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feat: add support for spendable balances gRPC query (#11417)
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(cherry picked from commit 9e1ec7b)

# Conflicts:
#	x/bank/keeper/grpc_query_test.go
#	x/bank/keeper/keeper_test.go
#	x/bank/types/query.pb.go
  • Loading branch information
alexanderbez authored and mergify-bot committed Mar 25, 2022
1 parent 160a103 commit 5a8c0c7
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,134 additions and 36 deletions.
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,106 @@ Ref:

### Features

<<<<<<< HEAD
* (x/bank) [\#11417]( Introduce a new `SpendableBalances` gRPC query that retrieves an account's total (paginated) spendable balances.
* [\#11441]( Added a new method, `IsLTE`, for `types.Coin`. This method is used to check if a `types.Coin` is less than or equal to another `types.Coin`.
* (x/upgrade) [\#11116]( `MsgSoftwareUpgrade` and has been added to support v1beta2 msgs-based gov proposals.
* [\#11308]( Added a mandatory metadata field to Vote in x/gov v1beta2.
* [\#10977]( Now every cosmos message protobuf definition must be extended with a ``cosmos.msg.v1.signer`` option to signal the signer fields in a language agnostic way.
* [\#10710]( Chain-id shouldn't be required for creating a transaction with both --generate-only and --offline flags.
* [\#10703]( Create a new grantee account, if the grantee of an authorization does not exist.
* [\#10592]( Add a `DecApproxEq` function that checks to see if `|d1 - d2| < tol` for some Dec `d1, d2, tol`.
* [\#9933]( Introduces the notion of a Cosmos "Scalar" type, which would just be simple aliases that give human-understandable meaning to the underlying type, both in Go code and in Proto definitions.
* [\#9884]( Provide a new gRPC query handler, `/cosmos/params/v1beta1/subspaces`, that allows the ability to query for all registered subspaces and their respective keys.
* [\#9776]( Add flag `staking-bond-denom` to specify the staking bond denomination value when initializing a new chain.
* [\#9533]( Added a new gRPC method, `DenomOwners`, in `x/bank` to query for all account holders of a specific denomination.
* (bank) [\#9618]( Update bank.Metadata: add URI and URIHash attributes.
* (store) [\#8664]( Implementation of ADR-038 file StreamingService
* [\#9837]( `--generate-only` flag will accept the keyname now.
* [\#10326]( `x/authz` add all grants by granter query.
* [\#10944]( `x/authz` add all grants by grantee query
* [\#10348]( Add `fee.{payer,granter}` and `tip` fields to StdSignDoc for signing tipped transactions.
* [\#10208]( Add `TipsTxMiddleware` for transferring tips.
* [\#10379]( Add validation to `x/upgrade` CLI `software-upgrade` command `--plan-info` value.
* [\#10507]( Add middleware for tx priority.
* [\#10311]( Adds cli to use tips transactions. It adds an `--aux` flag to all CLI tx commands to generate the aux signer data (with optional tip), and a new `tx aux-to-fee` subcommand to let the fee payer gather aux signer data and broadcast the tx
* [\#10430]( ADR-040: Add store/v2 `MultiStore` implementation
* [\#11019]( Add `MsgCreatePermanentLockedAccount` and CLI method for creating permanent locked account
* [\#10947]( Add `AllowancesByGranter` query to the feegrant module
* [\#10407]( Add validation to `x/upgrade` module's `BeginBlock` to check accidental binary downgrades
* (gov) [\#11036]( Add in-place migrations for 0.43->0.46. Add a `migrate v0.46` CLI command for v0.43->0.46 JSON genesis migration.
* [\#11006]( Add `debug pubkey-raw` command to allow inspecting of pubkeys in legacy bech32 format
* (x/authz) [\#10714]( Add support for pruning expired authorizations
* [\#10015]( ADR-040: ICS-23 proofs for SMT store
* [\#11240]( Replace various modules `ModuleCdc` with the global `legacy.Cdc`
* [#11179]( Add state rollback command.
* [\#10794]( ADR-040: Add State Sync to V2 Store
* [\#11234]( Add `GRPCClient` field to Client Context. If `GRPCClient` field is set to nil, the `Invoke` method would use ABCI query, otherwise use gprc.
* [\#10962]( ADR-040: Add state migration from iavl (v1Store) to smt (v2Store)
* (types) [\#10948]( Add `app-db-backend` to the `app.toml` config to replace the compile-time `types.DBbackend` variable.
* (authz)[\#11060]( Support grant with no expire time.

### API Breaking Changes

* (store)[\#11152]( Remove `keep-every` from pruning options.
* [\#10950]( Add `envPrefix` parameter to `cmd.Execute`.
* (x/mint) [\#10441]( The `NewAppModule` function now accepts an inflation calculation function as an argument.
* [\#10295]( Remove store type aliases from /types
* [\#9695]( Migrate keys from `Info` -> `Record`
* Add new `codec.Codec` argument in:
* `keyring.NewInMemory`
* `keyring.New`
* Rename:
* `SavePubKey` to `SaveOfflineKey`.
* `NewMultiInfo`, `NewLedgerInfo` to `NewLegacyMultiInfo`, `newLegacyLedgerInfo` respectively. Move them into `legacy_info.go`.
* `NewOfflineInfo` to `newLegacyOfflineInfo` and move it to `migration_test.go`.
* Return:
*`keyring.Record, error` in `SaveOfflineKey`, `SaveLedgerKey`, `SaveMultiSig`, `Key` and `KeyByAddress`.
*`keyring.Record` instead of `Info` in `NewMnemonic` and `List`.
* Remove `algo` argument from :
* `SaveOfflineKey`
* Take `keyring.Record` instead of `Info` as first argument in:
* `MkConsKeyOutput`
* `MkValKeyOutput`
* `MkAccKeyOutput`
* [\#10022]( `AuthKeeper` interface in `x/auth` now includes a function `HasAccount`.
* [\#9759]( `NewAccountKeeeper` in `x/auth` now takes an additional `bech32Prefix` argument that represents `sdk.Bech32MainPrefix`.
* [\#9628]( Rename `x/{mod}/legacy` to `x/{mod}/migrations`.
* [\#9571]( Implemented error handling for staking hooks, which now return an error on failure.
* [\#9427]( Move simapp `FundAccount` and `FundModuleAccount` to `x/bank/testutil`
* (client/tx) [\#9421]( `BuildUnsignedTx`, `BuildSimTx`, `PrintUnsignedStdTx` functions are moved to
the Tx Factory as methods.
* (client/keys) [\#9407]( Added `keys rename` CLI command and `Keyring.Rename` interface method to rename a key in the keyring.
* (x/slashing) [\#9458]( Coins burned from slashing is now returned from Slash function and included in Slash event.
* [\#9246]( The `New` method for the network package now returns an error.
* [\#9519]( `DeleteDeposits` renamed to `DeleteAndBurnDeposits`, `RefundDeposits` renamed to `RefundAndDeleteDeposits`
* (codec) [\#9521]( Removed deprecated `clientCtx.JSONCodec` from `client.Context`.
* (codec) [\#9521]( Rename `EncodingConfig.Marshaler` to `Codec`.
* [\#9594]( `RESTHandlerFn` argument is removed from the `gov/NewProposalHandler`.
* [\#9594]( `types/rest` package moved to `testutil/rest`.
* [\#9432]( `ConsensusParamsKeyTable` moved from `params/keeper` to `params/types`
* [\#9576]( Add debug error message to `sdkerrors.QueryResult` when enabled
* [\#9650]( Removed deprecated message handler implementation from the SDK modules.
* [\#10248]( Remove unused `KeyPowerReduction` variable from x/staking types.
* (x/bank) [\#9832]( `AddressFromBalancesStore` renamed to `AddressAndDenomFromBalancesStore`.
* (tests) [\#9938]( `simapp.Setup` accepts additional `testing.T` argument.
* (baseapp) [\#9920]( BaseApp `{Check,Deliver,Simulate}Tx` methods are now replaced by a middleware stack.
* Replace the Antehandler interface with the `tx.Handler` and `tx.Middleware` interfaces.
* Replace `baseapp.SetAnteHandler` with `baseapp.SetTxHandler`.
* Move Msg routers from BaseApp to middlewares.
* Move Baseapp panic recovery into a middleware.
* Rename simulation helper methods `baseapp.{Check,Deliver}` to `baseapp.Sim{Check,Deliver}**`.
* (x/gov) [\#10373]( Removed gov `keeper.{MustMarshal, MustUnmarshal}`.
* [\#10348]( StdSignBytes takes a new argument of type `*tx.Tip` for signing over tips using LEGACY_AMINO_JSON.
* [\#10208]( The `x/auth/signing.Tx` interface now also includes a new `GetTip() *tx.Tip` method for verifying tipped transactions. The `x/auth/types` expected BankKeeper interface now expects the `SendCoins` method too.
* [\#10612]( `baseapp.NewBaseApp` constructor function doesn't take the `sdk.TxDecoder` anymore. This logic has been moved into the TxDecoderMiddleware.
* [\#10692]( `SignerData` takes 2 new fields, `Address` and `PubKey`, which need to get populated when using SIGN_MODE_DIRECT_AUX.
* [\#10748]( Move legacy `x/gov` api to `v1beta1` directory.
* [\#10816]( Reuse blocked addresses from the bank module. No need to pass them to distribution.
* [\#10852]( Move `x/gov/types` to `x/gov/types/v1beta2`.
* [\#10922](, [/#10957]( Move key `server.Generate*` functions to testutil and support custom mnemonics in in-process testing network. Moved `TestMnemonic` from `testutil` package to `testdata`.
>>>>>>> 9e1ec7b61 (feat: add support for spendable balances gRPC query (#11417))
* (x/bank) [\#10771]( Add safety check on bank module perms to allow module-specific mint restrictions (e.g. only minting a certain denom).
* (x/bank) [\#10771]( Add `bank.BankKeeper.WithMintCoinsRestriction` function to restrict use of bank `MintCoins` usage. This function is not on the bank `Keeper` interface, so it's not API-breaking, but only additive on the keeper implementation.
* [\#11124]( Add `GetAllVersions` to application store
Expand Down
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions proto/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/query.proto
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ service Query {
option (google.api.http).get = "/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/{address}";

// SpendableBalances queries the spenable balance of all coins for a single
// account.
rpc SpendableBalances(QuerySpendableBalancesRequest) returns (QuerySpendableBalancesResponse) {
option (google.api.http).get = "/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/spendable_balances/{address}";

// TotalSupply queries the total supply of all coins.
rpc TotalSupply(QueryTotalSupplyRequest) returns (QueryTotalSupplyResponse) {
option (google.api.http).get = "/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,6 +94,30 @@ message QueryAllBalancesResponse {
cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageResponse pagination = 2;

// QuerySpendableBalancesRequest defines the gRPC request structure for querying
// an account's spendable balances.
message QuerySpendableBalancesRequest {
option (gogoproto.equal) = false;
option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;

// address is the address to query spendable balances for.
string address = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];

// pagination defines an optional pagination for the request.
cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageRequest pagination = 2;

// QuerySpendableBalancesResponse defines the gRPC response structure for querying
// an account's spendable balances.
message QuerySpendableBalancesResponse {
// balances is the spendable balances of all the coins.
repeated cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin balances = 1
[(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.castrepeated) = ""];

// pagination defines the pagination in the response.
cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageResponse pagination = 2;

// QueryTotalSupplyRequest is the request type for the Query/TotalSupply RPC
// method.
message QueryTotalSupplyRequest {
Expand Down
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions x/bank/keeper/grpc_query.go
Expand Up @@ -76,6 +76,42 @@ func (k BaseKeeper) AllBalances(ctx context.Context, req *types.QueryAllBalances
return &types.QueryAllBalancesResponse{Balances: balances, Pagination: pageRes}, nil

// SpendableBalances implements a gRPC query handler for retrieving an account's
// spendable balances.
func (k BaseKeeper) SpendableBalances(ctx context.Context, req *types.QuerySpendableBalancesRequest) (*types.QuerySpendableBalancesResponse, error) {
if req == nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "empty request")

addr, err := sdk.AccAddressFromBech32(req.Address)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "invalid address: %s", err.Error())

sdkCtx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(ctx)

balances := sdk.NewCoins()
accountStore := k.getAccountStore(sdkCtx, addr)
zeroAmt := sdk.ZeroInt()

pageRes, err := query.Paginate(accountStore, req.Pagination, func(key, value []byte) error {
balances = append(balances, sdk.NewCoin(string(key), zeroAmt))
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "paginate: %v", err)

result := sdk.NewCoins()
spendable := k.SpendableCoins(sdkCtx, addr)

for _, c := range balances {
result = append(result, sdk.NewCoin(c.Denom, spendable.AmountOf(c.Denom)))

return &types.QuerySpendableBalancesResponse{Balances: result, Pagination: pageRes}, nil

// TotalSupply implements the Query/TotalSupply gRPC method
func (k BaseKeeper) TotalSupply(ctx context.Context, req *types.QueryTotalSupplyRequest) (*types.QueryTotalSupplyResponse, error) {
sdkCtx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(ctx)
Expand Down
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions x/bank/keeper/grpc_query_test.go
Expand Up @@ -3,14 +3,25 @@ package keeper_test
import (
gocontext "context"

<<<<<<< HEAD

minttypes ""

sdk ""
sdk ""
authtypes ""
vestingtypes ""
>>>>>>> 9e1ec7b61 (feat: add support for spendable balances gRPC query (#11417))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,6 +97,56 @@ func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestQueryAllBalances() {

func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestSpendableBalances() {
app, ctx, queryClient :=, suite.ctx, suite.queryClient
_, _, addr := testdata.KeyTestPubAddr()
ctx = ctx.WithBlockTime(time.Now())

_, err := queryClient.SpendableBalances(sdk.WrapSDKContext(ctx), &types.QuerySpendableBalancesRequest{})

pageReq := &query.PageRequest{
Key: nil,
Limit: 2,
CountTotal: false,
req := types.NewQuerySpendableBalancesRequest(addr, pageReq)

res, err := queryClient.SpendableBalances(sdk.WrapSDKContext(ctx), req)

fooCoins := newFooCoin(50)
barCoins := newBarCoin(30)

origCoins := sdk.NewCoins(fooCoins, barCoins)
acc := app.AccountKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(ctx, addr)
acc = vestingtypes.NewContinuousVestingAccount(

app.AccountKeeper.SetAccount(ctx, acc)
suite.Require().NoError(testutil.FundAccount(app.BankKeeper, ctx, acc.GetAddress(), origCoins))

// move time forward for some tokens to vest
ctx = ctx.WithBlockTime(ctx.BlockTime().Add(30 * time.Minute))
queryHelper := baseapp.NewQueryServerTestHelper(ctx, app.InterfaceRegistry())
types.RegisterQueryServer(queryHelper, app.BankKeeper)
queryClient = types.NewQueryClient(queryHelper)

res, err = queryClient.SpendableBalances(sdk.WrapSDKContext(ctx), req)
suite.Equal(2, res.Balances.Len())
suite.EqualValues(30, res.Balances[0].Amount.Int64())
suite.EqualValues(25, res.Balances[1].Amount.Int64())

func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) TestQueryTotalSupply() {
app, ctx, queryClient :=, suite.ctx, suite.queryClient
expectedTotalSupply := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewInt64Coin("test", 400000000))
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions x/bank/keeper/keeper_test.go
Expand Up @@ -96,8 +96,13 @@ func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) initKeepersWithmAccPerms(blockedAddrs map[str

func (suite *IntegrationTestSuite) SetupTest() {
<<<<<<< HEAD
app := simapp.Setup(false)
ctx := app.BaseApp.NewContext(false, tmproto.Header{})
app := simapp.Setup(suite.T(), false)
ctx := app.BaseApp.NewContext(false, tmproto.Header{Time: time.Now()})
>>>>>>> 9e1ec7b61 (feat: add support for spendable balances gRPC query (#11417))

app.AccountKeeper.SetParams(ctx, authtypes.DefaultParams())
app.BankKeeper.SetParams(ctx, types.DefaultParams())
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions x/bank/types/querier.go
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,13 @@ func NewQueryAllBalancesRequest(addr sdk.AccAddress, req *query.PageRequest) *Qu
return &QueryAllBalancesRequest{Address: addr.String(), Pagination: req}

// NewQuerySpendableBalancesRequest creates a new instance of a
// QuerySpendableBalancesRequest.
// nolint:interfacer
func NewQuerySpendableBalancesRequest(addr sdk.AccAddress, req *query.PageRequest) *QuerySpendableBalancesRequest {
return &QuerySpendableBalancesRequest{Address: addr.String(), Pagination: req}

// QueryTotalSupplyParams defines the params for the following queries:
// - 'custom/bank/totalSupply'
Expand Down

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