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Deterministic Annealing

detan is a Python 3 library for deterministic annealing, a clustering algorithm that uses fixed point iteration. It is based on T. Hofmann and J. M. Buhmann, Pairwise data clustering by deterministic annealing, IEEE T. Pattern Anal., 19 (1997), pp. 1–14.


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  • numpy

Clustering algorithms

Deterministic annealing is a clustering algorithm. So what do I consider a clustering algorithm in general?

Say you have a collection of N things. They could be signals, or images, or something else altogether. Say also that you have some way of measuring the dissimilarity of each pair of things. This doesn't need to be distance in a vector space (although it could be) — as long as there's a well defined and symmetric way to measure the dissimilarity between any two of your things, that will work.

I will call this dissimilarity the "pairwise distance measure" or just "distance" from now on, but it's important to remember the note above: it doesn't have to be a conventional distance (eg. the Euclidean norm). It just has to be:

  • symmetric: distance(A, B) == distance(B, A)
  • well defined: distance(A, B) == distance(C, D) whenever A == C and B == D

Finally, say you know that there are k natural groupings of these objects. Clustering is a way of computing which things go in which group based on their distances.

All that a clustering algorithm cares about is the dissimilarity measure and the number of groups. Given an N × N matrix of your distances (which should be symmetric), and the number of groups k, clustering will produce an assignment matrix that says which things go into which group.

The assignment matrix is a N × k matrix. Ideally the assignment matrix will contain only zeros and ones, where a one in row i and column j means that thing i goes in group j (and zero means the opposite). The matrix should satisfy the following three conditions:

  • binary: each entry is either 0 or 1
  • exclusive, and exhaustive: each row contains exactly one 1, because each thing can must belong to one and only one group

For example, this matrix:

0 1 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
0 0 1
1 0 0
0 0 1

...means that thing #0 goes in group #1, things #1, #2 and #4 go in group #0, and things #3 and #5 go in group #2. The order of the groups doesn't matter; any permutation of the columns would result in an equivalent assignment matrix.

Deterministic annealing is an algorithm that takes such a distance matrix and approximates the assignment matrix.

How deterministic annealing works

The assignment matrix is the ideal outcome of a clustering algorithm, but it is not quite what deterministic annealing calculates. Deterministic annealing (or DA) works on the expectation values of the assignments. Instead of a matrix of zeros and ones, DA iterates over a matrix of values between zero and one. DA gradually converges these expectation values towards the optimal zero or one for that "thing" and "group".

DA works at two levels, which will probably manifest in your code as two nested loops. The outer loop will gradually lower the temperature parameter, and the inner loop will update the expectation values.

Updating the expectation values has two parts. First, we calculate "potentials" from the expectation values and distances (so named because they're an analogue of potential energy in a physical system). Second, we calculate new expectations from the potentials and the Lagrangian parameter T (so named because it's analogous to temperature in a physical system). This is a form of fixed point iteration, ie. repeatedly calculating x_(n+1) = f(x_n) until we decide we've found the solution.

Limitations and modes of failure

There is no intrinsically obvious point at which to stop iterating and lower the temperature, nor is there an obvious point to stop lowering the temperature. It is entirely dependent on context and the statistics of the distances.

A common criteria for stopping fixed point iteration (the inner loop) is to calculate the absolute difference between the last value and the current value and stop when this difference drops below a threshold:

for new_assignments in annealer:
    if np.abs(new_assignments - old_assignments).max() < tolerance:
    old_assignments = new_assignments

Deciding when to stop lowering the temperature is more context dependent; the two ways I've used have been to:

  • have a fixed number of iterations (eg. 20)
  • to look at the maximum distance of the assignment expectations from zero and one

This may take some trial and error in your application to determine what works best.

Another complication arises because of numerical precision. If a thing is "close" to being in more than one group, the expected assignments could differ by less than what a computer's numerical precision can express. In this case, there will be two identical entries in a row of the matrix, and they might both converge towards 1. (Ideally, there would always be a difference, no matter how slight, and so one entry would end up becoming 1).

This can manifest as either a matrix row with two values very close to 1 or, if DA continues to be iterated after this point, NaN entries in the assignment matrix. It's up to the caller to detect this kind of failure, and in my experience, increasing the "cooling" ratio can help. There are functions to restore previous values when this happens so that you don't lose information.

Finally, it's not part of DA to detect how many groups to use. That decision is up to the caller.


The API documentation has details on the API, but here's a breakdown on how to put calling code together.

First, the imports. We'll use numpy for putting matrices together. The two things you'll probably want from detan are:

import numpy as np
from detan.detan import AssignmentAnnealing, assignment_iteration

Remember how one part of DA is to calculate new expectation values from old ones? detan allows you to implement your own updating function for that, but it's quite likely you'll want to use the one in detan itself. The assignment_iteration function creates a closure over distances you provide. The other name you import, AssignmentAnnealing, is a class for the annealing state.

Next, we need the pairwise dissimilarity matrix. Remember, this is symmetric, so I just create a triangular matrix and add it to its own transpose:

distances = np.asarray((
    (0.0 , 2.1 , 0.10, 0.85, 0.2 , 0.78),
    (0.0 , 0.0 , 0.92, 0.05, 1.01, 0.01),
    (0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 2.02, 0.15, 0.99),
    (0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.30, 0.31),
    (0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.05),
    (0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ),

distances = distances + distances.T

Each entry represents the "distance" between two things, so the diagonal has to be all zeros (a thing has no distance from itself). Try to eyeball how the clustering will go — thing #0 will probably be in the same group as thing #2 (distance of 0.10), but not thing #1 (distance of 2.1).

Let's say there are two groups:

groups = 2

The initial assignment expectatons should be randomised (really, each row must contain distinct entries), and they need to sum to one:

initial_assignments = 0.5 + 0.1 * (np.random.random((6,groups)) - 0.5)
row_sum = np.tile(initial_assignments.sum(1), (groups, 1)).T
initial_assignments = initial_assignments/row_sum

An AssignmentAnnealing object is the state of the deterministic annealling process, including the current temperature, current assignment expectations and the last set of values from the last temperature step. Here we give it the closure mentioned above, an initial set of random assignments, and a ratio of 0.73 to use for the temperature decrease.

annealer = AssignmentAnnealing(assignment_iteration(distances), initial_assignments, 0.73)

This is the loop where we actually do the annealing. An outer loop decreases the temperature, and an inner loop does the fixed point iteration (the annealer object itself is an iterator that does this for you):

tolerance = 1e-6
old_assignments = initial_assignments

for _ in range(20):
    for new_assignments in annealer:
        if np.abs(new_assignments - old_assignments).max() < tolerance:
        old_assignments = new_assignments

More sophisticated calling code might try to account for the problems outlined above (NaN values in the expectation matrix, detecting convergence, etc.). But the code above shows the fundamental structure of deterministic annealing.

Finally, the results.

print(annealer.assignments) us:

[[  3.29633866e-151   1.00000000e+000]
 [  1.00000000e+000   2.21285560e-174]
 [  1.18723351e-162   1.00000000e+000]
 [  1.00000000e+000   3.17951854e-163]
 [  1.80615908e-132   1.00000000e+000]
 [  1.00000000e+000   1.40074506e-107]]

Informally, the values seem to have converged to zero or one. (There's no objective way to decide this, but for the demo, let's go with it.) So we could just pick a completely arbitrary threshold and do this:

print(annealer.assignments > 1e-50)

[[False  True]
 [ True False]
 [False  True]
 [ True False]
 [False  True]
 [ True False]]

This tells us that, as we expected, thing #0 and thing #2 are in the same group, and in a different group to thing #1.


Deterministic annealing Python library







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