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Firebot HypeRate Integration Script

Setup (Users)

  1. Download the hyperateScript.js file from the latest release.
  2. Install the script into your Firebot profile and set it as a Startup Script
  3. Go to Settings > Integrations > HypeRate. Enter your Device ID in the ID field and click Save. Use internal-testing to receive frequent testing data.
  4. The HypeRate script exposes an event Heartrate and two variables $heartrate (in bpm) and $heartrateTime (time since last heartrate event in seconds)

Setup (Developers)

  1. npm install
  2. Copy the src/example.auth.ts file to src/auth.ts and enter a HypeRate API Key. You can request a key here



  1. npm run build:dev
  • Automatically copies the compiled .js to Firebot's scripts folder.


  1. npm run build
  • Copy .js from /dist