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Crowdbotics React Native scaffold

After cloning this repo, you will need to install the dependencies:

cd ProjectName

yarn install

Installing all dependencies in for development

Please follow this guide and install the correct dependencies for your current OS and the OS that you want to build (iOS or Android)

Running with React Native CLI

Running android

This is a straightforward process.

react-native run-android

You need to have an emulator running or an Android device connected to your computer to make it work

Running iOS

This one needs a bit more of work.

Follow this steps:

  1. Open xcode
  2. click on "open another project"
  3. Browse to the this application folder, then /ios, then open AppName.xcodeproj
  4. Sign the application with your certificate
  5. Run react-native run-ios from project home folder.

If you find any compiling problems, try to clean your cache. From the home app folder run:

cd node_modules/react-native/scripts && ./ && cd ../../../


cd node_modules/react-native/third-party/glog-0.3.5/ && ../../scripts/ && cd ../../../../

Running with Fastlane

Fastlane makes testing, building, and deploying apps easier.

Install fastlane globally (npm i -g fastlane or yarn i -g fastlane). Android and iOS dependencies are the same as React Native CLI.

All fastlane commands are run from the platform directory. For example, Android commands must be run from android/. Fastlane should be executed using bundle exec to ensure dependencies are managed correctly.

The commands for Android and iOS are the same:

  • Run tests: bundle exec fastlane tests
  • Local build: bundle exec fastlane build
  • Build and upload a beta (requires signing): bundle exec fastlane beta
  • Build or promote a release: bundle exec fastlane deploy


Publish an Android app you must first create an app in the Play Console and manually upload an APK. After the first upload run bundle exec fastlane supply init from android/ to sync with the Play store. All future releases will be uploaded automatically.

Android uses tracks. A beta release will build the app and upload to the beta track. Deploying will promote from beta to production.


CB developers must follow fastlane's codesigning guide for using match. Match will automatically sign iOS builds.

New CB developers should get access to the codesigning repo and run bundle exec fastlane match development from ios/.

Not a CB developer? Create an Apple developer and follow the instructions on codesigning guide to setup your certificates.


This react_native application was built with Crowdbotics






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