push
git push --tags

Note: Replace <MESSAGE> and <VERSION_NUMBER> with values that make sense for your scenario.


Procuring infrastructure

Use the terraform files to setup the Azure resources required for a successful Fabriko run.

You can follow the (HashiCorp guide)[]. The main points are:

  • Install the Azure CLI
  • Create a Service Principal
  • Export the secrets
  • Run terraform init
  • Run terraform plan
  • Run terraform apply

Deploying Azure Functions as mock API

Install the Azure CLI if you haven't already.

Install the Azure Functions Core Tools.

Run the following inside the mock-api directory.

Build the Azure Functions project:

pnpm build

Deploy the Azure Functions project:

func azure functionapp publish fabriko-mock-api

Give service principal access to Azure Storage

Azure's RBAC (Role-Based Authentication Access Control) is used to received the authorization to download block blobs from the created Azure Storage account.

For simplicity, the same service principal used by Terraform is also used to access Azure Storage.

Follow Microsoft's guide to assign the Storage Blob Data Reader role definition to the service principal. It gives the following permissions:

  • Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/read
  • Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/generateUserDelegationKey/action
  • "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/read