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Releases: cloudcreativity/ddd-modules


08 May 18:38
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v2.0.0-rc.1 Pre-release

What's Changed

This is a large refactoring, as we move to a hexagonal architecture. For a full discussion of this and how to upgrade, refer to the Upgrade Guide.

Additionally, there is the changelog.

Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v2.0.0-rc.1


Although this is marked as a pre-release, it is considered stable enough to use. We only plan bug fixes - there are no plans for additional refactoring.


05 Apr 18:54
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  • New integration event middleware:
    • NotifyInUnitOfWork for notifiers that need to be executed in a unit of work. Note that the documentation for Integration Events incorrectly showed the ExecuteInUnitOfWork command middleware being used.
    • SetupBeforeEvent for doing setup work before an integration event is published or notified, and optionally teardown work after.
    • TeardownAfterEvent for doing teardown work after an integration event is published or notified.
    • LogInboundEvent for logging that an integration event is being received.
    • LogOutboundEvent for logging that an integration event is being published.


  • The following integration event middleware are deprecated and will be removed in 2.0:
    • LogInboundIntegrationEvent: use LogInboundEvent instead.
    • LogOutboundIntegrationEvent: use LogOutboundEvent instead.

Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0


05 Apr 18:00
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  • Allow an outbound integration event handler to implement a publish() method. The handle() method is still supported, but publish() makes more sense to describe what the handler does with the event it has been given.


  • Added missing UUID 7 and 8 methods to the UUID factory interface.
  • The Result::error() method now correctly returns the first error message even if it is not on the first error in the list.

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0


09 Mar 10:29
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  • BREAKING The following deprecated interfaces have been removed:
    • Bus\CommandInterface use Toolkit\Messages\CommandInterface instead.
    • Bus\QueryInterface use Toolkit\Messages\QueryInterface instead.
    • Bus\DispatchThroughMiddleware use Toolkit\Messages\DispatchThroughMiddleware instead.
    • Infrastructure\Log\ContextProviderInterface use Toolkit\Loggable\ContextProviderInterface instead.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc.2...v1.0.0


06 Mar 20:16
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  • New FailedResultException for throw result objects that have not succeeded.


  • BREAKING: The UnitOfWorkAwareDispatcher now queues deferred events to be dispatched before the unit of work commits. Previously it queued them for after the commit. This changes allows communication between different domain entities to occur within the unit of work, which is the correct pattern. For example, if an entity or aggregate root needs to be updated as a result of another entity or aggregate dispatching a domain event. It also allows an outbox pattern to be used for the publishing of integration events. This is a breaking change because it changes the order in which events and listeners are executed. Listeners that need to be dispatched after the commit should now implement the DispatchAfterCommit interface.


  • The ExecuteInUnitOfWork middleware now correctly prevents the unit of work committing if the inner handler returns a failed result. Previously the unit of work would have committed, which was incorrect for a failed result.

Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc.1...v1.0.0-rc.2


23 Feb 09:46
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  • New event bus notifier implementation that was previously missing. This completes the event bus implementation.
  • New message interfaces (command, query, integration event) added to the toolkit.
  • New loggable context provider interface added to the toolkit.
  • Module basename now supports namespaces where an application only has a single bounded context.


  • BREAKING Moved the following interfaces to the Toolkit\Messages namespace:
    • MessageInterface
    • IntegrationEventInterface
  • BREAKING Interfaces that type-hinted Bus\CommandInterface, Bus\QueryInterface or Bus\MessageInterface now type-hint the new interfaces in the Toolkit\Messages namespace.
  • BREAKING Moved the EventBus implementation from Infrastructure\EventBus to EventBus. In Deptrac, this namespace is now part of the Application Bus layer. Renamed the publisher handler and publisher handler containers to integration event handler and container - so that they can be used for both the publisher and notifier implementations.
  • BREAKING Removed the EventBus\PublishThroughMiddleware interface. Use the Toolkit\Messages\DispatchThroughMiddleware interface instead.


  • BREAKING removed the deptrac-layers.yaml file, in favour of applications including the classes in their own Deptrac configuration.

Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v1.0.0-rc.1


09 Feb 13:00
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  • Removed final from the DeferredDispatcher and UnitOfWorkAwareDispatcher classes so that they can be extended.

Event bus and domain event dispatcher improvements

07 Feb 18:28
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composer require cloudcreativity/ddd-modules



  • New DeferredDispatcher class for dispatching domain events when not using a unit of work.
  • New UUID factory interface and class, that wraps the ramsey/uuid factory to return UUID identifiers.
  • GUIDs that wrap UUIDs can now be created via the static Guid::fromUuid() method.
  • New SetupBeforeDispatch and TearDownAfterDispatch bus middleware, that can be used either to setup (and optionally tear down) application state around the dispatching of a message, or to just do tear down work.
  • The EventBus namespace now has a working implementation for publishing integration events.
  • Can now provide a closure to the ListOfErrorsInterface::first() method to find the first matching error.
  • Added the following methods to the ListOfErrorsInterface:
    • contains() - determines whether the list contains a matching error.
    • codes() - returns an array containing the unique error codes in the list.
  • Added an ErrorInterface::is() method to determine whether an error matches a given code.


  • BREAKING - renamed the domain event Dispatcher class to UnitOfWorkAwareDispatcher.
  • BREAKING - removed the IntegrationEvents namespace and moved to the Infrastructure\EventBus namespace.
  • BREAKING - the IntegrationEventInterface now expects the UUID to be an identifier UUID, not a Ramsey UUID.
  • The UUID factory from the ramsey/uuid package is now used when creating new UUID identifiers.


  • The unit of work manager now correctly handles re-attempts so that deferred events are not dispatched multiple times.

PHPStan and iterable improvements

02 Dec 20:40
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composer require cloudcreativity/ddd-modules



  • New LazyListOfIdentifiers class for lazy iteration over a list of identifiers.
  • Log context for a result now includes the value if it is a scalar value (string, integer, float, or boolean).


  • BREAKING: add the $stack property to the ListTrait and KeyedSetTrait traits, and use generics to indicate the value they hold. This is breaking because it will cause PHPStan to fail for existing classes the use these traits.
  • BREAKING: renamed the LazyIteratorTrait to LazyListTrait and defined its values using generics.

Result fixes and improvements

30 Nov 17:38
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  • Log context for a result now includes the value if it implements ContextProviderInterface or IdentifierInterface.
  • BREAKING: added a safe method to the ResultInterface, that gives access to the result value without throwing an
    exception if the result is an error.


  • Remove EntityTrait::getId() nullable return type as it is always set.
  • Fix generic return type on Result::ok() method.