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Common starter workflows for github actions


  1. civic-tech-patterns civic-tech-patterns Public

    common patterns and anti-patterns for civic tech and civic apps

    Ruby 189 25

  2. honeycrisp-gem honeycrisp-gem Public

    A Rails gem with base styles and Javascript for Code for America products

    Ruby 21 8

  3. courtbot courtbot Public

    Your friendly neighborhood court robot. Provides an api for getting court case information.

    JavaScript 44 55

  4. intake intake Public archive

    A Django project behind the Clear My Record website

    Python 49 23

  5. michigan-benefits michigan-benefits Public

    Digital Assister for Michigan

    Ruby 27 13

  6. vita-min vita-min Public

    FileYourStateTaxes, GetYourRefund, & GetCTC code, originally named b/c it helps VITA in a minimal way

    Ruby 22 13


Showing 10 of 751 repositories