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MapReduce Playground


Running locally on your machine

// Build plugin
go build -buildmode=plugin ./test/wc/wc.go 

// Start coordinator and pass it input files
go run ./cmd/coordinator test/testdata/pg*.txt

// Start worker
go run ./cmd/worker

Running locally with Docker Compose

You first need to build the plugin and copy it to the root of the project as

Then, you can run:

docker-compose up --build --scale worker=8

Note that Go is picky about plugins, and they need to be built with the same Go version as the app. Here we use the golang:1.17-bullseye image, so you should do the same to ensure compatibility.

If you just want to try this project out you can run the following command to have the word count plugin be built and copied to where it needs to be.

docker-compose -f ./hack/build_wc_plugin/compose.yml up --build


Run all tests

cd test

Running a specific test

// First build the base test image
docker build -t mr-playground-test -f test/Dockerfile .

// Replace <test> in this command with the test name (e.g. wc)
docker run --rm -it $(docker build -q -f test/<test>/Dockerfile .)