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ClusterBench CI Version

ClusterBench is a simple application that can be deployed in a cluster of JBoss AS 7 (EAP 6), WildFly 8 and newer. Once deployed it is easy to stress (using JMeter, curl, etc.) and monitor the performance of the cluster while at the same time it can be easily checked the correctness of replicated sessions.

Support Matrix

Branch WildFly Version EE Version(s) Base JDK



Jakarta EE 10




Jakarta EE 10




Jakarta EE 10




Jakarta EE 10




Jakarta EE 10




Jakarta EE 10




Jakarta EE 10



26 (and previous)

Java EE 5, EE 6, EE 7, EE 8



Clone the Git repository first and switch to its directory:

git clone

Build the default main branch to build the latest Jakarta EE 10 version:

mvn clean install

Output files:



You can also use wildfly-maven-plugin to run a container with the project already deployed. It will also provision the server without having to download anything manually.

mvn clean wildfly:run

and navigate your browser to http://localhost:8080/clusterbench/.



You can use the deploy goal of the WildFly Maven Plugin to deploy to your running instance by running:

mvn wildfly:deploy

which will deploy the resulting EAR to the running server.

To do this manually, copy clusterbench-ee10.ear to server’s deployments directory and start the standalone server in the HA mode:

cd ~/wildfly-32.0.0.Final
cp ~/clusterbench/clusterbench-ee10-ear/target/clusterbench-ee10.ear standalone/deployments/
./bin/ -c standalone-ha.xml

You can also use the CLI to do so by starting the server, connecting with CLI and using deploy command:

cd ~/wildfly-32.0.0.Final
./bin/ -c standalone-ha.xml

Then connect with the CLI:

./bin/ -c
[standalone@localhost:9990 /] deploy ~/clusterbench/clusterbench-ee10-ear/target/clusterbench-ee10.ear

If you prefer GUI, you can start the server and navigate to http://localhost:9990/ and follow the instructions.

Tomcat 10 (and newer)

To deploy the Tomcat variant of ClusterBench, copy the following war file into Tomcat installation webapps/ directory renaming it accordingly to the desired context, typically to clusterbench.war to correspond with the context path on WildFly.

cp ~/git/clusterbench/clusterbench-ee10-web/target/clusterbench-ee10-web-tomcat.war webapps/clusterbench.war

Note that CDI, debug, EJB, granular, JSF servlets are unsupported on Tomcat and not bundled in the war. That makes the session servlet the only one available for benchmarking.

Deploying to OpenShift

Using Helm Charts

First, make sure you have oc and helm installed. Now, log into OpenShift using the following replacing with your token and server address:

oc login --token=sha256~<your_token> --server=

First add the WildFly helm repo:

helm repo add wildfly

Now install the helm chart:

helm install clusterbench-from-chart -f charts/helm.yaml wildfly/wildfly

You can watch the build using oc:

oc get build -w

Once built, watch the deployment using:

oc get deployment clusterbench-from-chart -w

Once deployed, you can access the application for example the debug servlet using curl:

[rhusar@ribera clusterbench]$ curl https://$(oc get route clusterbench-from-chart --template='{{ }}')/clusterbench/debug
Serial: 0
Session ID: nPw9NzEmPaZHlj0eYoCapZfBBOnNk_5HXNpq2Qi_
Current time: Wed Mar 22 14:36:52 GMT 2023

Once finished, remove everything using:

helm uninstall clusterbench-from-chart


Scenario Servlets

Each servlet stresses a different replication logic, but they all produce the same reply: number of times (integer) the servlet has been previously invoked within the existing session in a text/plain response. In other words, the first request returns 0 and each following invocation returns number incremented by 1.

Furthermore, each HTTP session carries 4 KB of dummy session data in a byte array.


The 'default' servlet. Stores serial number and data in SerialBean object (POJO) which is directly stored in jakarta.servlet.http.HttpSession.


Stores a serial number in @jakarta.enterprise.context.SessionScoped bean.


Stores serial and data in @jakarta.ejb.Stateful Jakarta Enterprise Bean (SFSB). The JEB is then invoked on every request.


Stores serial number and data separately and are both directly put to jakarta.servlet.http.HttpSession. The byte array is never changed therefore this can be used to test effectiveness of using granular session replication.

Load Servlets

There are also two oad generating Servlets for memory and CPU usage. These Servlets simulate load on the target system. These can be used to test the load-balancing mechanism of the reverse proxy.


Servlet simulating CPU load of the cluster node. Parameters are milliseconds (duration) and threads.

Debug Servlets


Servlet that prints out useful information such as: the request headers, URI, query string, path info, serial (does create a session), session ID, time, server and local ports, node name, parameters, and cluster address/coordinator/members/physical addresses.


Servlet which allows to customize the HTTP status response code. Requires mandatory integer code parameter.


Servlet which prints out the node name as a value of the system property.

Custom Build Profiles

There a several profiles to test specific scenarios where the standard build needs to be modified.


This profile produces a build to tests a shared sessions scenario where two WARs in the same EAR share HTTP sessions:

mvn install -P shared-sessions -DskipTests

singleton-deployment-specific-descriptor (using singleton-deployment.xml):

This profile produces a build to tests a singleton deployment scenario where one EAR guaranteed to be active on a single node at a time:

mvn install -P singleton-deployment-specific-descriptor -DskipTests
this version uses descriptor singleton-deployment.xml to achieve singleton-deployment functionality

singleton-deployment-jboss-all (using jboss-all.xml):

This profile produces a build to tests a singleton deployment scenario where one EAR guaranteed to be active on a single node at a time:

mvn install -P singleton-deployment-jboss-all -DskipTests
this version uses descriptor jboss-all.xml to achieve singleton-deployment functionality


Uses distributable-web.xml inside WAR files, to define the WAR’s profile to be used (EAP7-1072).

mvn clean install -P webapp-offload -DskipTests


The distributable-web.xml inside WAR files, references existing "sm_offload" and "sm_offload_granular" profiles on the server; Those profiles must be created on the server e.g. with some cli script (EAP7-1072).

mvn clean install -P webapp-offload-ref -DskipTests


Uses jboss-all.xml inside WAR files, to define the WAR’s profile to be used (EAP7-1072).

mvn clean install -P resources-offload -DskipTests


The jboss-all.xml inside WAR files, references existing "sm_offload" and "sm_offload_granular" profiles on the server; Those profiles must be created on the server e.g. with some cli script (EAP7-1072).

mvn clean install -P resources-offload-ref -DskipTests


Used in order to shorten name of bundled JARs and WARs within the final EAR file. Usually used in database tests to produce database tables with short names. Can be used in conjunction with any of the above webapp-offload, webapp-offload-ref, resources-offload, resources-offload-ref profiles.

mvn clean install -P webapp-offload,short-names -DskipTests
mvn clean install -P webapp-offload-ref,short-names -DskipTests
mvn clean install -P resources-offload,short-names -DskipTests
mvn clean install -P resources-offload-ref,short-names -DskipTests


This profile enables form authentication:

mvn clean install -P sso-form -DskipTests


This profile adds the necessary JEBs to perform call forwarding to a second JEB cluster:

mvn clean install -P 2clusters -DskipTests


The default payload size can be overridden by a system property specifying integer number of bytes to use in a payload:

./bin/ -c standalone-ha.xml -Dorg.jboss.test.clusterbench.cargokb=5
Ensure identical value is specified for all containers in the cluster!


File new issues using GitHub Issues:


Contributions are welcome! Submit pull requests against the upstream repository on GitHub. Please follow the coding standards to keep the application simple and clean.


Project is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0.

Happy benchmarking!