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Dockerfile Transpiler

A GoLang transpiler for Dockerfiles. It leverages of Participle.

The transpiler relies on distinct lexing and parsing phases. The lexer takes raw bytes and produces tokens which the parser consumes. The parser transforms these tokens into Go values.

A conversion of a Dockerfile into Go values (abstract syntax tree).


Consider trying to build security automation around Dockerfiles. The system would review multiple repositories and their associated Dockerfiles, trying to look for mis-configurations or company policy violations. However pattern matching (regex) would only provide a certain level of aid, and the developer would have to understand a vast array of permutations in configuration.

Using the process of a transpiler, we can leverage off tokenization (lexer) and parsing (applying grammar rules) to build an AST that is easy to work with in your language of choice and at the same time give context.


Supported Dockerfile directives are: From, Run, WorkDir, Env, EntryPoint, Cmd and Expose.


type DOCKERFILE struct {
	From       *From         `@@`
	ComplexRun []*ComplexRun `@@*`
	WorkDir    *WorkDir      `@@`
	Copy       *Copy         `@@`
	Env        *Env          `@@`
	SimpleRun  []*SimpleRun  `@@*`
	EntryPoint *EntryPoint   `@@`
	Cmd        *Cmd          `@@`
	Expose     *Expose       `@@`

type From struct {
	Key   string `@BaseIdent`
	Value string `@BaseValue`

type ComplexRun struct {
	Key   string `@RunDirective`
	Value *Value `@@*`

type SimpleRun struct {
	Key   string `@RunDirective`
	Value Words  `@@*`

type Words struct {
	Words string `@Word`

type EntryPoint struct {
	Key   string `@EntryPointDirective`
	Value string `@AppToRun`

type Cmd struct {
	Key       string `@CmdDirective`
	Arguments string `@StringArgs`

type Expose struct {
	Key   string `@ExposeDirective`
	Value string `@Port`

type WorkDir struct {
	Key   string `@WorkDirective`
	Value string `@Directory`

type Copy struct {
	Key   string `@CopyDirective`
	Value string `@CopyDirectory`

type Env struct {
	Key   string `@EnvDirective`
	Value string `@Word @Directory`

type Value struct {
	Exe      string     `@Word @Word @Options @Options`
	Packages []*Package `@@*`
	Command  string     `| @Word`

type Package struct {
	Dependency string `@Word`

Lexer Rules

var dockerLexer = lexer.MustSimple([]lexer.Rule{
	{"BaseIdent", `^FROM`, nil},
	{"BaseValue", `[a-zA-Z]*:\d+\.\d+\.\d+\-[a-zA-Z]*`, nil},
	{"RunDirective", `^RUN`, nil},
	{"WorkDirective", `^WORKDIR`, nil},
	{"CopyDirective", `^COPY`, nil},
	{"EnvDirective", `^ENV`, nil},
	{"EntryPointDirective", `^ENTRYPOINT`, nil},
	{"CmdDirective", `^CMD`, nil},
	{"ExposeDirective", `^EXPOSE`, nil},
	{"Directory", `/\w+`, nil},
	{"CopyDirectory", `\.\s/\w+/`, nil},
	{"Word", `-?\w+`, nil},
	{"AppToRun", `\["\w+/\w+"\]`, nil},
	{"Options", `--\w+`, nil},
	{"String", `"(?:\\.|[^"])*"`, nil},
	{"StringArgs", `\[[\s?"-?\w?",?]+\s?]`, nil},
	{"Port", `\s[0-9]+`, nil},
	{"whitespace", `\s`, nil},
	{"multiline", `\\\n`, nil},
	{"EOL", `[\n\r]+`, nil},


# go test
  From: &main.From{
    Key: "FROM",
    Value: "ruby:3.0.3-alpine",
  ComplexRun: []*main.ComplexRun{
      Key: "RUN",
      Value: &main.Value{
        Exe: "apkadd--update--virtual",
        Packages: []*main.Package{
            Dependency: "nodejs",
            Dependency: "yarn",
            Dependency: "readline",
            Dependency: "libc",
            Dependency: "-dev",
            Dependency: "file",
            Dependency: "imagemagick",
            Dependency: "git",
            Dependency: "tzdata",
  WorkDir: &main.WorkDir{
    Key: "WORKDIR",
    Value: "/app",
  Copy: &main.Copy{
    Key: "COPY",
    Value: ". /app/",
  Env: &main.Env{
    Key: "ENV",
    Value: "BUNDLE_PATH/gems",
  SimpleRun: []*main.SimpleRun{
      Key: "RUN",
      Value: main.Words{
        Words: "install",
      Key: "RUN",
      Value: main.Words{
        Words: "bundler",
      Key: "RUN",
      Value: main.Words{
        Words: "install",
  EntryPoint: &main.EntryPoint{
    Key: "ENTRYPOINT",
    Value: "[\"bin/rails\"]",
  Cmd: &main.Cmd{
    Key: "CMD",
    Arguments: "[ \"s\",\"-b\",\"\" ]",
  Expose: &main.Expose{
    Key: "EXPOSE",
    Value: " 3000",
ok  	dockerfiletranspiler	0.140s


  1. Dockerfile specification


A rudimentary transpiler for Dockerfiles






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