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An unopinionated, minimalist, standard-focused API for managing Server-Sent Events (SSE) in Node.js.

Discussion and suggestions for improvements are welcome.


const http = require('http');
const { SSEService } = require('sse');

const sseService = new SSEService()
http.createServer((request, response) => {
  if(request.method === 'GET' && request.url === '/sse')
    sseService.register(request, response);

sseService.on('connection', sseId => {
  sseService.send('hello', sseId); // sends data to a single response
  sseService.send({event:'user-connected'}); // broadcasts data to all responses


const http = require('http');
const express = require('express');
const { SSEService } = require('sse');

const app = express();
const sseService = new SSEService();

app.get('/sse', sseService.register);


sseService.on('connection', sseId => {
  sseService.send('hello', sseId); // sends data to a single response
  sseService.send({event:'user-connected'}); // broadcasts data to all responses


Server-Sent Events are entirely managed by an sseService.

This service guarantees consistency with respect to the EventSource specification, provided that the server delegates the request to the sseService without sending any headers/data to the response.

The sseService exposes methods to send data with fine-grained targeting on the open SSE connections.


Stability : 1 - Experimental

Class: sse.SSEID

Object representing an open SSE connection on the server

Class sse.SSEService

new sse.SSEService([opts])

  • opts {Object} (optional)
  • opts.heartbeatInterval {number} (optional) - Number of seconds between heartbeats. Heartbeats are ':heartbeat\n\n' comments sent periodically to all clients in order to keep their connection alive. If this parameter is set to a negative number, heartbeat is disabled. The setInterval that deals with heartbeats is unReffed. Defaults to 15
  • opts.maxNbConnections {integer} (optional) - Allowed maximum number of simultaneously open SSE connections. If set to a negative number, there is no limit. If the number of open SSE connections reaches the limit, incoming connections will be ended immediately. Defaults to -1

While it is allowed to have multiple instances of an SSEService on a same server, it is not recommended as doing so would multiply the number of open connections to that server, consuming resources unnecessarily.

Instead, it is preferable to have a single route for Server-Sent Events per server, and implement event management at the application level.

Event: 'connection'

  • sseId {sse.SSEID} - Connection's SSE identifier
  • locals {Object} - The res.locals object of the connection

Event emitted when an SSE connection has been successfully established

Example :

sseService.on('connection', (sseId, {userName}) => {
  sseService.send('greetings', sseId);   
  sseService.send(userName, 'userConnected');

Event: 'clientClose'

  • sseId {sse.SSEID} - Connection's SSE identifier
  • locals {Object} - The res.locals object of the connection

Event emitted when the client closed the connection

Event: 'error'

  • err {Error} - The error

Event emitted when an error occurred during SSE connection's establishment.


  • cb {function} (optional) - Callback function

Closes the service by terminating all open connections, and frees up resources. The service won't accept any more connection. Further incoming connections will be terminated immediately with a 204 HTTP status code, preventing clients from attempting to reconnect.

sseService.register(req, res)

  • req {http.IncomingMessage} - The incoming HTTP request
  • res {http.ServerResponse} - The server response

Sets up an SSE connection by doing the following :

  • sends appropriate HTTP headers to the response
  • maintains connection alive with the regular sending of heartbeats, unless disabled in the constructor options
  • assigns an sseId to the response and extends the res.locals object with an sse property :
    • {object} : the sseId assigned to the response
    • res.locals.sse.lastEventId {string} (optional) : the Last-Event-ID HTTP header specified in req, if any

The connection will be rejected if the Accept header in the req object is not set to 'text/event-stream'.

This function accepts no callback, to avoid subsequent code to possibly sending data to the res object. Instead, the service will emit a 'connection' event if the connection was successful. If not, it will emit an 'error' event.


  • cb {function} (optional) - Callback function

Resets the Last-Event-ID to the client

sseService.send(opts[, target[, cb]])

  • opts {Object}
  • {*} (optional) - Defaults to the empty string
  • opts.event {string} (optional) - If falsy, no event field will be sent
  • {string} (optional) - If falsy, no id field will be sent
  • opts.retry {number} (optional) - If falsy, no retry field will be sent
  • opts.comment {string} (optional) - If falsy, no comment will be sent
  • target {sse.SSEID | function} (optional) - The target connection(s). Defaults to null (targets all connections)
  • cb {function} (optional) - Callback function

General-purpose method for sending information to the client.

Convenience methods are also available :

sendData(data[, target[, cb]])

sendEvent(event, data[, id[, target[, cb]]])

sendComment(comment[, target[, cb]])

sendRetry(retry[, target[, cb]])

They all are shorthand methods that call sseService.send under the hood with the correct parameters

sseService.unRegister([target[, cb]])

  • target {sse.SSEID | function} - The target connection(s). Defaults to null (targets all connections)
  • cb {function} (optional) - Callback function

This operation closes the response(s) object(s) matching the target argument and frees up resources. If no target argument is provided, all connections will be closed.

Once a connection has been closed, it can't be sent down any more data.

Clients that close the connection on their own will be automatically unregistered from the service.

Note Due to the optional nature of both the target and cb arguments, if sseService.unRegister is called with only one function as its argument, this function will be considered as the callback. This behaviour will be applied to all methods having a target argument.


Supports Node.js 6.x and above.

Implementation of this specification is expected to use Node.js core methods to respond to the client, in particular ServerResponse.writeHead(), ServerResponse.write() and ServerResponse.end(). For this reason, it is does not support Koa.js, that has its own way of handling responses (see


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