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Installation using Virtualbox, Vagrant and Ansible (Unix/Mac OS)

  1. Download and install Virtualbox:
  2. Download and Install Vagrant:
  3. Install Ansible: sudo apt-get install ansible

Installation using Virtualbox, Vagrant and Ansible (Windows)

  1. Download and install Virtualbox:
  2. Download and install Vagrant:
  3. Download and install Git (needed for cmd-line ssh):

Starting the virtual machine

Assumes you have cloned the repository.

  1. In the root of the repository, run vagrant up
  2. Once completed, run vagrant ssh to login to the VM. The app code is residing in ~/demokratikollen. The ~/demokratikollen folder on the guest machine is shared with the app folder in the repository on the host machine.

Refresh the provisioning: vagrant provision Graceful shutdown of the vm: vagrant halt Remove the vm: vagrant destroy

Run dev setup using docker

Navigate to docker/dev and run $ docker-compose -p demokratikollen build $ docker-compose -p demokratikollen run --rm web

Import data into the database

The data is first imported into the riksdagen database using cleaned up SQL files from Then it is transformed into SQLAlchemy. All necessary steps to import the data are contained in ~/demokratikollen/

In the VM (vagrant ssh),

  1. Go to the application root: cd ~/demokratikollen

  2. Run


This command will download and import data from Riksdagen. The command takes several hours on a standard PC. See the contents of for details.


Some datasets for the webapp are produced by lengthy calculations. All such calculations reside in ~/demokratikollen/calculations, and will be run once at deploy. Results are typically stored in the MongoDB.

In your development environment you must run these scripts manually before starting the webapp.

The Flask webapp

In order to run the flask app, ssh to the VM and run gunicorn_debug or gunicorn_debug_nocache to disable caching (see below). The server can be accessed from the host machine by accessing

The Flask app is not served directly but goes through a proxy server. The gunicorn instance listens for connections locally on port 8000 while an nginx instance listens to connections on port 5000 which is port forwarded to the host machine. The nginx instance serves static content and forwards other requests to the gunicorn instance.

Caching of pages in the webapp

Caching is enabled for the Flask app. Caching is done by importing the cache module with from import cache and using the decorators @cache.cached(int timeout in seconds) and @cache.memoize(int timeout in seconds) on any method. The cached decorator should be used for methods without arguments while the memoize decorator should be used for methods with arguments.

Although there are some speedups the main benefit of caching methods in the webapp is to keep the database interactions down. Full caching will probably be done at the nginx level if that should ever be needed.

MongoDB Datastore

To use the datastore add from demokratikollen.core.utils.mongodb import MongoDBDatastore and create a new datastore object as ds = MongoDBDatastore(). In order to save an object in the datastore call the store_object(object[any], identifier[string]) method which saves the object in the database. Subsequent calls with the same identifier should overwrite the object. Retrieve objects with the get_object(identifier) method.

The class should be able to store any python object. Storing sqlalchemy objects work but they loose the connection with the session so relationships do not work on retrieved objects. Perhaps there is a way to restore the connection, but for now serialize the data into a dictionary.

Front-end compilation and dependency handling

Gulp is used to compile SASS style sheets, concatenate and minify JS and CSS dependencies, and to copy necessary files (fonts, images, etc.) to the right places.

To run, go to the folder ~/demokratikollen/www/design and run gulp to run all tasks and watch recompile on changes in design/js or design/sass or run any of the specialized tasks defined in gulpfile.js (in the same folder). To modify/add tasks or change dependencies, edit gulpfile.js.

To install npm packages and add as dependencies go to ~/ and run npm install <pkg> --save-dev. The file ~/package.json is linked to the corresponding file in ~demokratikollen/www/design, which is tracked in git.