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Releases: curiosity26/ODataQuery-PHP

ODataQuery-PHP v1.0.4

22 Sep 23:23
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Same as version 1.0.3, but I forgot to update the composer.json. So! New version.

ODataQuery-PHP v1.0.3

22 Sep 23:14
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Contributed updates from @daleattree conforming the library to PSR standards. A big thanks to @daleattree for your help. This was no small job with all of the objects.

ODataQuery-PHP v1.0.2

23 Apr 19:10
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Fixed composer.json issue to comply with packagist.

ODataQuery-PHP v1.0.1

30 Dec 03:30
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Fix issue with ODataQueryExpand::build() function setting count to TRUE when checking if count is TRUE.

ODataQuery-PHP v1.0

29 Dec 19:41
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This is the first full release of the ODataQuery-PHP library. This library has passed all semantic testing and no known issues have been found.