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Introduction to Coroutines for C++

Table of Contents

Useful Information


Before we start it should be mentioned that this repo is merely a combination of the following resources:

Disclaimer: All the good parts in this repository should be accredited to James McNellis and Kirit Sælensminde (authors of the above) and all of the mistakes/bugs are due to insfuccient understanding of coroutines from my side.

Building the Code

I am writing the code in UNIX like system using Clang compiler (Apple LLVM version 9.1.0 (clang-902.0.39.2)). Hence I am using the #include <experimental/coroutine> header and the std::experimental namespace to use coroutines. To compile a program using coroutines using Clang you will need to pass the following compilation flags -std=c++17 -fcoroutines-ts. The command should like something like this:

clang++ cooroutine_hello.cpp -std=c++17 -fcoroutines-ts -o coroutine_hello.out

Coroutines Concepts

Keyword: co_await

The expression auto result = co_await expression is unfolded by the compiler as follows:

auto&& __a = expression;
if (!__a.await_ready()){ // ask the expression if its already calculated
    __a.await_suspend(handle); //resume the execution
    // Execution breakpoint, control can go back to the caller
auto result = __a.await_resume(); // fetch the result

As a result to use the co_await we must have an expression that supports:

  • bool await_ready(): Decides if the control is returned to the caller after an await statement
  • void await_suspend(handle)
  • T await_resume()

Typical expressions that support the above are: std::suspend_always,std::suspend_never and std::future<T> (the latter only applies to MSVC compiler)

Promise type

The struct promise_type should implement

  • void unhandled_exception(): What to do in case of an exception
  • void return_void() or void return_value(T value_): The value can be retrieved if we use have a member variable in our promise and then do coroutine.promise().value
  • auto get_return_object() returns the parent object
  • initial_suspend(): should I suspend after I create the function
  • final_suspend(): should I suspend after the function is executed
  • yield_value(T const& current): If we want the promise to support the co_yield keyword

The caller and the coroutine communicate using a promise object For the following example we will see how the compiler will unfold the function using the functions above: 1.Coroutine

resumable_thing counter(){
    std::cout << "Counter: called\n";
    for (unsigned i=1; ; ++i){
        co_await std::experimental::suspend_always{}; // Control is returned to the caller
        std::cout << "counter resumed #"<< i << " \n";

2.The compiler will generate a struct:

struct counter_context{
    resumable_thing::promise_type _promise;
    unisgned i;
    void* _instruction_pointer // make the function resumable

3.The coroutine will be transformed

resumable_thing counter(){
    /********* Compiler injected code   ********* 
    counter_context* _context = new counter_context();
    _return = _context->_promise().get_return_object();
    co_await _context->_promise().initial_suspend();
    std::cout << "Counter: called\n";
    for (unsigned i=1; ; ++i){
        co_await std::experimental::suspend_always{};
        /********* Compiler injected code   ********* 
        Move this resumable_thing instance
        Delete this resumable_thing instance
        std::cout << "counter resumed #"<< i << " \n";
    /********* Compiler injected code   ********* 
    co_await _context->_promise().final_suspend();
    delete _context;

Keyword: co_return & co_yield

co_return and co_yield keywords follow a similar logic with the above with only small changes.

  • In a function co_return value is replaced by the compiler with _context->_promise().return_value(value).
  • In a function co_yield value is replaced by the compiler with co_await _context->_promise().yield_value(value).

Other References

Coroutine Standarization Proposal Resumamble Functions Yizhang82's blog


Small repo with notes on C++ Coroutines






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