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Make sharing mixins, partials, and variables across web properties a breeze by effortlessly generating a shipable sass library for your design system.

Just give scss-extractor an entry point to sass code that is shared across multiple sites and it will extract your mixins, partials, and variables into a sass partial for inclusion in other builds.

This allows you to share precompiled core css across projects, while also providing a shared sass library.

Ways to use scss-extractor

There are a few a ways you can use scss-extractor.

As a Standalone Executable

Install the extractor with yarn:

yarn add --dev scss-extractor

Or npm:

npm install --save-dev scss-extractor

Then run the extractor on a scss file:

scss-extractor inputfile.scss > _outputfile.scss

Execute scss-extractor --help to get a list of command line options. Each command line options maps to an API option shown in the table below.

As an API


const extractor = require('scss-extractor')"@mixin a-mixin() {}").then(result => {

The extractor can be called programatically using either the generic run function as shown above:

<PostCSS.Result> async function run(<string> input, <Object> opts)

Or it can be called through the cli wrapper. The only difference is that the cli wrapper loads the file based on the opts array for you:

<PostCSS.Result> async function runCli(<Object> opts)

Each function takes an opts array with configuration, and returns a PostCSS result object. The transformed scss is contained in result.css.


The following options can be provided either on the command line or through the opts array:


The path to the scss entrypoint. If this is not provided, imports will be resolved using process.cwd() as the root path.

Default: null

Command Line Argument: <1>


Filters which sass imports are aggregated. The value being filtered is the path to the resolved import relative to inputFile.

Default: null

Command Line Argument: -i, --importfilter=...


This will expand @my-org/... imports only.

Command Line Example: --importfilter=^node_modules/@my-org API Example: { importfilter: '^node_modules/@my-org' }


This option is not available on a cli. It allows you to swap the importer with any node-sass compatible importer.

Default: require('npm-sass').importer


This will discard any unresolvable imports from the generated sass partial.

Default: false

Command Line Argument: -f, --fix-imports


Atrules in the allowed list will be extracted into the generated sass partial.

Default: ['mixin', 'function', 'import']

Command Line Argument: -e <atrules>, --extract=<atrules>


Atrules in the disallow list will be completely removed from the generated sass partial upon

encounter. This is generally reserved for anything that would generate css output if compiled.



Command Line Argument: -d <atrules>, --disallow=<atrules>


Collects the imports that did not pass the importFilter at the top of the file.

Default: false Command Line Argument: -n, --normalize-imports

As a Library of postcss Plugins

The scss-extractor package is built on the postcss project. It provides several postcss plugins that can be used independently of the high level extractor API:


Extracts functions, variables, mixins from your sass to create a sass partial library.






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