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emulsion Docker Image Status Aquana

emulsion is a bridge between Telegram and XMPP.


Install .NET SDK 8.0 and Node.js 18 or newer for your platform, then run:

$ dotnet build


Copy emulsion.example.json to emulsion.json and set the settings. For some settings, there are defaults:

    "xmpp": {
        "roomPassword": null,
        "connectionTimeout": "00:05:00",
        "messageTimeout": "00:05:00",
        "pingInterval": null,
        "pingTimeout": "00:00:30"
    "fileCache": {
        "fileSizeLimitBytes": 1048576,
        "totalCacheSizeLimitBytes": 20971520
    "messageArchive": {
        "isEnabled": false

All the other settings are required, except the database, hosting and fileCache sections (the corresponding functionality will be turned off if the sections aren't filled).

Note that pingInterval of null disables XMPP ping support.

telegram.messageThreadId allows to connect the bot to a particular message thread: any messages from the other threads will be ignored, and the bot will send its messages to the selected thread only.

messageArchive.isEnabled will enable or disable the message archive functionality. If enabled, the bot will save all the incoming messages to the database (so, database section from the next section is required for that to work).

Telegram Content Proxy and Web Service

There's Telegram content proxy support, for XMPP users to access Telegram content without directly opening links on

To enable it, configure the database, hosting and fileCache configuration file sections:

    "database": {
        "dataSource": "sqliteDatabase.db"
    "hosting": {
        "externalUriBase": "",
        "bindUri": "http://*:5000/",
        "hashIdSalt": "test"
    "fileCache": {
        "directory": "/tmp/emulsion/cache",
        "fileSizeLimitBytes": 1048576,
        "totalCacheSizeLimitBytes": 20971520

dataSource may be a path to the SQLite database file on disk. If set, Emulsion will automatically apply necessary migrations to this database on startup.

If all the parameters are set, then Emulsion will save the incoming messages into the database, and will then insert links to {externalUriBase}/content/{contentId} instead of links to{messageId}.

bindUri designates the URI the web server will listen locally (which may or may not be the same as the externalUriBase).

The content identifiers in question are generated from the database ones using the library, hashIdSalt is used in generation. This should complicate guessing of content ids for any external party not reading the chat directly.

If the option is not set, then the content proxy will only generate redirects to corresponding URIs. Otherwise, it will store the downloaded files (that fit the cache) in a cache on disk; the items not fitting into the cache will be proxied to clients.

Recommended Network Configuration

Current configuration system allows the following:

  1. Set up a reverse proxy for, say, taking the content from http://localhost/.
  2. When receiving a piece of Telegram content (a file, a photo, an audio message), the bot will send a link to<some_id> to the XMPP chat.
  3. When anyone visits the link, the reverse proxy will send a request to http://localhost/content/<some_id>, which will take a corresponding content from the database.


To execute the tests:

$ dotnet test


Requires .NET Runtime version 6.0 or newer.

$ dotnet run --project ./Emulsion [optional-path-to-json-config-file]


It is recommended to use Docker to deploy this project. To install the application from Docker, you may use the following Bash script:

DATA=/opt/codingteam/emulsion/data # optional
WEB_PORT=5051 # optional
docker pull codingteam/emulsion:$EMULSION_VERSION
docker rm -f $NAME
docker run --name $NAME \
    -v $CONFIG:/app/emulsion.json:ro \
    -v $DATA:/data \
    -p$WEB_PORT:5000 \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    -d \


  • $NAME is the container name
  • $EMULSION_VERSION is the image version you want to deploy, or latest for the latest available one
  • $CONFIG is the absolute path to the configuration file
  • $DATA is the absolute path to the data directory (used by the configuration)
  • $WEB_PORT is the port on the host system which will be used to access the content proxy

To build and push the container to Docker Hub, use the following commands:

$ docker build -t codingteam/emulsion:$EMULSION_VERSION \
    -t codingteam/emulsion:latest .

$ docker login # if necessary
$ docker push codingteam/emulsion:$EMULSION_VERSION
$ docker push codingteam/emulsion:latest

where $EMULSION_VERSION is the version of the image to publish.


Common documentation:

Developer documentation: