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pypi-jsonschema: Autospec creation for update from version 4.17.3 to …
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…version 4.18.4

Aryan Arora (1):
      documentation mistype fix

Daniël van Noord (3):
      Use only ``autodoc`` to generate the API documentation
      Add ``_VerboseError``
      Use ``ClassVar`` for ``_Error`` attributes

Ilya Konstantinov (3):
      Do not validate for unevaluatedProperties

Julian Berman (141):
      Remove noise from the Sphinx config.
      Handle the TypeVar for format checker callables.
      Don't document jsonschema.protocols.Validator twice.
      One layer of API indexes rather than 2.
      Slightly better order for the submodules.
      Add a docstring-ish for exceptions.relevance.
      Jammy changed the libenchant package name.
      Use the newer attrs interface in the test suite loader.
      Remove types-attrs from the typing env dependencies.
      Fix a missing install command for the perfsuite env.
      More type sprinkling in the suite loader.
      Introduce _Case in the test suite loader.
      Replace safety with pip-audit.
      Remove the CLI example from the readme.
      Finish formatting the README via one sentence per line.
      Just pre-calculate the remotes in the suite loader.
      Run pip-licenses on the format-nongpl extra.
      pypa/setuptools#3276 is merged, remove some testing warning config.
      pypy3.8 -> 3.9
      Replace codecov with coverage (7)'s native markdown support.
      Handle tox 4 (passenv doesn't take spaces now).
      Update docs requirements.
      More tox4 setting updating.
      Run pip-audit only once, not for each OS.
      tox.ini quoting seems to have changed too.
      Preemptively tweak an isort setting.
      Add a few examples of jsonschema.validators.validator_for.
      Squashed 'json/' changes from 78c888273..6b3cac42b
      Handle the upstream change to the previously broken draft 3 test.
      Squashed 'json/' changes from 6b3cac42b..d21ed578a
      Remove some old test skips that should never be triggered.
      Minor spelling and style.
      Update docs requirements.
      Squashed 'json/' changes from d21ed578a..f57d3e0cc
      Fix some (irrelevantly) broken JSON pointers in CLI tests.
      More specific type.
      Don't leak into _VALIDATORS during tests either.
      Add a microbenchmark for validator creation.
      Style, and don't interfere with a test.
      Drop support for 3.7.
      Move to retrieving schemas from the jsonschema-specifications registry.
      Deprecate jsonschema.RefResolver from both places it is importable.
      Load the test suite into a referencing.Registry for running tests.
      Minor regrouping of some to-be-modified/deprecated RefResolver tests.
      Offload a small initial bit of id-related code to referencing.
      Inline a function that will be RefResolver specific.
      Move reference resolution to a (private) Validator method.
      Deprecate Validator.resolver.
      Actually depend on referencing and update docs requirements.
      Make an evolve test not refer to reference resolution.
      Move Validator._resolver to _ref_resolver.
      Resolve $ref using the referencing library.
      Claim full support now that we pass all referencing tests.
      Flail to get Sphinx to find references again.
      Fix the benchmark to pass the right type for remotes again.
      Update docs requirements.
      Pin to newer pyrsistent.
      Tighten up a type in the tests.
      Add some prose documentation on the new referencing API.
      These pass now actually.
      Again bump the referencing version.
      Re-add the direct test of RefResolver's deprecation.
      Improve error messages for deprecation tests when they fail.
      Three more exception-related deprecations.
      Elaborate a bit more in the referencing doc
      Replace the other usages of pyrsistent with rpds.
      Avoid whatever nonsense pkg_resources error.
      Speed up Validator.evolve by pre-computing fields.
      Bump requirements.
      Link to the new referencing doc page.
      Another version bump.
      Mention 3.7 support being dropped in the CHANGELOG.
      Maybe fix PDF builds (in ReadTheDocs).
      Take 3 on fixing RTD PDF Builds.
      Try yet again??
      Squashed 'json/' changes from f57d3e0cc..19947eaa1
      Ignore additionalItems when items isn't present on 2019.
      Newer attrs API in and some type hints for create.
      Remove a codepath meant for 3.7.
      flake8 -> ruff, a mostly painless affair.
      Enable ruff's simplify rules too.
      Another dangling Sphinx ref that seemed to only fail on Ubuntu.
      We were relying on an import * for doctests.
      Add 2 more minor deprecations to the changelog.
      Allow the PSFL in non-GPL licenses.
      Bump the minimum jsonschema-specifications/rpds versions to avoid #1059
      Always pass a URI to referencing.jsonschema.specification_with.
      Update minimum requirements for referencing libraries.
      Exclude bots from release notes.
      Squashed 'json/' changes from 19947eaa1..0788c226a
      Add a few more lines to the CHANGELOG.
      Bump the minimum referencing version again.
      Update docs requirements.
      Update requirements.
      Wrap raised referencing exceptions in a RefResolutionError subclass.
      Ignore non-str $ids for *deprecated* RefResolver resolution.
      Re-enable (but deprecate) automatic reference retrieval.
      Squashed 'json/' changes from 0788c226a..6afa9b38d
      Add the new JSON and JSON Schema classifiers, hooray!
      Looks like Hatchling needs a bump before this can actually happen.
      Fix an additional unintentional resolution scope change in RefResolver
      Re-add the JSON trove classifiers.
      Remove keep-runtime-typing which was removed from ruff.
      Slightly speed up unevaluatedProperties in the failing case.
      Update docs requirements.
      Dead file.
      Enable dependabot for GH Actions and pip-compile
      Fix some markdown formatting.
      Enable prettier (and ruff) in pre-commit
      Update requirements.
      Ignore some ANN style checks even though we don't check ANN yet.
      No idea why mypy still isn't happy, but shh please.
      Remove dead (3.7) references to importlib_metadata.
      tox -> nox
      Move coverage settings to pyproject.toml
      Evade some typing-related coverage (mis)-reporting
      Update the brief README note from tox to nox
      Remove tests already covered by the suite.
      Minor improvements to test coverage (via ignoring).
      More minor internal coverage related settings and setup tweaks.
      Whoops, re-fix the noxfile env names.
      Don't skip covered files in coverage HTML reports.
      Try again at coverage without a separate shell script.
      Fix the rendering of __str__ on wrapped referencing exceptions.
      Move to using Trusted Publishers.
      Squashed 'json/' changes from 6afa9b38d..b069ac352
      Remove another deprecated import from the API documentation.
      Ensure twine checks the README in strict mode.
      Add Unlicense to the allowed non-GPL license audit list.
      Don't uselessly recombine registries each time we recurse into subschemas.
      Massage coverage numbers again.
      Only use a default (remote retrieving registry) when none is provided.
      Minor grammar fix.
      Make everywhere use the newer attrs APIs.
      Don't use nox.session.create_tmp.
      Twewak the build noxenv again.
      Fix a regression with RefResolver-based resolution in newly created drafts
      Fix an additional regression with RefResolver and pointer resolution.
      Properly preserve applicable_validators in extended validators.
      Improve the hashability of referencing exceptions when they contain hashable data.

Jyrki Muukkonen (1):
      fix: Python 3.11 date.fromisoformat() allows extra formats

pre-commit-ci[bot] (10):
      [] auto fixes from hooks
      [] pre-commit autoupdate
      [] pre-commit autoupdate
      [] pre-commit autoupdate
      [] pre-commit autoupdate
      [] pre-commit autoupdate
      [] pre-commit autoupdate
      [] pre-commit autoupdate
      [] pre-commit autoupdate
      [] pre-commit autoupdate
  • Loading branch information
bryteise committed Aug 1, 2023
1 parent 0dcaec8 commit cc025a5
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 7 changed files with 31 additions and 20 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
PKG_NAME := pypi-jsonschema

include ../common/Makefile.common
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion buildreq_cache
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion options.conf
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = pypi-jsonschema
url =
url =
archives =
giturl =
domain =
Expand All @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ autoupdate = false
broken_c++ = false
# disable parallelization during build
broken_parallel_build = false
# create vendor archive with cargo
cargo_vendor = false
# this package is a library compatibility package and only ships versioned library files
compat = false
# set conservative build flags
Expand Down
32 changes: 19 additions & 13 deletions pypi-jsonschema.spec
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
# This file is auto-generated. DO NOT EDIT
# Generated by:
# Using build pattern: pyproject
Name : pypi-jsonschema
Version : 4.17.3
Release : 94
Source0 :
Version : 4.18.4
Release : 95
Source0 :
Summary : An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python
Group : Development/Tools
License : MIT
Expand All @@ -16,9 +17,12 @@ Requires: pypi-jsonschema-python = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: pypi-jsonschema-python3 = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: pypi(pyrsistent)
BuildRequires : buildreq-distutils3
BuildRequires : pypi(attrs)
BuildRequires : pypi(hatch_fancy_pypi_readme)
BuildRequires : pypi(hatch_vcs)
BuildRequires : pypi(hatchling)
BuildRequires : pypi(jsonschema_specifications)
BuildRequires : pypi(referencing)
BuildRequires : pypi-pytest
# Suppress stripping binaries
%define __strip /bin/true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,33 +66,35 @@ Group: Default
Requires: python3-core
Provides: pypi(jsonschema)
Requires: pypi(attrs)
Requires: pypi(pyrsistent)
Requires: pypi(jsonschema_specifications)
Requires: pypi(referencing)
Requires: pypi(rpds_py)

%description python3
python3 components for the pypi-jsonschema package.

%setup -q -n jsonschema-4.17.3
cd %{_builddir}/jsonschema-4.17.3
%setup -q -n jsonschema-4.18.4
cd %{_builddir}/jsonschema-4.18.4
pushd ..
cp -a jsonschema-4.17.3 buildavx2
cp -a jsonschema-4.18.4 buildavx2

export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
export no_proxy=localhost,,
export LANG=C.UTF-8
export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1672285130
export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1690881688
export AR=gcc-ar
export RANLIB=gcc-ranlib
export NM=gcc-nm
export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O3 -fdebug-types-section -femit-struct-debug-baseonly -ffat-lto-objects -flto=auto -g1 -gno-column-info -gno-variable-location-views -gz "
export FCFLAGS="$FFLAGS -O3 -fdebug-types-section -femit-struct-debug-baseonly -ffat-lto-objects -flto=auto -g1 -gno-column-info -gno-variable-location-views -gz "
export FFLAGS="$FFLAGS -O3 -fdebug-types-section -femit-struct-debug-baseonly -ffat-lto-objects -flto=auto -g1 -gno-column-info -gno-variable-location-views -gz "
export CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -O3 -fdebug-types-section -femit-struct-debug-baseonly -ffat-lto-objects -flto=auto -g1 -gno-column-info -gno-variable-location-views -gz "
export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O3 -fdebug-types-section -femit-struct-debug-baseonly -ffat-lto-objects -flto=auto -g1 -gno-column-info -gno-variable-location-views -gz=zstd "
export FCFLAGS="$FFLAGS -O3 -fdebug-types-section -femit-struct-debug-baseonly -ffat-lto-objects -flto=auto -g1 -gno-column-info -gno-variable-location-views -gz=zstd "
export FFLAGS="$FFLAGS -O3 -fdebug-types-section -femit-struct-debug-baseonly -ffat-lto-objects -flto=auto -g1 -gno-column-info -gno-variable-location-views -gz=zstd "
export CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -O3 -fdebug-types-section -femit-struct-debug-baseonly -ffat-lto-objects -flto=auto -g1 -gno-column-info -gno-variable-location-views -gz=zstd "
export MAKEFLAGS=%{?_smp_mflags}
python3 -m build --wheel --skip-dependency-check --no-isolation
pushd ../buildavx2/
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion release
@@ -1 +1 @@
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions testresults
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Total : 0
Total : 1
Pass : 0
Fail : 0
Fail : 1
Skip : 0
XFail : 0
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion upstream
@@ -1 +1 @@

0 comments on commit cc025a5

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