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Improve conan_build_info command (#5950)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Added required = True to subparsers in order to print error message in Py2 and Py3.

* sync

* basic concurrent upload at reference level with futures

* revert changes

* add line

* Lock buggy urllib3 (#5808)

* app simplifying (#5806)

* Apply lockfile before updating downstream requires (#5771)

* apply graph_lock before looking for overrides

* first step: get rid of the warning

* cleaner if graph_lock is passed to the function

* only update requires upstream if no lockfile is applied

* fix tests

* Deprecation of CONAN_USERNAME and CONAN_CHANNEL: fix error message (#5756)

* if CONAN_USERNAME and CONAN_CHANNEL are deprecated, the error cannot recommend them

* update tests accordingly

* test client load() file method (#5815)

* no user/channel repr without _ (#5817)

* no user/channel repr without _

* minor fixes

* fix tests

* Remove py34 (#5820)

* fix upload package id (#5824)

* - update macOS, watchOS, tvOS, iOS version numbers (#5823)

* Refresh token client support.  (#5662)

* Refresh token client support. Missing tests. Missing migration

* public method


* Refresh almost there

* Removed prints

* Try migrate

* Migration

* Add comment

* Refresh token flow following RFC recommentations

* Refresh ok

* review

* Remove traces

* Refactor capabilities

* Removed tmp file

* Review

* #5819 Show warning message for Python 3.4 (#5829)

* #5819 Show warning message for Python 3.4

- Add new warning message for python 3.4 which is no longer supported
- Added funcional tests to validate both python 3.4 and 2.x

Signed-off-by: Uilian Ries <>

* #5819 Fix broken tests

Signed-off-by: Uilian Ries <>

* Add to cmake and pkg_config generators (#5598)

* Add to cmake generators

* Fix unit tests to mimic real behavior

* cmake_paths test

* add test for cmake generator

* Add cmake_find_package test

* fix test in py3

* Applied to pkg_config generator

* check different name in pkg_config

* sync with develop

* store files checksum

* store downloaded recipes checksums

* store downloaded package checksum

* add checksums to metadata

* use checksums property

* refactor

* change function nae

* refactor

* minor changes

* change names

* minor changes

* minor changes

* fix comment

* minor changes

* minor changes

* first args parse draft

* test checksums in unit tests

* check checksums metatada

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* return empty dict if not found

* wip

* wip

* minor changes

* minor changes

* minor changes

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* fix function args

* reorder

* minor changes

* build info merge

* wip

* sync changes

* fix args

* catch all exceptions

* fix call

* minor changes

* change output

* minor changes

* fix args

* wip

* minor changes

* wip

* wip

* wip

* minor changes

* wip

* wip

* use comprehension

* wip

* wip

* minor changes

* minor changes

* changes in help

* minor changes

* minor changes

* fix help

* minor changes

* minor changes

* minor changes

* fix test

* sync with checksum branch

* fix arguments

* wip

* simplify argument parsing

* minor changes

* minor changes

* add recommended use message

* change output

* fix tests

* add unit test

* minor changes

* wip

* better test example

* change name

* fix test

* fix test

* compare loop

* fix test

* fix for empty user/channel

* minor changes

* minor changes

* remove modules properties
  • Loading branch information
czoido authored and lasote committed Oct 30, 2019
1 parent 7482b02 commit f67bf29
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 4 changed files with 1,101 additions and 10 deletions.
324 changes: 324 additions & 0 deletions conans/build_info/
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
import datetime
import json
import os
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin

import requests

from conans.client.cache.cache import ClientCache
from import response_to_str
from conans.errors import AuthenticationException, RequestErrorException, ConanException
from conans.model.ref import ConanFileReference
from conans.paths import get_conan_user_home
from conans.util.files import save

class Artifact(namedtuple('Artifact', ["sha1", "md5", "name", "id"])):
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.sha1)

def _parse_options(contents):
for line in contents.splitlines():
key, value = line.split("=")
yield "options.{}".format(key), value

def _parse_profile(contents):
import configparser

config = configparser.ConfigParser()

for section, values in config._sections.items():
for key, value in values.items():
yield "{}.{}".format(section, key), value

class BuildInfoCreator(object):
def __init__(self, output, build_info_file, lockfile, multi_module=True, skip_env=True,
user=None, password=None, apikey=None):
self._build_info_file = build_info_file
self._lockfile = lockfile
self._multi_module = multi_module
self._skip_env = skip_env
self._user = user
self._password = password
self._apikey = apikey
self._conan_cache = ClientCache(os.path.join(get_conan_user_home(), ".conan"), output)

def parse_pref(self, pref):
ref = ConanFileReference.loads(pref, validate=False)
rrev = ref.revision.split("#")[0].split(":")[0]
pid = ref.revision.split("#")[0].split(":")[1]
prev = ref.revision.split("#")[1]
return {
"version": ref.version,
"user": ref.user,
"rrev": rrev,
"pid": pid,
"prev": prev

def _get_reference(self, pref):
r = self.parse_pref(pref)
if r.get("user") and r.get("channel"):
return "{name}/{version}@{user}/{channel}".format(**r)
return "{name}/{version}".format(**r)

def _get_package_reference(self, pref):
r = self.parse_pref(pref)
return "{reference}:{pid}".format(reference=self._get_reference(pref), **r)

def _get_metadata_artifacts(self, metadata, request_path, use_id=False, name_format="{}",
ret = {}
need_sources = False
if package_id:
data = metadata.packages[package_id].checksums
data = metadata.recipe.checksums
need_sources = not ("conan_sources.tgz" in data)

for name, value in data.items():
name_or_id = name_format.format(name)
ret[value["sha1"]] = {"md5": value["md5"],
"name": name_or_id if not use_id else None,
"id": name_or_id if use_id else None}
if need_sources:
remote_name = metadata.recipe.remote
remotes = self._conan_cache.registry.load_remotes()
remote_url = remotes[remote_name].url
parsed_uri = urlparse(remote_url)
base_url = "{uri.scheme}://{uri.netloc}/artifactory/api/storage/conan/".format(
request_url = urljoin(base_url, "{}/conan_sources.tgz".format(request_path))
if self._user and self._password:
response = requests.get(request_url, auth=(self._user, self._password))
elif self._apikey:
response = requests.get(request_url, headers={"X-JFrog-Art-Api": self._apikey})
response = requests.get(request_url)

if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
ret[data["checksums"]["sha1"]] = {"md5": data["checksums"],
"name": "conan_sources.tgz",
"id": None}
elif response.status_code == 401:
raise AuthenticationException(response_to_str(response))
raise RequestErrorException(response_to_str(response))

return set([Artifact(k, **v) for k, v in ret.items()])

def _get_recipe_artifacts(self, pref, add_prefix, use_id):
r = self.parse_pref(pref)
if r.get("user") and r.get("channel"):
ref = "{name}/{version}@{user}/{channel}#{rrev}".format(**r)
ref = "{name}/{version}#{rrev}".format(**r)
reference = ConanFileReference.loads(ref)
package_layout = self._conan_cache.package_layout(reference)
metadata = package_layout.load_metadata()
name_format = "{} :: {{}}".format(self._get_reference(pref)) if add_prefix else "{}"
if r.get("user") and r.get("channel"):
url = "{user}/{name}/{version}/{channel}/{rrev}/export".format(**r)
url = "_/{name}/{version}/_/{rrev}/export".format(**r)

return self._get_metadata_artifacts(metadata, url, name_format=name_format, use_id=use_id)

def _get_package_artifacts(self, pref, add_prefix, use_id):
r = self.parse_pref(pref)
if r.get("user") and r.get("channel"):
ref = "{name}/{version}@{user}/{channel}#{rrev}".format(**r)
ref = "{name}/{version}#{rrev}".format(**r)
reference = ConanFileReference.loads(ref)
package_layout = self._conan_cache.package_layout(reference)
metadata = package_layout.load_metadata()
name_format = "{} :: {{}}".format(self._get_package_reference(pref)) if add_prefix else "{}"
if r.get("user") and r.get("channel"):
url = "{user}/{name}/{version}/{channel}/{rrev}/package/{pid}/{prev}".format(**r)
url = "_/{name}/{version}/_/{rrev}/package/{pid}/{prev}".format(**r)
arts = self._get_metadata_artifacts(metadata, url, name_format=name_format, use_id=use_id,
return arts

def process_lockfile(self):
modules = defaultdict(lambda: {"id": None, "artifacts": set(), "dependencies": set()})

def _gather_deps(node_uid, contents, func):
node_content = contents["graph_lock"]["nodes"].get(node_uid)
artifacts = func(node_content["pref"], add_prefix=True, use_id=True)
for _, id_node in node_content.get("requires", {}).items():
artifacts.update(_gather_deps(id_node, contents, func))
return artifacts

with open(self._lockfile) as json_data:
data = json.load(json_data)

# Gather modules, their artifacts and recursively all required artifacts
for _, node in data["graph_lock"]["nodes"].items():
pref = node["pref"]
if node.get("modified"): # Work only on generated nodes
# Create module for the recipe reference
recipe_key = self._get_reference(pref)
modules[recipe_key]["id"] = recipe_key
self._get_recipe_artifacts(pref, add_prefix=not self._multi_module,
# TODO: what about `python_requires`?
# TODO: can we associate any properties to the recipe? Profile/options may be different per lockfile

# Create module for the package_id
package_key = self._get_package_reference(pref) if self._multi_module else recipe_key
modules[package_key]["id"] = package_key
self._get_package_artifacts(pref, add_prefix=not self._multi_module,

# Recurse requires
if node.get("requires"):
for _, node_id in node["requires"].items():
_gather_deps(node_id, data, self._get_recipe_artifacts))
_gather_deps(node_id, data, self._get_package_artifacts))

# TODO: Is the recipe a 'dependency' of the package

return modules

def create(self):
properties = self._conan_cache.read_put_headers()
modules = self.process_lockfile()
# Add extra information
ret = {"version": "1.0.1",
"name": properties[""],
"number": properties["artifact_property_build.number"],
"type": "GENERIC",
"started": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat().split(".")[0] + ".000Z",
"buildAgent": {"name": "Conan Client", "version": "1.X"},
"modules": list(modules.values())}

if not self._skip_env:
excluded = ["secret", "key", "password"]
environment = {"buildInfo.env.{}".format(k): v for k, v in os.environ.items() if
k not in excluded}
ret["properties"] = environment

def dump_custom_types(obj):
if isinstance(obj, set):
artifacts = [{k: v for k, v in o._asdict().items() if v is not None} for o in obj]
return sorted(artifacts, key=lambda u: u.get("name") or u.get("id"))
raise TypeError

with open(self._build_info_file, "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(ret, indent=4, default=dump_custom_types))

def create_build_info(output, build_info_file, lockfile, multi_module, skip_env, user, password,
bi = BuildInfoCreator(output, build_info_file, lockfile, multi_module, skip_env, user, password,

def start_build_info(output, build_name, build_number):
paths = ClientCache(os.path.join(get_conan_user_home(), ".conan"), output)
content = "{}\n" \
"artifact_property_build.number={}\n".format(build_name, build_number)
artifact_properties_file = paths.put_headers_path
save(artifact_properties_file, content)
except Exception:
raise ConanException("Can't write properties file in %s" % artifact_properties_file)

def stop_build_info(output):
paths = ClientCache(os.path.join(get_conan_user_home(), ".conan"), output)
artifact_properties_file = paths.put_headers_path
save(artifact_properties_file, "")
except Exception:
raise ConanException("Can't write properties file in %s" % artifact_properties_file)

def publish_build_info(build_info_file, url, user, password, apikey):
with open(build_info_file) as json_data:
parsed_uri = urlparse(url)
request_url = "{uri.scheme}://{uri.netloc}/artifactory/api/build".format(uri=parsed_uri)
if user and password:
response = requests.put(request_url, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"},
data=json_data, auth=(user, password))
elif apikey:
response = requests.put(request_url, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-JFrog-Art-Api": apikey},
response = requests.put(request_url)

if response.status_code == 401:
raise AuthenticationException(response_to_str(response))
elif response.status_code != 204:
raise RequestErrorException(response_to_str(response))

def find_module(build_info, module_id):
for it in build_info["modules"]:
if it["id"] == module_id:
return it
new_module = {"id": module_id, "artifacts": [], "dependencies": []}
return new_module

def merge_artifacts(lhs, rhs, key, cmp_key):
ret = {it[cmp_key]: it for it in lhs[key]}
for art in rhs[key]:
art_cmp_key = art[cmp_key]
if art_cmp_key in ret:
assert art[cmp_key] == ret[art_cmp_key][cmp_key], \
"({}) {} != {} for sha1={}".format(cmp_key, art[cmp_key], ret[art_cmp_key][cmp_key],
ret[art_cmp_key] = art

return [value for _, value in ret.items()]

def merge_buildinfo(lhs, rhs):
if not lhs or not rhs:
return lhs or rhs

# Check they are compatible
assert lhs["version"] == rhs["version"]
assert lhs["name"] == rhs["name"]
assert lhs["number"] == rhs["number"]

for rhs_module in rhs["modules"]:
lhs_module = find_module(lhs, rhs_module["id"])
lhs_module["artifacts"] = merge_artifacts(lhs_module, rhs_module, key="artifacts",
lhs_module["dependencies"] = merge_artifacts(lhs_module, rhs_module, key="dependencies",
return lhs

def update_build_info(buildinfo, output_file):
build_info = {}
for it in buildinfo:
with open(it) as json_data:
data = json.load(json_data)

build_info = merge_buildinfo(build_info, data)

with open(output_file, "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(build_info, indent=4))

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