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Copyright 2012-2016 Mario Schröck, Hannes Vogt (

cuLGT comes with stand-alone lattice gaugefixing applications in lib/gaugefixing and an (very experimental!) interface to the MILC framework in lib/milcinterface.


This version (cuLGT 2.0) supports gaugefixing on a single GPU for

  • Landau gauge, Coulomb gauge
  • single (SP), double (DP) and mixed precision (MP)
  • SU(2) and SU(3)

If you are interested in applications for maximally Abelian gauge or direct maximal center gauge, please contact one of the authors.

For multi-GPU support (Landau gauge) please use the culgt1 branch in the github repository.


The standalone applications are located in lib/gaugefixing:



Tested with

  • NVCC version 6.5, 7.0, 7.5
  • host compiler g++ version 4.8.3, 4.9.0
  • BOOST version 1.50, 1.53, 1.58, 1.59, 1.60
  • -std=c++11 (and without)

Not all combinations work:

Some combinations will emit more warnings than others.


cuLGT comes with CMake build files. All relevant parameters can be set using CMake variables.

Mandatory parameters are (they are initialized to a default value, but most probably they won't fit):

  • CUDA_ARCH: set to sm_XX according to your hardware
  • SUN: set to 2 for SU(2) or 3 for SU(3)
  • CULGT_HOME: path to the cuLGT root directory (alternative: set CULGT_HOME as environmental variable)

Optional parameters:

  • DISABLE_AUTOTUNE (on/OFF): the optimal kernel configuration is tuned at runtime; the correspondant kernels are generated at compile-time which slows down compilation; for debugging purposes one might limit the compilation to one kernel with this option.
  • CULGT_ALLOW_C++11 (ON/off): possibility to disable c++11 compilation (automatically disabled for older compilers)
  • USE_TIMESLICEPATTERN (on/OFF): run Landau gauge in timeslices

If you are not familiar with cmake, just run the following commands from lib/gaugefixing:

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake .. -DCUDA_ARCHITECTURE=<your arch> -DSUN=<2 or 3> -DCULGT_HOME=<path to cuLGT root>


To test the application on a random lattice run

./LandauGaugeSP --sethot 1

The application uses boost::program_options to manage command line options (or configuration file options). Type ./LandauGaugeSP --help for a list of all options. Here we list the most important options:

  • --nx --nt (--ny --nz): lattice dimensions; if ny, nz is ommitted they default to nx)
  • --filetype: MDP, NERSC, ILDG file types are supported
  • --fbasename: path to a common name of all configurations, i.e. the part before numbering starts
  • --fextension: file extension (if no extension is given it will default to a commonly used extension for the filetype)
  • --fnumberformat: # of (min.) digits to use in the numbering
  • --reinterpret FLOAT/DOUBLE: if you want to use the DP version of the program for a SP configuration you need to give FLOAT, i.e. the precision of the configuration, and vice versa.
  • --seed for RNG (used in simulated annealing)

Example: The configurations are called /myconfigs/config_n16t16_000.dat, filetype is MDP in DP (

./LandauGaugeSP --nx 16 --nt 16 --fbasename /myconfigs/config_n16t16_ --fnumberformat 3 --filetype MDP --fextension .dat --reinterpret DOUBLE


./LandauGaugeDP --nx 16 --nt 16 --fbasename /myconfigs/config_n16t16_ --fnumberformat 3 --filetype MDP --fextension .dat


The CMake interface for the unit tests needs some cleanup... For the tests you need to install google test and google mock ( Then execute (in test/build/) cmake .. -DGTEST_HOME=<path to gtest home> -DGMOCK_HOME=<path to gmock home>

The CMake script is looking for the static libraries libgmock.a in ${GMOCK_HOME}/build/ and libgtest.a in ${GTEST_HOME}/build/libgtest.a. If you use other locations specify GTEST_LIBDIR and GMOCK_LIBDIR.

After compilation you will find 3 executables: test_all (all tests), test_cuda (all cuda tests) and test_host (all host tests)

Additionally, you can compile the unit tests in each subdirectory separately (to save compilation time).

If you encounter any problems, please contact one of the authors.


Some filetypes are not fully supported. Fully supported:

  • MDP

Partly supported:

  • NERSC: If a NERSC file is loaded, the header information is used to write the file If a NERSC file is written (from a different file), only parts of the header information is written: DATATYPE, DIMENSION_X, FLOATING_POINT; other header information is set to 0 or n/a.
  • ILDG: Needs c-lime ( and tinyxml (should be provided by repositories of your OS) otherwise the support is disabled at compile-time. If a file is written without prior load, the file will be damaged because the xml information is not written.

The limitations are only important if you choose to have a different output filetype compared to your input configuration.

For other (commonly used) file types we recommend the QCDUTILS by Massimo Di Pierro, see and


If you want to use the MILC interface, please contact one of the authors.

Known issues

  • (Very) large lattices are not supported at this stage for compute capability < 3.5. As a workaround you may disable the use of textures. Feel free to contact one of the authors.
  • SP and MP use the same tune cache. If you are switching between SP and MP consider using separate directories for the application.