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What is this?

This repo is meant to serve as a jumping off point for a self managing argoCD install which adheres to gitops paradigms. It does any initial bootstrapping for a set of k8s clusters which may span multiple regions in multiple environments.

What are the files/directories for?

This is a collection of helm values files which are fed into helm charts defined by argocd in the application root
This is a collection of kustomized manifests which are installed to the cluster, each can be rendered by navigating to their directory and rendering them like this:
    'kustomize build kustomizations/{app_name}/overlays/{cluster_name}'

This is useful when you need to apply bare manifests to the clusters and make small changes to them for each environment.

How to bootstrap a cluster:

assumed installs: docker(localdev), kind(localdev), step-cli (&openssl), argocd cli, kubectl, linkderd cli, vault cli, step-cli

// Create some namespaces, by hand, argo will idempotently ensure these are created and manage them once the bootstrap is completed.
kind create cluster --config=kind-config.yaml

step-cli certificate create root.linkerd.cluster.local secret/ca.crt secret/ca.key \
--profile root-ca --no-password --insecure

kubectl apply -k kustomizations/namespaces/overlays/localdev

kubectl create secret tls \
linkerd-trust-anchor \
--cert=secret/ca.crt \
--key=secret/ca.key \

copy secret/ca.crt into helmvalues/linkerd-control-plane/values.yaml if its not already, careful of indentation

kubectl apply -n localdev-argocd -k kustomizations/argocd/overlays/localdev
kubectl apply -k kustomizations/application-root/overlays/localdev

argocd account bcrypt --password admin
# example is set to 'admin'
kubectl -n localdev-argocd patch secret argocd-secret \
-p '{"stringData": {
    "admin.password": "$2a$10$ZgpJGNnrnxwbTToFHQ6A/ucl5ddGGzpT.v4bOAmPrTRqhMoJsgdx2",
    "admin.passwordMtime": "'$(date +%FT%T%Z)'"

export GITHUB_TOKEN=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
kubectl -n localdev-argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
export ARGOCD_PASS=admin

kubectl port-forward -n localdev-argocd svc/argocd-server 8000:80

argocd login localhost:8000 --username admin --password $ARGOCD_PASS
argocd repocreds add --username coryleeio --password $GITHUB_TOKEN

kubectl delete pods -n localdev-argocd --all

login to webui with admin/$(ARGOCD_PASS) at localhost:8000

sync argocd, application-root, and vault

kubectl port-forward -n localdev-vault svc/localdev-vault 8200:8200
kubectl port-forward -n linkerd-viz svc/web 8084:8084
kubectl port-forward -n localdev-prometheus svc/localdev-prometheus-server 9000:80
kubectl port-forward -n linkerd-viz svc/prometheus 9001:9090
kubectl port-forward -n localdev-grafana svc/localdev-grafana 10000:80
kubectl port-forward -n tekton-pipelines svc/tekton-dashboard 9097:9097

export VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200
vault login root
vault auth enable kubernetes
vault secrets disable secret
vault secrets enable --path=apps -version=2 kv
vault secrets enable --path=administrator -version=2 kv

vault policy write vault-administrator vault-iam/vault-administrator.hcl
vault policy write administrator-read-write vault-iam/administrator-read-write.hcl
vault policy write administrator-read-only vault-iam/administrator-read-only.hcl
vault policy write apps-read-write vault-iam/apps-read-write.hcl
vault policy write apps-read-only vault-iam/apps-read-only.hcl

vault write auth/kubernetes/role/linkerd-vault-secret-sync \
bound_service_account_names=linkerd-vault-secret-sync \
bound_service_account_namespaces=linkerd \
policies=administrator-read-only \

# Restart everything but the k8s control plane once everything is green, then resync as needed to ensure everything is meshed

kubectl -n linkerd-viz delete pods --all
kubectl -n localdev-argocd delete pods --all
kubectl -n localdev-cert-manager delete pods --all
kubectl -n localdev-external-secrets delete pods --all
kubectl -n localdev-grafana delete pods --all
kubectl -n localdev-internal-ingress-nginx delete pods --all
kubectl -n localdev-loki delete pods --all
kubectl -n localdev-prometheus delete pods --all
kubectl -n localdev-promtail delete pods --all
kubectl -n localdev-tempo delete pods --all
kubectl -n localdev-vault delete pods --all

# get kind control plane ip
kubectl get node kind-control-plane -o=jsonpath='{range .status.addresses[*]}{.type}{"\t"}{.address}{"\n"}'

# use it to access kafka via node port in a way kafka will be happy with --bootstrap-server --topic first_topic --create --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1

Add/Remove an application

* add/remove a new application crd to kustomizations/application-root, update kustomization.yaml as needed.
* if helm add/remove values files to helmvalues/
* commit


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