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Publishing Releases

John Wass edited this page Jun 23, 2023 · 4 revisions

The core artifact for this project is the RPM, as such the GitHub release process is built into the Release RPM actions workflow.

About the RPM workflow

The workflow executes on every PR and push to master to guarantee that the RPM build process has not been disturbed.

Integration testing of RPM builds

Currently there is an install validation stage in the workflow to ensure the produced RPM will install. This validates both the RPM packaging and runtime dependency availability.

Releasing is a semi-automated process

The release workflow is semi-automated. The release action will generate a draft release containing the RPM artifacts, but a maintainer is required to review and publish the draft manually. This removes the burden of crafting releases, but still provides the safety of a final sign-off of the materials in the release.

When are draft releases created?

When a tag is pushed that matches a predefined regex pattern the workflow will add a stage to publish the draft release. Another regex will be checked to determine if the release should be flagged as a "prerelease".

regex patterns

In the workflow github.ref is checked against these patterns:

Condition Regex Position
create release refs/tags/v* starts with
is prerelease refs/tags/v0 starts with
is prerelease rc contains

Creating tags (since v1.0)

Release Candidate (RC) tags should be created on a release branch. The release branch is typically named release/X.X.X.

Final release tags should always be made on the master branch and only on the master branch. The release tag should be in the form of vX.X.X.

There are no guarantees to how long a RC release will be preserved, however the RC tag should be preserved indefinitely.

Fedora release process

The GitHub release is the authoritative source of binary artifacts. The Fedora workflow begins only after the GitHub CI workflow successfully produces the binaries, publishes the release, and an admin publishes the release. At this point the spec and binary artifacts can be moved into the RPM repository and Koji builds can begin.