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My Website

My personal website/blog (using Jay Mody framework as a base), built with eleventy.

Jay also gave me the green light to use his framework as a base (super rad guy, thanks Jay!)


  • github actions folder setup for github pages hosting


npm install


npx @11ty/eleventy --serve --input src --output output

The website is published to localhost:8080.

By default, the example posts under posts/ are included in the output. These posts are useful as a reference when making changes to the website (includes example markdown, gifs, images, image captions, mathjax, block code, inline code, etc ...). To ignore these posts, set ELEVENTY_ENV=prd before starting the website:

ELEVENTY_ENV=prd npx @11ty/eleventy --serve --input src --output output


  • src: Input directory for eleventy.
  • static: Anything in this directory is copied to the site root.
  • .eleventy.js: Eleventy configuration.