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Fun fact: Repository name CodeOfAvent2020 is not a typo: I started my journey of first advent of code on year of 2020, also raising my first new born boy using lots of Avent brand things. More of a daddy joke here.

Day01: 2 sum and 3 sum questions, with 2 solutions:

  • solution one: first sort the input then binary search for result, with 2 sum complexity is O(nlogn), 3 sum is O(n^2logn)
  • solution two use exact space without sorting: with 2 sum complexity is O(n), 3 sum is (n^2)


String data validation, using stream function first question complexity of O(n), second question complexity of O(1)


Base graph traverse problem, boundary check required. Complexity O(n) n is number of lines in graph.


String parsing and validation. Got a chance to practice builder pattern and reflection in builder. Complexity O(n). Input processing is the fun part, where code implements 2 way of how to parse data in different lines together.


Binary conversion, part one is to convert values to binary and search max, complexity O(n). Part two: using an extra space of O(n), Drop value from set if it's present, find the max value in set is the answer. Complexity O(n);


Similar to day 04, parse input from multi-lines, then process with set. Complexity per group answer is O(n) n is number of answers.


Input consists different rules, parsing rules then store into map to store. Part one: determine whether a bag included in other ones, using an extra space of O(n), complexity of O(n) to determine. Part two: how many bags inside one bag, perform a deep or width first search in input, complexity of O(n)


Input to programming instructions, parse through input and simulate execution. Remind me of compiler construction class. Part one: use additional space to store execution records extra space O(n) n is line of code. Complexity: O(n) Part two: Need to remember execution state of the code, using a deep first search. Complexity of O(nn), space complexity O(nn) to store executed instructions Is there a better solution with less complexity?


Parsing input values, then valid input and finding input range. Part one: find input not result of previous 25 input of 2 sum. Complexity O(n), extra space of 25 element and create a set while determine 2 sum. space O(1) Part two: find sum range to the none valid element find in part one, complexity O(n), create linked list to store values and extra variable for sum, offer and poll on list.


Graphical path problems. Part one: longest path in solution, complexity O(n). Part two: how many paths in total, extra space O(n) to store possible path from beginning to reach current node. Then at each node going back to sum all possible path can reach it. Complexity O(n)


Graphical problems similar to image processing, data from one node requires calculation from other. Part one: one time calculation requires node to consider all neighbor nodes, one pass complexity O(nm), this can be highly parallelized to have better performance. extra space O(nm) Part one: same as part one, only neighbors are looking at each direction, so each node can takes O(max(n,m)) or O(n+m), overall it's O((m+n)nm), extra space(n*m)


Coordinates and matrix transformation problem Part one: perform moves from original point by different direction, trick part is calculate direction and how to model it. Complexity O(n) n is length of input file Part two: perform moves base on a reference point, trick part is to calculate waypoint has to translate new coordinates Complexity O(n).


Math prime number and common factors Part one: calculate gap between arrival time and parse through to find min gap, complexity O(n) Part two: search find a number x match bus a1 and gap g1, then when match bus a2 and gap g2, since bus are prime number, to reserve the gap needs to increament a1*a2 everytime. Complexity: O(n*m) m is the max prime bus number.


Binary operations Part one: update value base on mask, Complexity O(n) Part two: update address base on mask, complexity O(n)


Need to understand type of the question, this is linar progression? Part one: calculate value base on stored index of last turn number showed and before last, for round 2020 complexity of O(n), n number of turns, space complexity O(n) to store index Part two: same process but calculate more, wondering if there's a way to free up unused space.


Modeling ticket and range, with validation Part one: validate tickets base on input range, complexity O(mn) m is number of tickets, n is number of fields. Space O(n) to store fields Part two: determine the field base in ticket input complexity: O(mn + n*nlogn), is there better way to do this?


Graphic in 3D and 4D. Part one: propagate on 3D, Complexity O(mncc) m is width of input, n is length of input, c is the cycle. Part two: propagate on 4D, Complexity O(mncc*c), how to improve this?


Similar to day08, parsing input and execute instructions, this time with priority. Part one: equal priority, evaluate result left to right, for single line length of n complexity O(nlogn) parse logn times on n character Part two: priority given to different operation, identify low level priority operation first, same complexity.


Very much like compiler syntax analysis, to determine the if there's any syntax error for a programming language. Part one: initial solution I put was to generate all possible solutions then compare with input, later update to use same solution as part two. Put all possible solution in a set, rules are like a tree, deep search first to match. If there's n rules, and m is the input length, complexity would be O(mlogn). Extra space for the set to keep all potential solutions O(mlogn) Part one: same as part one only, prevent solutions size is greater than length of the input, complexity O(mmax(logn, m)) and space required O(mmax(logn, m))


Graph problem, although not enjoy my solution at all Part one: 1) read inputs into own image, 2) then build sides from image, 3) later comparing sides with others to decide neighbors at this point image with only 2 neighbors are the corners. then multiply those to get result, although not address the problem if there's multiple matches for side. Complexity? Space? Part two: with neighbors built from above, introduce rotation to matching the right side to the neighbor, starting from a random one and propagate to sides. then give neighbor an index base on the position, from top left to far bottom right. Then remove the border to construct a full image. To find the monster, need to use existing rotation and flip function when reposition neighbors had for image, to reposition image to find it. Then just rotation and flip all the way it can to identify and mark.


Sets calculation problem, if modeled well, this is relatively easy one Part one: build Allergen with candidate list, parsing input intersect with existing candidate list to determine ingradient, then if only one ingradient could cause allergen remove that from rest of allergen candidate list. Counting input with filter Part two: result is already there with part one, just sort and print


Round game. Part one: build game rounds and determine the winning player, ends when one player has no more cards. TBD complexity Part two: detect cycle and build sub game rule. TBD complexity


Create customerized data structure Part one: initialize use Java provided link list to simulate for 100 round. Part two: created customerized implementation for better performance.


Graphic arrangement Part one: parse input to create coordinates Part two: flip base on coordinates


Loop to determine loop size Part one: loop until result match


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