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(def shef 12)

A hopefully self-guided workshop to get to grips with ClojureScript.

We'll be building an implementation of TodoMVC using figwheel and Reagent.


  • Leiningen
  • Java JDK 7+ (sorry)


This branch (master) is the finished product, to get the half-completed version of the app that you can work on, you should clone the "template" branch.

git clone -b template
cd defshef12


Feel free to skip ahead or do these in a different order.

  1. Familiarise yourself with some basic ClojureScript syntax.
  2. Run the figwheel server and load the app.
  3. Use the sepl.cljs file to run some ClojureScript
  4. Try calling the functions ending in ! to modify the application's data and watch the UI update.
  5. Using the TodoMVC site and reference/index.html as your reference, add the appropriate class and id attributes to style the todo list
  6. Consult the TodoMVC Spec if you need more info on how the following features should work.
  7. Add the delete button to each todo item and wire it up to the remove-todo! function.
  8. Add the active filter option to the footer, and have it update the displayed todo items.
  9. Add the Clear Completed button to the footer, including the item count and hiding when there are no completed todos. You can wire it up to the clear-completed-todos! function, or write your own.
  10. Add the toggle-all checkbox to the top of the list, including having it update itself when all items are ticked. You can wire it up to the set-all-todos! function, or write your own.


Save to Reload

First run the figwheel server, which also includes an nREPL server.

lein trampoline figwheel

You can can now access http://localhost:3449 to interact with the app.

Whenever a file is saved, the app code will automatically reload without destroying the current application state.

You can use the sepl.cljs file to execute bits of ClojureScript code without editing the rest of the application files.

You can also type into the terminal running figwheel to execute ClojureScript.

How it works

  • The figwheel server uses cljsbuild to compiled the ClojureScript into JavaScript
  • The figwheel server serves up HTML/CSS & the compiled JavaScript
  • app.cljs defines the application data using (defonce)
  • app.cljs defines the application behaviour
  • The figwheel server also serves up a websocket
  • main.cljs uses Reagent to render the application with the (render) function
  • Figwheel watches the filesystem for changes
  • When files change, figwheel recompiles and notifies connected clients over the websocket
  • The figwheel client code re-requests the latest code from the server when it receives a change notification
  • The new code overwrites the old definitions, except when (defonce) was used
  • The client code is configured to run the (render) function whenever there has been a code change


ClojureScript workshop sample






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