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django-simple-seo aims to attach a model to your views with just 4 simple lines of code and everything configured by the admin. i18n, S3 storage, and custom fields are supported.


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Simple Seo Backend for Django





Simple seo backend for Django. Inspired by django-seo ( ) but found it quite complex for the simple functionality it was intended for.

django-simple-seo aims to attach a model to your views with just 4 simple lines of code and everything configured by the admin.


This docs refers to version 1.0 or newer. For older versions (<=0.4.1) refer to:

What's in django-simple-seo

  • Python 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and Django 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6
  • View Autodiscovering
  • Registry of models and views in settings
  • Pure Django Models and Django Fields implementation, no metaclasses in action
  • Don't reinvent the wheel: as long as they are django models you can use the goodies out there
  • i18n with django-vinaigrette, django-linguo, django-modeltranslation, etc.
  • Cache can be activated internally to cache raw HTML, but can also be used with johnny-cache, django-cache-machine, etc. for model level caching
  • Single database query onto a single database table (if you have one model, no several seo backends)
  • Support for 'populate_from' attribute (copy values on saving in similar tags)
  • Support for UrlFields and ImageFields in admin (can be override to simple char fields)
  • Support for django-storages for S3 storage(and possibly other backends, but not tested), directly from admin
  • Easily extendible as far as it's all about simple django models and fields
  • Out-of-the-box models for OpenGraph Facebook and Twitter tags
  • Includes Selenium tests for proper HTML generation
  • Test app included (.testapp)



What's NOT in django-simple-seo

  • Only implements view based backend. Maybe in future releases it will include Model and Path backend like in DjangoSeo. Contribute!


You can use pip like this:

$ pip install django-simple-seo

You can use pip with git master code instead of pypi version:

$ pip install git+

Add to your settings:



  • staticfiles
  • south (optional, if migrations)
  • admin (this includes auth, sessions and contenttypes)
  • django-modeltranslation, django-linguo, django-vinaigrette (optional, for i18n)
  • django-storages (optional, for cloud storage)

1. Create your SEO Model

Create a model subclassing the classes BaseMetada(title, author, description, keywords), OpenGraphMetada(includes facebook tags) or AllMetadata(Facebook and Twitter).

from simple_seo.models import AllMetadata

class MyMetadata(AllMetadata):
    My Seo Model

2. Synchronize your DB

Synchronize your database with syncdb, then your model with migrate if you are using migrations:

$ ./ syncdb

Or in case of using South:

$ ./ schemamigration your_app --auto
$ ./ migrate your_app

3. Register your model for view managment

Use Django model notation for describing your seo models and the views related to be managed.

The simplest usage is to have just one seo model that manages all views. Do it like this in your

    ('testapp.MyMetadata', 'ALL'),

In case you need several seo models and restrict them to certain views, add the following:

    ('simple_seo.TestMetadata', ('template_test', )),

Please note that simple_seo registry will load views by order and store them in a dictionary. That means:

  • Collisions in model definitions will result in first definition to be always selected
  • Defining just one 'ALL' registry will override the rest if it's declared after

Examples of bad configurations:

    ('testapp.MyMetadata', 'ALL'),
    ('simple_seo.TestMetadata', ('template_test', )),

PROBLEM: 'simple_seo.TestMetadata' model won't ever be reached. 'template_test' view will be processed with 'testapp.MyMetadata'

    ('testapp.MyMetadata', ('template_test', )),
    # ... More and More definitions
    ('testapp.MyMetadata', ('template_test2', 'template_test3')),

PROBLEM: 'template_test' view will never be processed as last registry overrides first.

There's no plans to make registry very exotic on this, just following very simple rules it can be as complex as you want, covering vast use cases.

4. Register your model for administration

Add this lines to your

from simple_seo.admin import BaseMetadataAdmin
from django.contrib import admin
from .models import MyMetadata

class MyMetadataAdmin(BaseMetadataAdmin):
    pass, MyMetadataAdmin)

5. Configure URLs for seo autodiscovering

WARNING: It's a django related issue but once you call admin.autodiscover() the URLConf module remains corrupted forever, that means cannot dive into urlpatterns.

To solve that, try to add admin URL and do autodiscovering at the very end of your like this:

# Put all your URLconfig that should be managed by simple_seo BEFORE admin
urlpatterns = patterns(
    url(r'^test/', template_test, name='template_test'),

# Then add admin configuration AFTER your seo views

urlpatterns += patterns(
    url(r'^admin/', include(,

This configuration will also avoid autodiscover admin views to be added to views dropdown in the admin.

6. Add metadata for your views

Your views are autodiscovered for your convenience, create a metadata object for every view you want to administer


7. Add metadata to your template

Just include this template tag in your <head> section, no more template code needed, can be on the root base.html template and it will autodetect the view and inject appropriate metadata for each.

{% load simple_seo %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    {% view_metadata %}

7. Extend/Override default behaviour

"I prefer to have images as URLs, not static files in my server"

Just override og_image attribute. You can find all base models in simple_seo.models, and all tag fields in simple_seo.fields:

from simple_seo.fields import URLMetaTagField, MetaTagField
from simple_seo.models import AllMetadata
from simple_seo import register

class MyMetadata(AllMetadata):
    My Seo Model
    og_image = URLMetaTagField(name="og:image")  # Overrides default og:image field
    another_meta_tag = MetaTagField(name="myvariable", max_length="25")  #  Creates a new custom meta tag for the views

# Register SEO Model

"I only want Facebook tags, and I prefer to add all fields by hand, no handy population, like a boss"

from simple_seo.fields import URLMetaTagField, MetaTagField
from simple_seo.models import OpenGraphMetadata
from simple_seo import register

class MyOpenGraphMetadata(OpenGraphMetadata):
    My OpenGraph Model
    og_title = MetaTagField(name="og:title", populate_from=None)  # Overrides default og:title field
    og_description = MetaTagField(name="og:description", populate_from=None)  # Overrides default og:description field

# Register SEO Model

8. Cache Settings

Some settings are provided to enable caching directly in the app:

SEO_CACHE_PREFIX = getattr(settings, 'SEO_CACHE_PREFIX', 'simple_seo:')
SEO_CACHE_TIMEOUT = getattr(settings, 'SEO_CACHE_PREFIX', 60 * 60 * 24)
SEO_USE_CACHE = getattr(settings, 'SEO_CACHE_PREFIX', False)

9. Sample App

You have a complete sample app in testapp module in this repository.

10. Multilang i18n Support

As said before you can apply any 3rd party app for translating your models to django-simple-seo models. As an example, this is a complete model translated thanks to django-vinaigrette app:

Complete SEO model translated:

from simple_seo.models import AllMetadata
from simple_seo import register
import vinaigrette

class SiteMetadata(AllMetadata):
    Site Metadata

    class Meta:
        app_label = 'web'

# Register SEO Model


After that, just run ./ makemessages and you're done. See django-vinaigrette for more details.


Then add to the root of the project your for everything your need, for instance adding debug toolbar local setting:


To execute the project with vagrant and virtualbox you can add this Vagrantfile and receipes to the local project and execute vagrant up:

After box is provisioned you'll have an Ubuntu 14.04 with a Python 3.4 virtualenv.

You can find more info of how to develop with remote vagrant servers and the awesome Pycharm IDE here:


version 1.0

  • Lots of bugfixing
  • Support for 'populate_from' feature. By default og:title, og:description will populate from title and description. Twitter url, title, image and description will populate from Facebook's
  • Now support for django-modeltranslation and django-linguo (preffixing with '_lang' database fields)
  • Support for django-storages with S3 or other cloud services (tested on S3 only)
  • URLFields don't fail on validation (django defaults patched)
  • Cache working (memcached and django-redis tested)
  • Increased tests for population deep testing (Firefox Selenium testing)
  • New registry by settings, giving control to the developer in a single point (it's backwards incompatible!)

version 0.4.1

  • Refactors and bugfixings
  • Support for modeltranslation and linguo i18n backends

version 0.3.2

  • Bugfixes in __str__ and __len__ when fields have NULL value in database

version 0.3.0

  • Bugfixes
  • Added tests integrated with Selenium for proper HTML generation

version 0.2.4

  • Bugfix error in print_tag that did not printed images and urls in templatetag

version 0.2.3

  • Bugfix error in caching when i18n activated

version 0.2.2

  • Bugfix errors in view autodiscover in some cases

Version 0.2.1

  • Bugfixes
  • Support for South Migrations

Version 0.2

  • Added support for namespaced views
  • Added support for ImageField based Image Metatags (og:image, twitter:image)
  • Added support for UrlField based URL Metatags (og:url, twitter:url)
  • Added more base classes to ease setup


django-simple-seo aims to attach a model to your views with just 4 simple lines of code and everything configured by the admin. i18n, S3 storage, and custom fields are supported.







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