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Merge pull request #64 from cevich/cirrus-ci_env
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Implement cirrus-ci config task env. var. renderer
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cevich committed Mar 24, 2021
2 parents b61c105 + 38fd0ec commit f88b97a
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,905 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion ci/Dockerfile
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ RUN microdnf update -y && \
perl-YAML perl-interpreter perl-open perl-Data-TreeDumper \
perl-Test perl-Test-Simple perl-Test-Differences \
perl-YAML-LibYAML perl-FindBin \
python3 python3-pip gcc python3-devel && \
python3 python3-pip gcc python3-devel \
python3-flake8 python3-pep8-naming python3-flake8-docstrings python3-flake8-import-order python3-flake8-polyfill python3-mccabe python3-pep8-naming && \
microdnf clean all && \
rm -rf /var/cache/dnf
# Required by perl
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265 changes: 265 additions & 0 deletions cirrus-ci_env/
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@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""Utility to provide canonical listing of Cirrus-CI tasks and env. vars."""

import argparse
import re
import sys
from typing import Any, Mapping

import yaml

def err(msg: str):
"""Print an error message to stderr and exit non-zero."""
print(f"\nError: {msg}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)

class DefFmt(dict):
Defaulting-dict helper class for render_env()'s str.format_map().

dollar_env_var = re.compile(r"\$(\w+)")
dollarcurly_env_var = re.compile(r"\$\{(\w+)\}")

def __missing__(self, key: str) -> str:
"""Not-found items converted back to shell env var format."""
return "${{{0}}}".format(key)

class CirrusCfg:
"""Represent a fully realized list of .cirrus.yml tasks."""

# Dictionary of global, configuration-wide environment variable values.
global_env = None

# String values representing instance type and image name/path/uri
global_type = None
global_image = None

def __init__(self, config: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Create a new instance, given a parsed .cirrus.yml config object."""
if not isinstance(config, dict):
whatsit = config.__class__
raise TypeError(f"Expected 'config' argument to be a dictionary, not a {whatsit}")
# This makes a copy, doesn't touch the original
self.global_env = self.render_env(config.get("env", dict()))
self.global_type, self.global_image = self.get_type_image(config)
self.tasks = self.render_tasks(config)
self.names = list(self.tasks.keys())
self.names = tuple(self.names) # help notice attempts to modify

def render_env(self, env: Mapping[str, str]) -> Mapping[str, str]:
Repeatedly call format_env() to render out-of-order env key values.
This is a compromise vs recursion. Since substitution values may be
referenced while processing, and dictionary keys have no defined
order. Simply provide multiple chances for the substitution to
occur. On failure, a shell-compatible variable reference is simply
left in place.
# There's no simple way to detect when substitutions are
# complete, so we mirror Cirrus-CI's behavior which
# loops 10 times (according to their support) through
# the substitution routine.
out = self.format_env(env, self.global_env)
for _ in range(9):
out = self.format_env(out, self.global_env)
return out

def format_env(env, global_env: Mapping[str, str]) -> Mapping[str, str]:
"""Replace shell-style references in env values, from global_env then env."""
# This method is also used to initialize self.global_env
if global_env is None:
global_env = dict()

rep = r"{\1}" # Shell env var to python format string conversion regex
def_fmt = DefFmt(**global_env) # Assumes global_env already rendered

for k, v in env.items():
if "ENCRYPTED" in str(v):
_ = def_fmt.dollarcurly_env_var.sub(rep, str(v))
def_fmt[k] = def_fmt.dollar_env_var.sub(rep, _)
out = dict()
for k, v in def_fmt.items():
if k in env: # Don't unnecessarily duplicate globals
out[k] = str(v).format_map(def_fmt)
return out

def render_tasks(self, tasks: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
"""Return new tasks dict with envs rendered and matrices unrolled."""
result = dict()
for k, v in tasks.items():
if not k.endswith("_task"):
# Cirrus-CI uses this defaulting priority order
alias = v.get("alias", k.replace("_task", ""))
name = v.get("name", alias)
if "matrix" in v:
# Assume Cirrus-CI accepted this config., don't check name clashes
result.update(self.unroll_matrix(name, alias, v))
task = dict(alias=alias)
task["env"] = self.render_env(v.get("env", dict()))
task_name = self.render_value(name, task["env"])
_ = self.get_type_image(v, self.global_type, self.global_image)
self.init_task_type_image(task, *_)
result[task_name] = task
return result

def unroll_matrix(self, name_default: str, alias_default: str,
task: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
"""Produce copies of task with attributes replaced from matrix list."""
result = dict()
for item in task["matrix"]:
if "name" not in task and "name" not in item:
# Cirrus-CI goes a step further, attempting to generate a
# unique name based on alias + matrix attributes. This is
# a very complex process that would be insane to attempt to
# duplicate. Instead, simply require a defined 'name'
# attribute in every case, throwing an error if not found.
raise ValueError(f"Expecting 'name' attribute in"
f" '{alias_default}_task'"
f" or matrix definition: {item}"
f" for task definition: {task}")
# default values for the rendered task - not mutable, needs a copy.
matrix_task = dict(alias=alias_default, env=task.get("env").copy())
matrix_name = item.get("name", name_default)

# matrix item env. overwrites task env.
matrix_task["env"].update(item.get("env", dict()))
matrix_task["env"] = self.render_env(matrix_task["env"])
matrix_name = self.render_value(matrix_name, matrix_task["env"])

# Matrix item overides task dict, overrides global defaults.
_ = self.get_type_image(item, self.global_type, self.global_image)
matrix_type, matrix_image = self.get_type_image(task, *_)
self.init_task_type_image(matrix_task, matrix_type, matrix_image)
result[matrix_name] = matrix_task
return result

def render_value(self, value: str, env: Mapping[str, str]) -> str:
"""Given a string value and task env dict, safely render references."""
tmp_env = env.copy() # don't mess up the original
tmp_env["__value__"] = value
return self.format_env(tmp_env, self.global_env)["__value__"]

def get_type_image(self, item: dict,
default_type: str = None,
default_image: str = None) -> tuple:
"""Given Cirrus-CI config or task dict., return instance type and image."""
# Order is significant, VMs always override containers
if "gce_instance" in item:
return "gcevm", item["gce_instance"].get("image_name", default_image)
elif "osx_instance" in item:
return "osx", item["osx_instance"].get("image", default_image)
elif "image" in item.get("container", ""):
return "container", item["container"].get("image", default_image)
elif "dockerfile" in item.get("container", ""):
return "dockerfile", item["container"].get("dockerfile", default_image)
inst_type = None
if self.global_type is not None:
inst_type = default_type
inst_image = None
if self.global_image is not None:
inst_image = default_image
return inst_type, inst_image

def init_task_type_image(self, task: Mapping[str, Any],
task_type: str, task_image: str) -> None:
"""Render any envs. and assert non-none values for task."""
if task_type is None or task_image is None:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid instance type "
f"({task_type}) or image ({task_image}) "
f"for task ({task})")
task["inst_type"] = task_type
task["inst_image"] = self.render_value(task_image, task["env"])

class CLI:
"""Represent command-line-interface runtime state and behaviors."""

# An argparse parser instance
parser = None

# When valid, namespace instance from parser
args = None

# When loaded successfully, instance of CirrusCFG
ccfg = None

def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Initialize runtime context based on command-line options and parameters."""
self.parser = self.args_parser()
self.args = self.parser.parse_args()
self.ccfg = CirrusCfg(yaml.safe_load(self.args.filepath))
if not len(self.ccfg.names):
err(f"No Cirrus-CI tasks found in '{}'")

def __call__(self) -> None:
"""Execute request command-line actions."""
if self.args.list:
for task_name in self.ccfg.names:
elif bool(self.args.inst):
task = self.ccfg.tasks[self.valid_name()]
inst_type = task['inst_type']
inst_image = task['inst_image']
sys.stdout.write(f"{inst_type} {inst_image}\n")
elif bool(self.args.envs):
task = self.ccfg.tasks[self.valid_name()]
env = self.ccfg.global_env.copy()
keys = list(env.keys())
for key in keys:
if key.startswith("_"):
continue # Assume private to Cirrus-CI
value = env[key]

def args_parser(self) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
"""Parse command-line options and arguments."""
epilog = "Note: One of --list, --envs, or --inst MUST be specified"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
parser.add_argument('filepath', type=argparse.FileType("rt"),
help="File path to .cirrus.yml",
mgroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
mgroup.add_argument('--list', action='store_true',
help="List canonical task names")
mgroup.add_argument('--envs', action='store',
help="List env. vars. for task <name>",
mgroup.add_argument('--inst', action='store',
help="List instance type and image for task <name>",
return parser

def valid_name(self) -> str:
"""Print helpful error message when task name is invalid, or return it."""
if self.args.envs is not None:
task_name = self.args.envs
task_name = self.args.inst
file_name =
if task_name not in self.ccfg.names:
err(f"Unknown task name '{task_name}' from '{file_name}'")
return task_name

if __name__ == "__main__":
cli = CLI()

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