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Coderplex Manifesto

Kapil Dutta edited this page Jan 26, 2020 · 2 revisions

Coderplex Manifesto

Coderplex is a non-profit organization based out of India, with the mission of improving the state of tech in Hyderabad and gradually across the country. We want to help every single person in the country, who is interested in building learning any modern technology, by building a network of tech communities across the country.

  • We believe that every single person inherently has the potential to learn, improve themselves, and live a fulfilling life.
  • We believe that the Indian Tech Industry needs to shift from providing affordable IT services to building products that solve problems
  • We believe that it is our responsibility to uplift the underprivilidged and those lacking oppertunities or facing unnecessary obsticles, such as kids in Govt schools or women, in helping them learn modern technologies and build their career in tech.
  • We believe that it is our responsibility to make it easier for girls and women to learn and build their career in tech
  • We believe that it is our responsibility to provide support to Educational institutes, schools and colleges, so that they can provide their students with a more updated and accurate Education,
  • We should apply the principles of modern pedagogy whenever trying to deliver knowledge to our community members or students
  • We believe that India should strive to be at the forefront of modern technologies like AI and Data Science. We should invest more in innovation, research and development.
  • Our Education philosophy resolves around self-learning, peer-learning and learning by building projects, and we want to build a nation-wide culture based on this philosophy
  • We believe that more and more developers in the country need to contribute to and build free and open source projects
  • We believe that there are five stages to learning - theory, practice, creation, collaboration and teaching and we need to provide support to every single student, to guide them through every single stage
  • We believe that classroom Education is flawed by nature, and needs to be replaced with dynamic learning environments where everyone learns at their own pace, in their own style
  • We believe in self-learning + peer-learning, more than teacher centric class room education
  • We believe the indian Developer Ecosystem should encourage everyone to learn by building projects, regardless of whatever technology they are learning
  • We believe in remote working, and we should put effort in helping our members find remote opportunities and encourage companies to explore remote working
  • We believe that it is our responsibility to help aspiring developers build their aptitude, i.e their critical thinking, ability to learn and solve problems quickly, speaking, listening and social skills
  • We believe that the Education should fit the student, rather than the other way around where the student is pushed to fit the system
  • We see code as a tool to build things and solve problems, and we believe that every single person should learn to code, regardless of if they want to build their career in tech or not

P.S. This document is just a draft, and not our finalized Manifesto. You can write your suggestions for changes, additions or subtractions in this issue : Coderplex Manifesto. Feel free to discuss on any of the points mentioned above

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